Wednesday, July 31, 2019
American War effort in Vietnam Essay
The Vietnam War is viewed by the majority as one of the worst periods in American history. The Americans moved into Vietnam in 1954 under the pretence of fighting against an â€Å"evil and aggressive Communist regime†1. The government stated the Domino Theory as a reason for involving themselves in someone else’s war, whereby if America did not stop Vietnam from falling to Communism then other countries would follow, and American liberty, free enterprise and security would be put at risk. It is hard to define one important reason for the American’s defeat in Vietnam. There are many factors that explain it: restrictions on the military and tactics that the American army employed, coupled with the strength of the North Vietnamese Army. The war also cost a lot of money, which meant inflation, tax rises and America’s economy suffering. The collapse of the home front and the lack of support from the media was cause for the presidents to retreat and was another reason for the undermining of the war effort. This information from home often leaked to the front line and caused the deterioration of troops’ morale, also, the government was often criticised for not understanding the political nature of Vietnam, where no-one really understand or cared about the term democracy. The general consensus by most historians is that the military tactics employed played a large part in determining the outcome of the war. Justin Wintle’s ‘The Vietnam Wars’ concentrates on the military aspects, and suggests that while the Americans had a superior military and equipment, the tactics they used were useless due to the environment in Vietnam – Westmoreland’s search-and-destroy operations would have been an effective opposition to guerrilla combat, ‘or would have done had they been able to take place in a sealed environment ventilated by the Ho Chi Minh Trail’2, proving that the tactics used were inappropriate and not well thought out by the army generals. Even Major John Fenzel in the US Army agreed that defeat was due to tactical failures, which meant that they could not compete with the ‘multi-faceted strategy of insurgency and protraction’3 of the North Vietnamese army. General Bruce Palmer Jr. stated that Vi etnam was ‘†¦a devilishly clever mixture of conventional warfare fought somewhat unconventionally and guerrilla warfare fought in the classical manner’4. It was not just that the American strategy was ineffective; it was ineffective in the conditions and against a strong North Vietnamese army perfectly adapted to their environment. Due to the absolute strength of American air power, the Americans were lucky enough to keep a good death ratio where the number of Vietnamese deaths heavily outnumbered their own, however the fact that the war dragged on for so long greatly deteriorated the troops’ morale. Obvious tactical failures were the Phoenix Program under Nixon where troops agents infiltrated into Vietnamese peasant districts to detect activists, and while its effect was obvious, its methods were seen to be violent and news of innocents being murdered soon reached home. Operation Apache Snow, where American soldiers attacked Vietcong taking refuge on Ap Bia, now more commonly known as ‘Hamburger Hill’. Troops attacked with fire-fight, hand-to-hand combat and aerial bombardment, however this only served to increase opposition to the war, so ‘Hamburger Hill’ was abandoned, which impelled Senator Edward Kennedy to label the operation as ‘senseless and irrseponsible’5. Morale among the troops was also decreasing. When tactics looked successful, morale was high. But as strategies resorted to a degree of barbarism with innocents being killed and bombing raids, news of lack of support from the home front reached the front line and the drawn out nature of the war ensured that morale soon deteriorated. Also, the experience of war was reasonably comfortable, as Saunders points out in ‘Vietnam and the USA’; soldiers spent a considerable amount of time away from the front line and in Japan or Saigon for ‘Rest and Recuperation’, this obviously led to an ‘air of unreality and disorientation’6, where drug abuse was common. This lack of morale led to even more barbarism, one marine unit was known to say- ‘our emotions were very low because we’d lost a lot of friends†¦so†¦we gave it to them†¦whatever was moving was going to move no more – especially after (our) 3 days of blood and guts in the mud’7. There were other factors, which led to this low morale. It was often frustrating for some soldiers as men in authority were not always as experienced as them; this meant that there appeared to be little structure to strategies, leading to confusion. They also could not capture the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese, with the hamlet programme set-up by Diem, and the bombing of Vietnam by Americans, the Vietnamese peasants disliked American troops. However, it is easy to understand the Americans lack of reaction to the Vietnamese, as the circumstances of the war were obviously frustrating, and they felt that they were fighting someone else’s war, resenting the American government for sending them. This dislike for those who they were supposed to be helping meant that it was a difficult task for the American troops to win the war. The North Vietnamese Army (NVA) on the other hand were very well suited to the surroundings and made the most of their environment. The situation in Vietnam appeared to be, as James Cameron stated, ‘from the moment the US prepared its first bomb in the North of Vietnam, she welded the nation together unshakeably. Every bomb was a bonus for Ho Chi Minh’8. It seemed that whatever hindered the American army only strengthened the Vietnamese. What the Americans did not realise was that the blitzes from firepower united the North Vietnamese. Chinese and Soviet aid meant that the NVA could enjoy modern hardware: rocket launchers, anti-aircraft batteries, mortars and flamethrowers. The view shared by many historians is that ‘they could be defeated but they could never be vanquished’9, they had great perseverance and their tactics were clearly laid out, in summary: Americans attack and NVA retreat Americans camp and NVA raid Americans tire and NVA attack Americans retreat and NVA pursue The structure of the army also seemed more advanced than that of the Americans. Someone carrying supplies and ammunition maintained each unit. Structure was built upon the idea of ‘cells’ of three or ten men, so if they were discovered or captured, they would not lose large numbers of troops. This also meant that they could move around more stealthily and communication around the cell was easier. The NVA became expert at setting booby traps and it became hard for Americans to effectively fight them as they attacked enemy units and then quietly disappeared into the jungle. The communists were also better at winning over the Vietnamese population. Their combination of brutality and kindness allowed them to gain the support of the Vietnamese peasants. This obviously gave them an advantage over the American Army. The actions of the American Presidents also went some way in undermining the war effort. Eisenhower had restricted involvement in the war, rejecting any idea of bombing the country – ‘you boys must be crazy. We can’t use those awful things against Asians for the second time in less than ten years.’10. While he did give support to the French in their Vietnam battle, Eisenhower saw that sending troops in would be unwise. When Kennedy became president, he increased America’s commitment to Vietnam, needing a more adventurous foreign policy and bigger defence expenditure. The war is seen as ‘Johnson’s War’ as it was Johnson who started major escalation. With the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, it appeared that the population was behind Johnson and his efforts to send more troops to Vietnam, but towards the end of his term, public opinion had swayed and their was pressure to start bringing soldiers back home. Nixon had initially supported the war, but soon he was under a lot of pressure to allow fewer troops out, and bring more back. Nixon soon began to organise secret bombing campaigns so that he could fulfil his own wishes concerning Vietnam without losing the public’s confidence. Nixon was able to manipulate the situation by making announcements of troop withdrawals at times so that it would decrease opposition. Eventually, Nixon ended the war due to public opposition, the realisation that the war was not winnable, the need for a vote-winning action, and opposition from Congress. The main problem with the presidents is that they seemed to have their own personal agenda for Vietnam, knowing little about the actual situation. After a meeting with, Johnson and Kennedy, a State Department expert said – ‘†¦I was asked to say something at the end of the meeting and they looked at me absolutely helpless, the whole group of them. There was not a single person there who knew what he was talking about†¦They simply did not understand the identification of nationalism and Communism’11, this issue was also brought up at a National Teach-In, ‘the obsession of American policymakers with what they see as monolithic Communism has blinded them to the fact that Communism in Asia has adapted itself to nationalism’12. Those in power often fooled the public and therefore undermined American involvement in the war, as there was a good kill ratio, where it looked like the American forces were winning, officials could fool themselves into believing it would be a victory; however the Tet Offensive showed the reality of the situation. Presidents seemed to be set on destroying Communism, being blind to the fact that building a feasible South Vietnam was outside of America’s power, what was needed was for them to understand Vietnam and ‘work with rather than against this powerful forceâ₠¬â„¢13. The majority of Vietnamese did not ‘even know the difference between communism and democracy’14. The Vietnam War was the first war with free press, so the media played a huge part in undermining the war effort, undermining public opinion and demoralising American troops in Vietnam. The media had started off supporting the American presidents and their decisions about the war, however, their support soon decreased as news of the brutal reality of the war and the campaigns that had been covered-up leaked to the press. Press coverage was a major factor in ensuring lack of public support, and therefore the retreat of presidents from Vietnam. One notable example is the issue of ‘Life Magazine’, which saw a full edition with two hundred and forty-two photographs of the soldiers killed in Vietnam during just one week of fighting. As well as showing the hardships which Americans had to endure in Vietnam, the media showed ‘footage of the bulldozing of human carcasses into mass graves, the napalming of children, and the ravaging of villages by American soldiers’15, so that the public began to dislike soldiers, causing many men to try to dodge the draft. Not only did the media allow public opposition to spread, it also undermined the military; less people were drafted into the war, low morale, and secrets were leaked to the press from troops in Vietnam which the media was able to exploit. The NVA would then be able to see this and could expect attacks. The images that were on television were so powerful that they have been used as one of the main reasons why America was defeated due to the impression left on the public. Although, Riddick argues against this analysis – ‘while the media can influence public opinion, inVietnam media reportage merely reflected, and did not create the national mood of disillusionment’16. The government, however, understood how influential the loss of media support could be. In February 1968, a CBS reporter, Cronkite, left an aside not meant for broadcast – ‘what the hell is going on? I thought we were winning this war?’ President Johnson supposedly said – ‘If we’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Mr. Average citizen’. In order to cope with the expansion in Vietnam, US financial aid was greatly increased, Washington had, for example, sent out approximately $2billion worth of aid in the time running up to the Paris Peace Agreement. The war was costing money, and started to interfere with the economy. Johnson, however, would not admit to the extent of expenditure in case Congress decided to cut budgets on his domestic programmes. In 1965 the government deficit was $1.6billion, in 1968, it was $25.3billion, Johnson had not requested the required wartime tax increases. This resulted in inflation, and eventually taxpayers became indignant and they increased the pressure on Johnson to put an end to the war, or to take a different approach. The war was a great hindrance on America’s economic stature. It denied funds to America and other needs, such as hospitals and education. In the early sixties, Vietnam was popular; patriotism was strong in a confident nation, who assumed that they had the necessary weapons and firepower to assure victory. Opinions on the war differed according to geography and age. The Southern and Mid-West counties were conservative and patriotic whereas coastal counties were liberal and democratic. The older generations supported the war because of the effect of World War II, which had brought prosperity. The younger generations had more liberal attitudes. They were concerned with freedom of speech and self-expression. Conscription also made the war unpopular with young adults, which resulted in low morale in the army and a fall in the number of troops as draft papers were torn up. Further into the sixties, anti-war sentiment was growing in America, the turning point was the Tet Offensive, where the public was able to see the reality of the war and the fact that they were not winning. Soldiers returning home were jeered at and called ‘baby-killer’, and trust in the American government was lacking. At the onset of war, those who opposed it could be split directly into three categories: ‘people with left-wing political opinions†¦pacifists who opposed all wars†¦liberals who believed that the best way of stopping the spread of Communism was by encouraging democratic rather than authoritarian governments’17. The fact that presidents had decided to use chemical warfare especially upset the public as they saw images and heard stories of innocent men, women and children dying as a result. The mid-sixties was also a time of black rights. There were disproportionate numbers of blacks fighting in Vietnam, and it seemed unfair for America to expect blacks to fight this war for ‘freedom’ when they enjoyed little of this at home. Historians saw the blacks as ‘comparing themselves with the Vietnamese: both were, in their view, victims of a racist government’18. An International War Tribunal was set up and they, along with other critics, claimed that ‘US behaviour in Vietnam is comparable to the atrocities committed by the Nazis in WW2’19. In 1967, the ‘Vietnam Veterans Against the War’ was formed, one member stated ‘I hope that someday I can return to Vietnam and help to rebuild the country we tore apart’20. Also, anti-war leaders claimed that if troops were not withdrawn from Vietnam, the government might need to bring them home to stop a revolution. Apart from these comments to the government, several protests were taking place. By 1965, organised rallies were being held in approximately forty American cities and a few foreign capitals. There were a lot of students protests as the younger generations refused to accept the authority of the government. Groups against the war were dedicated to protesting for the withdrawal of troops, putting a lot of pressure on the government. Violent protests started to become more common as more atrocities became apparent in the press, specifically the incident of My Lai where about 400 innocents were murdered, which damaged the morale argument about the need to save Vietnam. In November 1965, Norman Morrison imitated the actions of Buddhist monk in Saigon by setting fire to himself out side the Pentagon. A protest at Kent University where four students were killed by open fire brought the message to the public that ‘loss of life as a result of the Vietnam War†¦was no longer confined to Indchina’21. There was still a considerable amount of support for the governments policies, however, even a minority in America can protest vociferously and make a huge difference, especially when figured of respect and authority speak out. For example, Senator J. William Fullbright spoke out against ‘that arrogance of power which has inflicted, weakened and in some cases destroyed great nations in the past’22, Martin Luther King also spoke out about how ‘the Great Society has been shot down on the battlefield of Vietnam’23. Public pressure meant that in 1968, Johnson had lost confidence in his decisions and his war and he announced he was calling of bombing raids and was prepared to open discussions on the possibilities of peace talks. However, the war was prolonged into Nixon’s term as president, which served only to strengthen the disquiet against the war. As C. Reich stated, ‘the War seemed to sum up the evils of our society: destruction of people†¦environment†¦war by the rich and powerful against the poor and helpless, justification based on abstract rationality, hypocrisy and lies’24. The presidents knew that unless public opinion was swayed towards them and the war, they would not be able to stay in power. By the time Vietnam ended, it was clear that a major reason for withdrawal was down to public opinion. There is no doubt that public opinion went a long way in ensuring that presidents retreated and the war effort undermined. Opposition resulted in a decline in troops and protests throughout America which demonstrated the unrest which politicians had to act on. However, there are other factors which add to this to explain America’s defeat, the failure of the American army against a strong Vietcong force, the role of the media, the economic situation due to mass expenditure, and the blindness of the government to the real situation in Vietnam. Saunders – ‘The USA and Vietnam’ (p.2) 2 Wintle – ‘The Vietnam Wars’ (p. 136) 3 Major John Fenzel – ‘Vietnam: We Could Have Won’ 4 General Bruce Palmer Jnr. – ‘The 25-Year War: America’s Military Role in Vietnam’ (p.176) 5 Wintle – ‘The Vietnam Wars’ (p.165) 6 Saunders – ‘The USA and Vietnam 1945 – 75’ (p.85) 7 Ibid. (p.89) 8 James Cameron – ‘Witness’ 9 Wintle – ‘The Vietnam Wars’ (p.165) 10 Saunders – ‘The USA and Vietnam 1954 – 75’ (p.32) 11 State Department Report 1963 12 National Teach-In – Gettleman – ‘Vietnam: History, Documents, and Opinions on a Major World Crisis’ (p.411) 13 Gettleman – ‘Vietnam: History, Documents, and Opinions on a Major World Crisis’ (p.411) 14 Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement – John Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations – 1971 15 Franklin H. Bruce – ‘From Realism to Virtual Reality: Images of America’s Wars’ (p.441) 16 Riddick – ‘The Vietnam War’ 17 A Vietnam Overview – 18 Higgins – ‘Vietnam’ (p.101) 19 A Vietnam Overview – 20 Ibid. 21 Wintle – ‘The Vietnam Wars’ (p.168) 22 Ibid. (p.157) 23 Ibid. (p.161) 24 C. Reich – ‘The Greening of America’ (p.194)
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Welcome speech for annual day
Every morning when I put on my Head Girl badge, I am reminded of the responsibility, challenges and leadership I entail. Although Yr 12 is often described as hectic, for me it has been a year of great discoveries. Where I have learnt from positive and negative experiences, learnt about myself and my peers, and gained the acquired knowledge I will need to carry on for the beginning of my adult life. When I think of the Student Council team this year, I see a group of passionate young adults who can work together in making positive changes throughout the school.Their strength, enthusiasm and positivity has been refreshing and assisted us through the years' hurdles. My experiences at Leeming Senior High School have shaped me into the Year 12 Student I am today and I thank the teachers, students and school for all they have contributed. â€Å"Ability is nothing without opportunity' I have been given countless opportunities to enhance my leadership skills and workshop my passion for dram a. I have attended various leadership camps such as the Sir Charles CourtLeaders Program in 2009 and the Amanda Young Leaders Eco-Summit in 2010. Both these camps not only taught me how to develop my leadership qualities but also bring these skills out into the community, and especially our school. My involvement in the annual school productions, ‘Summer of the Aliens' in 2009, ‘Ziggy's Bar – A Cabaret' in 2010 and this year's ‘A Dream Deferred'; can be characterised by the words: magical, emotional and at times, life changing. IVe come to believe the truth is the most valuable gift you can share with other people.Who you are and what you do is priceless. Sharing my experiences and leadership with the rest of LSHS, the class of 2011 and eventually the rest of the world, has and is one of my goals. My stories. My truths. So that we may all come to understand each other a little better. So that we may all find our own definition of what it means to be successf ul. So that our generation will be prepared to lead. I leave you with one last quote from Nelson Mandela, â€Å"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. â€Å"
Monday, July 29, 2019
Academic Goals
It’s opening night of â€Å"17 Again†starring Zac Effron, who is every teenage girl’s dream boyfriend. Do I study for my big Spanish exam or go out with my friends to see Zac Effron? When I have a big choice involving my social life and my academic career, I pick the less appealing choice: stay home in the office and study. Freshman year my dad told something that will always stick with me: â€Å"high school goes by very fast. Enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it, you will be applying for college, then jobs.†Don’t tell my dad, but he was right.High school went by so fast. I feel like yesterday I was losing sleep about what I was going to wear for the first day of freshman year.I have been involved in competitive ski racing for seven years. Being so competitive results in traveling and missing school, I have been very good with getting my homework in advance and getting it done on the car ride to Michigan, Colorado, or wherever the race take s me that weekend. My goal is to excel in school so I can be prepared for a job in the medical profession. In college, I hope to learn more about radiology and someday have a profession in the radiology field. Graduating from college would allow me to share my talents with the world and help people.Even though Zac Effron will never be my boyfriend, â€Å"17 Again†will come out on DVD. My future depends on my academic career. Whether it is my teenage boy fantasy or a weekend of ski racing, school comes first. I will always have my parents’ advice, love and support to thank for that.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Total confinement Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Total confinement - Term Paper Example Such units are meant for aggressive inmates. Generally, the units are single-cell, and are designed for confining inmates for up to 23-hours in one day over extremely period of time. Inmates in control units are mainly barred from enjoying normal contact with prison officials and fellow inmates. In contrast, the definition of a control unit is still debatable, since different countries have their own ways of categorizing prisons as Supermax (Rhodes, 2004). However, there are some general features which apply across board as far as Supermax prisons are concerned. Firstly, Supermax prisons provide long-term imprisonment of convicts. Once a criminal convict has been transferred to a control unit, he or she is expected to serve their sentence for several decades or indefinitely. Secondly, prison wardens and the administrators are at liberty to exercise high-handedness in their effort to exalt punishment on or in management of inmates (Rhodes, 2004). Any decisions made by the administrators or guards working in control units are final. Thirdly, Supermax prisons provide limited opportunities for inmate activities. The administrators limit entertainment, education, and recovery plans from substance abuse. In a nutshell, control units deviate from the generally rehabilitative culture of other prison facilities. Finally, inmates in Supermax prisoners are segregated from other prisoners, and as such, they are in solitary confinement. Supermax Prisons are primarily meant for intensive, and permanent solitary confinement purposes, which essentially deprives the inmates some of their human rights. The segregation policy is designed to inflict punishment upon the prisoners and safeguard them from causing self-harm or injury to others. Supermax inmates are allowed limited interaction with individuals from outside, perhaps because such interactions may heighten their criminal behaviour. In control units, inmates are normally permitted
China economic model Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
China economic model - Assignment Example The short supply of skilled laborers in China is part of the problem. The Chinese culture has never respected the value of intellectual properly probably because they are the merchants of pirated merchandise in the world. Due to this business culture the local inventors know that if they file for a patent, nobody will respect it and the product will get imitated. The government does not prosecute violators of intellectual property crimes even though there are some laws that are suppose to protect inventors and innovation in the business industry. China has forgotten than in the long term patents are what enable firms to gain incredible amounts of wealth. The American pharmaceutical industry in the great example of the value intellectual property can bring to firm. Raising money for smaller firms is difficult anywhere in the world. In China the task become much greater. The underlying behind this is the fact that the state is owner of the banks due to the communist Chinese regime. Since the state owns the banks the state tend to lend money only to state-owned companies that are large and can create a greater amount of jobs opportunities for the people. Small companies have to resort to the underground economy to receive financing. The three primary sources that lend money to these firms are: pawn shops, â€Å"credit guarantee firms†, and small industrial companies (Doungguan, 2009). These are informal creditors which operate under different type rules than the normal banking industry. They charge high interest and expect their money back in the short to medium term. The small business must produce fast, otherwise bankruptcy is inevitable because they face high short term liabilities. China has been hit harder than other civilized western countries by the global financial crisis. Some cities have lost between 33% to 50% of their overall employment because due to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Geology of China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Geology of China - Assignment Example The Rift Valley system starts in East Africa, from the Gulf of Aden and ends in Malawi. However, it is seismically vigorous beyond Malawi. The Rift began in the north at the commencement of Tertiary and progressed to the south with time. Therefore, it has its beginning in the far-off hot position as an enormous domal upgrade (Afro-Arabian Dome) covering over 1000 km in width. The oceanic cracks in the Red Sea meet with those in the Indian Ocean. Rift System constitutes the third wing, a compound attribute with two major Rift branches, a Western and an Eastern Rifts. The Eastern Rift has a wide range of volcanoes from Suswa up to Turkana. Subsequent hot spot embodied by the Kenya domal elevation forms the base of the Rift that is elliptical in design and approximately 1000 km broad. It has three Rift wings, two of them establish the main cleft; the third (Kavirondo) suppresses the trending west from the central point of the dome. To the north, around Lake Turkana precincts sedimentation subjugates volcanic production. Consequently, Prospecting for petroleum and gas within a sedimentary block of the floor are starting to occur. The Western split of deep lakes and a small number of volcanoes, changes the course of the eastern border of the Kenyan field: Uganda to Tanzania and progressing south to Malawi. The base of that Rift contains sediments (containing hydrocarbons) that are longer in shape, and occupying a sink of 4.5 km in height, but volcanism is secondary. Apart from that, it hosts Africa’s major active volcanoes around Virunga Mountains. The Rift Valley is a structure of faults edging at 40-60 km wide through, opening outwards in the north region. The Kenyan Rift changes direction and splays towards the north and south Tanzania. Domal improvement and proliferation leads to a fracture in the brittle crust. Subsequently, an array of typical faults resulted in the classic Horst structure of the
Friday, July 26, 2019
English law allows parties the utmost freedom to agree their own legal Essay
English law allows parties the utmost freedom to agree their own legal relations and liabilities without limitation and interrup - Essay Example This means that a salient factor that distinguishes contractual obligations from other forms of legal obligations is that contracts are premised upon agreements. Likewise, this is important since people can agree to exchange any goods and / or services, provided they are legit. Similarly, if the basic requirements of a contract have been met, then English law may not step in to curtail parties the utmost freedom to agree on their own legal relations and liabilities. Some of these essential requirements include the presence of offer and acceptance, consideration which supports the agreement, and an intention to create legal relations. The exception to this is when the modalities such as the Sales of Goods Act 1979, the Exclusion Clause and UCTA and implied terms therein as laid down to govern contracts have been violated. An exception that curtails the utmost freedom for parties to agree on their legal liabilities and relations without restrictions is the Exclusion Clause. This is bec ause the Exclusion Clause restricts or excludes the liability of one of the parties. Normally, it is the seller whose liability is restricted. However, it is important to note that the Exclusion Clause is not accorded blanket application so that wicked sellers can breach their initially agreed upon contractual obligations. On the contrary, the Exclusion Clause is applied in light of the contra proferentum rule. This can be seen in the case Wallis, Son & Wells v Pratt and Haynes. In this case, a seed sale contract clause argued that sellers did not give any implied or expressed warranties concerning the description of the seeds. The seeds were not found to match the description they had been previously given. In this effect, it was held that the clause was only applicable to the warranty and that the description being referred to was part of the conditions that made the contract. Particularly, the House of Lords ruled that there was no instance in which sellers are not to fulfill the ir warranty, whether this warranty is implied or direct. This is to the effect that any clause which does not explicitly detail conditions will normally not exclude liability for breach of conditions (House of Lords, 2012, p. 1). The crux of the matter above is that the circumstances which may compel the seller in the contract to apply to be absolved from the responsibilities or liabilities spelt out in the contract must have been caused by unforeseen circumstances (D. Ashcroft and J. Ashcroft, 2010, p. 66). Conversely, in this instance where unforeseen circumstances bedevil the business or the seller, the liability limitation may come into succour businesses which cannot afford to shoulder the burden on consequential and unforeseen losses that may threaten to subject a business to insolvency. Siems (2003, p. 35) explains further that the situation above was exemplified by the case British Fermentation Products Ltd v Compair Reavell Ltd [1999]. In this case, the British Fermentation Products Limited was the purchaser of a compressor of air supply under proper pressure to aerate and mix well, which was to help produce yeast. The supplier would be Compair Reavell Limited. The compressors failed to work well several times even after several replacements were delivered. Even though the amount of damages surpassed ? 1 million, Judge Bowsher Q.C.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Article Review 2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Article Review 2 - Case Study Example 19% of children had severe autism, 36% were moderately autistic and 43% showed symptoms of autism. 67% of children were 12 years or younger. 80% of the children were male. Questionnaires were used to get the Peruvian parents’ stress profiles which were translated in Spanish for easy understanding. The t-test was used for analyzing data. Research findings: `Research revealed that parents for children with autism were more stressed than those for children with no disabilities. The parents for autistic children with cognitive impairment and life span care were highly stressed. Security and safety were the main reasons for children as they could not be left alone and required constant looking after. Moreover, there was huge concern for their future welfare when parents would be no more. Taking the income group as independent variable, it was also found that financial aspect was not very relevant for parents from middle and high income group. But it was a critical factor for parent s belonging to low income group. They were considerably more worried because they could not afford care services for their children with autism. The children required specialized medical care and skill which was not easily accessible due to financial constraints. Stated implications by investigator(s): The study has important implications as it focuses on difficulties and anxieties faced by parents, caregivers and family. The plethora of problems like decreased efficacy, increased stress and other health related issues have negative impact on the autistic child and may even reduce or even nullify positive interventions. The major implications of the study revealed that stress had adverse impact on the overall development of children with autism. It significantly changed the behavior of the parents towards their autistic children which increased the potential for negative development outcome as against those parents’ behavior who were less stressed out. This was important beca use behavioral shortcomings of parents may also be reflected in the behavior of autistic child who could become more agitated and violent, thus endangering his/her own safety along with that of others. Bringing up of autistic children is onerous experience for parents, families and caregivers. It was also deduced that if the specialized services are accessible either free or at reduced cost to low income group parents of autistic children, they have better chance of gaining employment and meeting their needs as well as the needs of their children, especially autistic children. Full day care services will allow parents with more opportunities for employment and give them time for completing household and other important chores which was hitherto used in caring for their autistic children. This would reduce their stress level and help them to focus on the needs of their children with autism. Moreover, with local care centers, travel time would be significantly reduced thereby ensuring better care for autistic children. The self efficacy of parents therefore, emerges as key issue for improving and improvising the care services for autistic children. The cognitive and adaptive limitations of the autistic children were crucial issue for parents, family and caregivers as they significantly limit their ability for independent living. The fact they require some
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Japanese Distribution System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Japanese Distribution System - Essay Example Wholesalers - Intermediaries or middlemen who buy products from manufacturers and resell them to retailers. They take the same type of financial risk as retailers, since they purchase the products, keep them in inventory until they are resold to retailers, and may arrange for shipment to those retailers. Agents and/or brokers - Intermediaries who work between suppliers and retailers. They do not take ownership of the products they sell and are independent sales representatives who typically work on commission based on sales volume. They can sell to wholesalers as well as retailers. The Japanese distribution system accommodates the cultural and economic concerns of business establishments in Japan. This is such as business relationships are heralded as more important than implementing immediate and profitable business decisions that might trigger a strain in fulfilling social obligations to the participants in the distribution channels. Both Japanese and foreign observers, above all the United States, claimed that such intimate business relationships between an (in comparison to the United States) unusually high number of small players (both retail and wholesale establishments) not only formed a non-tariff barrier to foreign suppliers, but that such business relationships were protected... Agent or Broker Channel - This type of arrangement can include producers selling to agents, agents selling to wholesalers, who sell to retailers, who then sell to consumers. The Japanese distribution system accommodates the cultural and economic concerns of business establishments in Japan. This is such as business relationships are heralded as more important than implementing immediate and profitable business decisions that might trigger a strain in fulfilling social obligations to the participants in the distribution channels. Both Japanese and foreign observers, above all the United States, claimed that such intimate business relationships between an (in comparison to the United States) unusually high number of small players (both retail and wholesale establishments) not only formed a non-tariff barrier to foreign suppliers, but that such business relationships were protected by a legislation (the Large-Scale Retail Stores Law) that was in favor of small-scale establishments. The revision of the statute as demanded by the United States was therefore seen as hopeful solution to "modernize" the Japanese distribution system (less small-scale operations) and also pave the way for Japanese and foreign suppliers to enter the Japanese market. 1.1 The Japanese distribution system as barrier to trade When Japan surrendered to the American supremacy on August 15, 1945, the Japanese economy was in almost near collapse1 and Japan had to finally accept foreign occupation to their economy for the first time in its history. The occupation by the Allied Powers2 lasted over six years, obliviously more than double the originally envisaged three years.3 The Allied Powers had originally planned to contain Japan into a
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The economic impact of Rosie the Riviter during ww2 Essay
The economic impact of Rosie the Riviter during ww2 - Essay Example When US entered in the war, much of human resources that served auto industry earlier were now picking up the tasks of serving the nation as soldiers. United States was already struggling from great depression before the Word War-2. The unemployment rates were higher. In such a crisis time, World War-2 opened a big requirement for soldiers on the front, and the jobs were emptied in industrial city Detroit. Resultantly, a large sum of American population entered in the arsenal jobs (as well as some emptied factory jobs). Notably, most jobs were fulfilled by American Woman. According to the historical records, a big percentage came from African- American woman who shifted out from their traditional tasks to fulfill the emptied position of arsenal factory works. Immediate Economic support Before the World War, United States was mired in the great depression. Unemployment which had been as high as 24.9 in 1933 still averaged 14.6 in 1944. During the World War unemployment dropped rapidly . In 1942 it averaged 4.7 and in 1944 it reaches wartime 1.2. As a result the image of Rosie the riveter and America as the arsenal of democracy stayed with Americans long after the Second World War was over.3 This historical event soon came out in form of a cult figure Rosie the Riveter, who represents the woman working on traditionally considered man’s job such as welding and riveting. As mention above, Rosie the Riveter came up as a cult figure of that movement named over her. United States’ economy was highly pressured earlier of World War. However, during the World War Rosie the Riveters somehow balanced the production unit of socio-economical context, which had some long lasting effects over State’s economy. Sudden drop in unemployment helped United States to balance the social environment which could otherwise collapse due to high defense budget and comparatively lower number of human resources for supporting industries and home conditions. Many reports i ndicate that rarely any industrial sources had been shut down.4 However, most of the industries had to compromise from their regular tasks and were on a hold during the World War. Comparable to the earlier times, Industries were not in wore conditions than the great depression. Depression had caused many industries to shut down while World War had put them on halt. Suddenly after the Rosie the riveter phenomenon came out as a moment among woman of United States, African-American woman participated in it in a larger number than white women. States reached out to a balanced situation as compared to earlier years of World War. However, Rosie the Riveter moment is often taken as a matter of criticism when it comes to the payment of woman which was still lower than payments of men.5 The Socio-economical change Before 1942, World War had engaged much of lower class human resources. Emptied places were filled by ‘Rosies’ who had a large number of African American women. Neil a Wynn made an analysis which asserts that around 1,000,000 African-Americans were employed, and 600,000 of them were women.6 Noticeable fact is that U.S. had not overcome from the racist troubles till the time. African-Americans had it harder to get into many jobs and mostly it were men who were making money for the family. In such a situation, when ‘
Problems of farmers in present day of Life Essay Example for Free
Problems of farmers in present day of Life Essay We think of farms as always being there. Food will always be grown. Our countryside will be full of cows and crops just like it always has been. The fact is that this may not be true. Farmers are faced with the growing costs to run their farms. These costs include taxes, insurance, and regular farm costs. When we visited a farm, the farmer said that this was one of his main concerns. and not the weather conditions like we thought. Farmers are being offered big money to sell their farms. Companies that are building lots of houses and condominiums buy up farm land so that city people can move into the country. They break up the farm land into smaller pieces of land. In the picture on the right, you will see an example of how housing developments are gradually taking over valuable farm land. With more people traveling and moving into the country, more roads need to be built. Roads take up land, too. Many times the land is farmland. So, the farmer is offered lots of money to sell their land. The high taxes and farm costs make this look good to farmers. Another big threat is roads that go around cities. These are called loops or bypasses. These use up farm land, parks, and green spaces edging our cities. This has had a terrible track record over the past few years, although many mayors and members of Congress now want to build more. As a nation, we should stop giant highways and promote new transportation that helps the economy and the environment. We interviewed former Congressman and former head of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority Neil Gallagher who said, New Jersey used to make awful smells that would spread across the area from a major pig farm in Secaucus. A plan then was made by Governor Al Driscoll to run a highway through New York State to the crossing of the Delaware River to take out the traffic on Highway Number 1. In order to build these roadways, all the roads had to connect and pass through Secaucus which had to be the hub of the highway. In order to do this, the government had to buy all the pig farms in Secaucus. Mr. Gallagher remembers that several laws were passed: A new organization was formed called the New Jersey Turnpike Authority. Creation of an organization that would buy the farms at a fair price. Allowing the turnpike to sell bonds to raise money to buy the land and build the road. The bonds would be paid for by the tolls that were collected on the turnpike. [Two thirds of the money came from out-of-state drivers.] The result of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority closing down the farms was that we lost the farm land, and the new use of that land resulted in the greatest economic boom that the state of New Jersey had ever seen. The road itself created all new jobs throughout the state and in Secaucus itself. Let’s use the New Jersey Meadowlands sports complex as an example. This land became some of the most valuable land in the metropolitan area when the Meadowlands [including Giant Stadium, the race track, and Continental Arena] was built where pig farms used to be. Mr. Gallagher feels that, â€Å"Sometimes the price of progress is finding a better use of land that benefits more people at the expense of a more rural and quiet way of life. The threat to farming had to be raised for the people of the state. This is one example, but a balance does have to be set from nature and a growing society.†Many people would agree with Mr. Gallagher’s statements and many others would not. No matter where you stand on the loss of valuable farmland to development, you need to always be concerned about the future of our farming communities.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Henry David Thoreau and Resistance to Civil Government Essay Example for Free
Henry David Thoreau and Resistance to Civil Government Essay Henry David Thoreau was the most active participant in the Transcendentalist movement. He was a student and mentee of Ralph Waldo Emerson. While Emerson had transcendental ideas, Thoreau would act on them and fully practice them. Hence, he felt that he and others should resist America’s Civil Government. I heartily accept the motto, That government is best which governs least; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. (Thoreau) Thoreau starts out his famous essay with the statement that government should be weak and the people strong. He was a strong advocate of the individual the rights of the individual. To him, a person should be self reliant, as Emerson taught. He felt that the more citizens relied on their government for their needs, then the stronger the government would become and that could be dangerous. He felt that being controlled by a government, or anything else for that matter, was a tragedy in a person’s life. The main reason that Thoreau wrote Resistance to Civil Government was because he was completely tired of a government that could allow slavery to exist. Slavery was an institution in the Southern states where people actually owned African Americans. He felt that if it was wrong for a government to have to much power over the individual and his/her rights, then surely it was wrong for another human to own another. In the institution of slavery, the slave has no rights at all. Slaves were made to work extremely hard. Thoreau had nothing against hard work for an individual’s own self-reliance, but the slave did not benefit from his/her work. The owner reaped all of the profit. They did not get to choose their profession, it was illegal to teach them to read or write, many owners beat them, and they could be sold away from their families at any time. The owner controlled everything about them even life and death. Slavery went against everything that Thoreau believed about government and the individual. If it was true that it government should have as little control as possible, then it was an abomination that this kind of power could control another. Thoreau was so appalled that a government that claimed in its constitution that all men were created equal, could turn a blind eye to the institution of slavery. He decided that since his tax dollars went to a government that supported such an institution, he would no longer pay his taxes. He hoped that he could inspire others who proclaimed abolitionist thoughts would do the same. However, they did not. In fact when Emerson came to the jail to post his bond, he asked Thoreau why he was in jail. Thoreau responded by asking Emerson why he was not in there with him. Thoreau’s idea of civil disobedience to a government that is not of the people has been successful for several generations after Thoreau’s death. He impacted the lives of such great men as Ghandi and the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. King used Thoreau’s method and turned a nation around and forced it to recognize the civil rights of all people by Resistance to Civil Government. Thoreau and his idea of peaceful protest will remain an affective way to change governments for generations to come.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Interview With an Entrepreneur
Interview With an Entrepreneur Interviewee: Sayed Yousuf Ali I interviewed a successful entrepreneur from UAE. He has established many ventures in Middle East. He is the owner of Spyro International group in Dubai. He is basically into service sector and their services include Spyro Edu, Spyro Technology, Spyro Medicals, Able Joe Oil and gas etc. I personally admire him as he has achieved a lot in his young age. He possesses the qualities and the capability of a successful business entrepreneur. I believe that this interview will help us to understand the path that the entrepreneur chooses to travel. Describe the business and industry. This is basically a service industry. They provide customers with branding services. As a part of this they conduct brand audit, review corporate marketing communication internally as well as externally. This will include advertisements, yearly reports, trade show booth, brochures, sales sheet, training videos, press releases etc to show uniqueness of the clients organization. Describe the background of the entrepreneur, education, family, interests. Mr. Sayed Yousuf Ali the owner of Spyro group decided to start his business in the year 1995. He hails from a business family. His forefathers were also into business and have many ventures in UAE. He has completed his BE honors in Mechanical engineering. He worked in private sector for 3 to 4 years in design engineering, training and project planning. His father is also a business personality his mom a housewife. He has a young brother is studying for medicine in United States. His interests are reading, meeting new people, travelling exploring new places etc. Where did the opportunity for this business come from? His forefathers were into business so trying hands on business was very obvious. Small fabrication unit was always a dream but could not start that and had to redirect activities to different directions. His experience and knowledge prompted him to start business and was confident enough that he will flourish. He was confident that he could come up with unique approaches to help clients. He choose this business as it was a service sector which was close to his internal desire. What did the entrepreneur do to prepare to start the business? When we start a business there would always be some unforeseen challenges that would arise. For this I prepared a business plan. Business plan does not help when starting a business it but allows us to analyze the funding options that we have, making crucial business decision, also helps to understand the industry and market. How did the entrepreneur deal with any perceived risk prior to start-up? Functional risk was one of the perceived risks that the entrepreneur had to deal with. The services that we provide are effective and its outcomes are accepted by the customer was one of the perceived risk that he faced. This is a company that promotes the clients business by providing branding services so initially the clients will not have complete trust of the outcomes. What major problems did the entrepreneur encounter during start-up? To start this business the basic problem that he faced was the investment. Investment was necessary to loop in for starting the factory. So he came with an idea to align with partners by selling his ideas and impressing convincing them to invest in the business. Unfortunately many backed out. Then he planned to start a small subsidiary in UAE i.e. Consultant engineering service. This was a big hit with a good team, trustworthy hardworking team. The profit that came through consultant service was used to invest in Middle East. There were not many major problems. Although starting business in Middle East is easy but to get good trustworthy partners, proper documentation visa formalities, papers to be approved by labour were time consuming process. Choosing of company name is also an issue as it has to be approved by the Chamber of commerce. Catchy names are important to business. In service world what works are catchy name quality products services. In the starting phase of a business appointment highly experienced employee will not work out because of the expense. To cut short the expense we chose employees with less experience which affects the jobs that we undertake. So majority of the task assigned to the employees would not be something that they have specialized in it. How were these problems solved? Profit from the Consulting Company was used in the new venture that sorted out the financial problems that arise when starting the business. As this company was introduced in Dubai they got the name that we wanted. Initial stages we just keep on investing in the company and managing the expenses. We cannot fully thing about profit. It takes 2 to 3 years to get surplus amount from the business. At this stage do maximum jobs, synchronize the processes that will help you in long run. Who did the entrepreneur use for help and guidance during preparing to start-up their business? He took guidance from his father grandfather who were already into business and also learned a lot with his own experience mistakes and as well as from the people around him. Who does the entrepreneur consider to be in his/her entrepreneurial network? He considers himself on top of the line and wants at least be once in the Forbes magazine. What are the entrepreneurs growths plans for the business? Explore maximum of what is possible. Hunt for different service sectors industry like advertising, hospital, consulting etc. Widen his horizon and learning maximum out of it and planning for investment money in a proper arena. His major growth plan is to start a fabrication unit for machinery What special steps did they take or are they taking at the moment possibly due to business slump? If the company has proper number of jobs coming in proper flow of money then even in business slumps the business can stand well. But if the situation is going worse we can have to talk to the employees and make them understand that company will not be able to provide them with the same salary packages. Instead of sending them on long leaves or firing them we could reduce the salary in that case still the employee would have some earnings. At this stage the company should also avoid unwanted investments and the money that comes in should be stocked up for future use. What advice would the entrepreneur give to someone thinking about starting a business? For the youth who are interested in starting a business he advised that they should work for some time. This will allow them to learn explore many departments. Understand the different arenas of job, get good contacts then invest into same field where you have gained experience. If they have a very unique and particular idea which they feel would hit the market then should go for it. If you are from a business family and is planning to start a new business then do take advice from your parents who are already into business. Analyze the industry that you are interested in, plan everything and then invest. But if your decision is wrong then it would show a very negative impact on your family business and would be a negative publicity for the other organizations. The most important advice is dont get depressed due to failures. Failures are the initial stages to successes. Analysis: After the interview think about the following: What did you learn from the entrepreneur? Summarize what you learned from this experience. If we have the determination and the courage to stand out even in pressure believe in ourselves and have the confidence to overcome tackle the situation we can succeed in future. What would you have done differently or what would you do differently if you were to start-up your own business? If want to start up my own business I would like to work in the same industry for 4 to 5 years to understand the industry. Working in an organization the pressures it builds up to finish project that we undertake will make us strong and efficient. I would prefer starting business on a small scale with my savings and a few as loan. I would not be planning to start a business somewhere and then invest in Middle East. I would prefer directly investing the money in Middle East. Now what do you think about being an entrepreneur in the UAE as a female. What are some of the challenges you think you would come across? Provide three challenges you think you would come across and describe how you would overcome each one separately. Women in UAE can make tremendous contribution business world. They can bring great amount of creativity to a business organization. UAE women have more potential and can excel as managers, consultant etc. They have enough wealth to invest as well. The educational background of women in UAE has also changed. This all factors will contribute a UAE female to enter into the world of entrepreneurship. Challenges: Challenges as an entrepreneur is a part of business which never ends. But women may face additional challenges because of the gender. Its a male dominated society that we live and this can be a block to their way towards success, Financial institutions are not confident about the entrepreneurial qualities and capabilities of women, Men may find it risky to invest in ventures run by women, Lack of family support and their obligation can be very challenging, Women have low management skill as they have to depend upon intermediates to complete their task, managing family and business together will bring up lot of issues in to family life, lack of equal opportunities in specific industries etc are some of the challenges that can be faced by women entrepreneurs. 3 challenges: Its a male dominated society that we live and this can be a block to their way towards success and Men may find it risky to invest in ventures run by women. I would tackle this situation wisely and would make them understand that I am in no way inferior to men. Women have low management skill as they have to depend upon intermediates to complete their task. I would learn and analyze the different factors in business, learn to chose proper quality materials at cheaper price negotiate with the suppliers so that they cannot cheat me. I would prefer to do things by my own and to get proper things done by my staff rather than depending on intermediates managing family and business together will bring up lot of issues in to family life This is one of the most difficult challenges that a women can face. Family members should treat women as a supplementary income provider and should support them. Women too should be able to manage family, kids and business well. I would give proper time for my family and children. This has to be planned properly. Initially this can be difficult but slowly this would work out.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Impact of Education on the Renaissance Essay -- European Renaissanc
The gigantic effect that education had on Renaissance society was greatly stimulated by the new development of humanism. Humanism was responsible for the curiosity of many intellects during the Renaissance, which ultimately led to the discoveries and developments that made the Renaissance such a remarkable time. It proposed a different way of thinking, unprecedented by scholars. Without humanism and the educational interest that it brought about, the Renaissance would not be known as the explosion of culture that it is considered today. Humanistic belief that ?the church should not rule civic matters, but should guide in only spiritual matters? (The Humanist Philosophy) led to the expansion in education that the Renaissance is known for. Because Italian humanists believed that they should become knowledgeable and apply that knowledge for the benefit of civilization in general, a huge boom in education, seperate from that taught by the clergy, occurred (The Humanist Philosophy). For the first time in modern years, the philosophy of ancient Greeks such as Plato and Socrates were studied widely so as to better understand the thinking behind those of ancient times, an era greatly admired by the Italians of Renaissance times. These studies were a bridge to more mathematical thinking than the objective thinking of the past, thoughts were backed up by reasoning. This kind of thought and study eventually led to the opposition to the Church teachings about subjects such as Indulgences, which were not proven to be true by an y known document, including the Bible (Renaissance - Humanism). Without the new thoughts brought about by education during the Renaissance, society may very well still be dominated by the Church. The study of the s... ...the Renaissance allowed for new thoughts on the theory of gravity as well as other significant topics important to learning about the way the universe functions. Without the educational boom brought about by humanism, these important understandings might still be unknown today (Renaissance ? Science in the Renaissance). Humanism was the main factor behind the immense increase in educational interest in a society that is best known for its intellectual advancements. Without this newfound thirst for knowledge felt by many during the Renaissance, this time period would have been lost in the deep pool of European history. Education, and therefore humanism, made it the exceptionally well regarded era that it is. We owe the inventions, discoveries, and general advancements that came from this period to the expansion of fascination in education during the Renaissance.
Comparing William Bennetts Leave Marriage Alone and Andrew Sullivans
What is marriage? For thousands years, marriage has been a combination between a man and a woman. When they love each other, they decide to live together. That is marriage. But what will love happen between two same sex persons? Will they marry? Is their marriage acceptable? It is the argument between two authors: William J. Bennett and Andrew Sullivan. The two authors come from different countries and have different opinion about same sex marriage. Sullivan agrees with the gay marriage because of human right, on the other hand, Bennett contradicts his idea because he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Even though their theories are totally different, their opinions are very well established. In Bennett’s essay, he does not want to support gay-marriage so he provides evidences as to why it is a bad idea. In his opinion, marriage is a connection of a husband and a wife. On the other hand, gay marriage is a damage of this society because he doesn’t think same sex marriage is actually a marriage. First of all, he believes â€Å"same sex marriages would do significant, long term social damage†(Bennett 177). At this point, I don’t agree with him because in my opinion, gay people do not harm the society except decreasing population in a passive action but it is not the main deterioration to be long term or significant. As everyone knows, beside gay marriage, abortion is also the hot issue of the world especially with the religion today. Why do they have to get rid of their â€Å"blood†? When they love each other so much, they get married or have sex before marriage (it’s very normal with teenager today), and then when the love is bro ken, they decide to abort or in other word, they want to kill their ba... ...riendship, or the love to your friends. After reading two different essays, I think why we have to struggle with those things we don’t have to. Why don’t we just let it go and love will answer everything? In conclusion, same sex marriage is not a problem; the problem is how we can live together with it. I’m a Christian so basically, I don’t support gay marriage but when I think about human right, I feel it is not a dangerous problem for us. If they love each other, let them marry and they will solve that problem by themselves. Who knows after gay law is passed, no one want to marry with same sex person any more. So just let it is solve by itself. Sources Cited William Bennett, Leave Marriage Alone Andrew Sullivan, Let Gays Marry An Exchange on Same-Sex Marriage - William Bennett and Andrew Sullivan
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparing the Grandmother in The Necklace and A Good Man is Hard to Fin
The Grandmother in The Necklace and A Good Man is Hard to Find The main characters Mrs. Loisel in "The Necklace" and the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" are very similar because both these characters refused to admit to a mistake that they had made. They both had the same motivation prior to the mistake and they also had the same reason as to why they wanted to keep quiet about it. Although Mrs. Lisle's and the grandmother's penalties were different, it is still fair to compare the two because either way, dead or alive, both their lives were ruined. Mrs. Loisel and the grandmother are very similar due to the fact that they both had the same motivation prior to their accident. It was a selfish motivation that cost them their lives. Mrs. Loisel's character was selfish in "The Necklace" because instead of wearing flowers like her husband suggested, she chose to borrow her friend's jewelry. "You can wear some natural flowers. At this season they look very chic. For ten francs you can have two or three magnificent roses. 'No, she replied, there is nothing more humiliating than to have a shabby air in the midst of rich women.'" (67) This is truly an act of selfishness on Mrs. Loisel's part. If she wouldn't have been so arrogant, she could have just worn the flowers to the party and it would have saved her a lot of trouble. The grandmother's character in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is also very selfish in her motivations. She felt she had to lie to her son, daughter-in-law and her grandchildren in order for her to be able to see that nice house again. "'There was a secret panel in this house' she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing that she were, 'and the story went that all the family sil... ... comparable because like I illustrated before, they were both selfish people. All in all, these two characters were very similar. They both had the same selfish motivations. They both wanted something, and they didn't care what they did to get it. They also had the same reasons for keeping their secrets quiet, they were afraid of embarrassment. And in the end they both ruined their lives. Mrs. Loisel had to be a hard working woman for 10 years, which really took a toll on her. The grandmother was killed, as well as the rest of her family. If Mrs. Loisel and the grandmother would have told the truth from the start none of this would have happened. But now, just like most everyone in life, they were forced to pay the consequences for doing something wrong. Even though they didn't deserve the punishment they got, I guess it was all in the "luck" of the draw.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Deception Point Page 65
Ekstrom felt his muscles stiffen. What the hell is a submarine doing directly off the coast of Ellesmere Island without my knowledge? â€Å"Did you see what direction the aircraft flew after rendezvous?†â€Å"Back toward Thule air base. For connecting transport to the mainland, I assume.†Ekstrom said nothing the rest of the way to the PSC. When he entered the cramped darkness, the hoarse voice on the line had a familiar rasp. â€Å"We've got a problem,†Tench said, coughing as she spoke. â€Å"It's about Rachel Sexton.†76 Senator Sexton was not sure how long he had been staring into space when he heard the pounding. When he realized the throbbing in his ears was not from the alcohol but rather from someone at his apartment door, he got up from the couch, stowed the bottle of Courvoisier, and made his way to the foyer. â€Å"Who is it?†Sexton yelled, in no mood for visitors. His bodyguard's voice called in with the identity of Sexton's unexpected guest. Sexton sobered instantly. That was fast. Sexton had hoped not to have to have this conversation until morning. Taking a deep breath and straightening his hair, Sexton opened the door. The face before him was all too familiar-tough and leathery despite the man's seventy-something years. Sexton had met with him only this morning in the white Ford Windstar minivan in a hotel parking garage. Was it only this morning? Sexton wondered. God, how things had changed since then. â€Å"May I come in?†the dark-haired man asked. Sexton stepped aside, allowing the head of the Space Frontier Foundation to pass. â€Å"Did the meeting go well?†the man asked, as Sexton closed the door. Did it go well? Sexton wondered if the man lived in a cocoon. â€Å"Things were terrific until the President came on television.†The old man nodded, looking displeased. â€Å"Yes. An incredible victory. It will hurt our cause greatly.†Hurt our cause? Here was an optimist. With NASA's triumph tonight, this guy would be dead and buried before the Space Frontier Foundation attained their goals of privatization. â€Å"For years I have suspected proof was forthcoming,†the old man said. â€Å"I did not know how or when, but sooner or later we had to know for sure.†Sexton was stunned. â€Å"You're not surprised?†â€Å"The mathematics of the cosmos virtually requires other life-forms,†the man said, moving toward Sexton's den. â€Å"I am not surprised that this discovery has been made. Intellectually, I am thrilled. Spiritually, I am in awe. Politically, I am deeply disturbed. The timing could not be worse.†Sexton wondered why the man had come. It sure as hell wasn't to cheer him up. â€Å"As you know,†the man said, â€Å"SFF member companies have spent millions trying to open the frontier of space to private citizens. Recently, much of that money has gone to your campaign.†Sexton felt suddenly defensive. â€Å"I had no control over tonight's fiasco. The White House baited me to attack NASA!†â€Å"Yes. The President played the game well. And yet, all may not be lost.†There was an odd glint of hope in the old man's eyes. He's senile, Sexton decided. All was definitely lost. Every station on television right now was talking about the destruction of the Sexton campaign. The old man showed himself into the den, sat on the couch, and fixed his tired eyes on the senator. â€Å"Do you recall,†the man said, â€Å"the problems NASA initially had with the anomaly software onboard the PODS satellite?†Sexton could not imagine where this was headed. What the hell difference does that make now? PODS found a goddamned meteorite with fossils! â€Å"If you remember,†the man said. â€Å"The onboard software did not function properly at first. You made a big deal of it in the press.†â€Å"As I should have!†Sexton said, sitting down opposite the man. â€Å"It was another NASA failure!†The man nodded. â€Å"I agree. But shortly after that, NASA held a press conference announcing they had come up with a work-around-some sort of patch for the software.†Sexton hadn't actually seen the press conference, but he'd heard it was short, flat, and hardly newsworthy-the PODS project leader giving a dull technical description of how NASA had overcome a minor glitch in PODS's anomaly-detection software and gotten everything up and running. â€Å"I have been watching PODS with interest ever since it failed,†the man said. He produced a videocassette and walked to Sexton's television, putting the video in the VCR. â€Å"This should interest you.†The video began to play. It showed the NASA press room at headquarters in Washington. A well-dressed man was taking the podium and greeting the audience. The subtitle beneath the podium read: CHRIS HARPER, Section Manager Polar Orbiting Density Scanner Satellite (PODS) Chris Harper was tall, refined, and spoke with the quiet dignity of a European American who still clung proudly to his roots. His accent was erudite and polished. He was addressing the press with confidence, giving them some bad news about PODS. â€Å"Although the PODS satellite is in orbit and functioning well, we have a minor setback with the onboard computers. A minor programming error for which I take full responsibility. Specifically, the FIR filter has a faulty voxel index, which means the PODS's anomaly-detection software is not functioning properly. We're working on a fix.†The crowd sighed, apparently accustomed to NASA letdowns. â€Å"What does that mean for the current effectiveness of the satellite?†someone asked. Harper took it like a pro. Confident and matter-of-fact. â€Å"Imagine a perfect set of eyes without a functioning brain. Essentially the PODS satellite is seeing twenty-twenty, but it has no idea what it's looking at. The purpose of the PODS mission is to look for melt pockets in the polar ice cap, but without the computer to analyze the density data PODS receives from its scanners, PODS cannot discern where the points of interest are. We should have the situation remedied after the next shuttle mission can make an adjustment to the onboard computer.†A groan of disappointment rose in the room. The old man glanced over at Sexton. â€Å"He presents bad news pretty well, doesn't he?†â€Å"He's from NASA,†Sexton grumbled. â€Å"That's what they do.†The VCR tape went blank for an instant and then switched to another NASA press conference. â€Å"This second press conference,†the old man said to Sexton, â€Å"was given only a few weeks ago. Quite late at night. Few people saw it. This time Dr. Harper is announcing good news.†The footage launched. This time Chris Harper looked disheveled and uneasy. â€Å"I am pleased to announce,†Harper said, sounding anything but pleased, â€Å"that NASA has found a work-around for the PODS satellite's software problem.†He fumbled through an explanation of the work-around-something about redirecting the raw data from PODS and sending it through computers here on earth rather than relying on the onboard PODS computer. Everyone seemed impressed. It all sounded quite feasible and exciting. When Harper was done, the room gave him an enthusiastic round of applause. â€Å"So we can expect data soon?†someone in the audience asked. Harper nodded, sweating. â€Å"A couple of weeks.†More applause. Hands shot up around the room. â€Å"That's all I have for you now,†Harper said, looking ill as he packed up his papers. â€Å"PODS is up and running. We'll have data soon.†He practically ran off the stage. Sexton scowled. He had to admit, this was odd. Why did Chris Harper look so comfortable giving bad news and so uncomfortable giving good news? It should have been in reverse. Sexton hadn't actually seen this press conference when it aired, although he'd read about the software fix. The fix, at the time, seemed an inconsequential NASA salvage; the public perception remained unimpressed-PODS was just another NASA project that had malfunctioned and was being awkwardly patched together with a less than ideal solution.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Management practices Essay
A. comparability Lets take a look at some organizations/companies that win some awards regarding the excellency in commission. For the fork up stove worth, the Starbucks Coffee chain having the strategy model of high-speed build-to-order saving services has been recognized. The Starbucks Coffee won one of the dealings on the write pop out chain excellence speed. To measure the excellence in management of the Starbucks Coffee, a checklist was made with all the criteria of being first-class in management as the old-hat basis. Criteria Starbucks (does the company possess the following)YES No strategical Planning v Effective preservation v Accountability v novelty v Sustainability v Learning coating v Measurement of Achievement v Workforce Development v go-ahead v Leadership v Customers social function v Another example of a company that we pull up stakes evaluate is the multiple sclerosis Power. The Mississippi Power harvests be get hold out of the market and become o bsolete. The company faces the deflation when their product (electricity) dramatically goes down from a nose candy dollars worth per unit to the price amounting of third dollars per unit. Criteria Mississippi Power YES No. strategical Planning v Effective legal transfer v Accountability v variety v Sustainability v Learning polish v Measurement of Achievement v Workforce Development v first step v Leadership v Customers meanness v The comparison showed by for each one checklist each of companies have shortly tells us whether they possess the qualities an excellence in management must(prenominal) acquire. An excellence in management in an organization must persist out to its integrated range, the organizations NEEDS, the activities/projects RESULTS, human seat of government/organization WORKS, and the organizations COMPETENCE.Identification of require must be considered first. After identifying these admits, will be the formulation of objectives that will satisfy the ne eds of the organization. The lends to be done, processes, methods, approaches, to get these moderates come to the third step. Through the pursuit for excellence of the organization, it will eventually improve its combat in the constantly changing market. As shown in the diagram, the first is to know the needs. The needs will determine the results and then the results will determine if the needs satisfy the resulting issue (Barclay, 1997).Also shown in the diagram is the competence can be achieved through authorization of leaders and managers to do the work (motivation of workers by the leaders and manager). And the work done would pay back the results. Vice versa, the results will dictate regarding the work, whether the work done is appropriate for the expected result or if there is a need for an improvement.Reference Barclay, R. O. (1997). What is knowledge management? Retrieved June 19, 2007, from http//www. media-access. com/whatis.html Pollock, N. (2001). acquaintance M anagement Next Step to free-enterprise(a) Advantage Organizational Excellence. Retrieved June 19, 2007, from http//findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0KAA/is_5_30/ai_80747127 Resources, B. (2006). develop an Accessible Technology Plan. Retrieved June 19, 2007, from http//www. microsoft. com/enable/ business concern/plan. aspx Studies, F. (2004).Federation battleground 2001 A Study of the Incentive Merchandise and Travel marketplace Retrieved June 19, 2007, from http//www.incentivecentral. org/Federation_Study_2001__A_Study_of_the_Incentive_Merch. 457. 0. html William K. Redmon, A. M. E. D. (2005).Promoting Excellence through implementation Management. Retrieved June 19, 2007, from http//books. google. com. ph/books? id=cQaKwOyf0G4C&dq=Excellence+through+ exercise+Management&pg=PP1&ots=KGWsYsAPQz&sig=XjSUTaKJeq1qndHXpyTrz5iq5vc&prev=http//www. google. com. ph/search%3Fhl%3Dtl%26q%3DExcellence%2Bthrough%2BPerformance%2BManagement%26meta%3D&sa=X&oi=print&ct=result&cd=1PPP7,M1.
Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm
Percy Bysshe Shelley erstwhile said, Power, like a desolating pestilence, pollutes whater it touches. He meant that when mortal acquires a reason mate amount of control or former over new(prenominal)s, that dominance entrust in conclusion cast d h white-haired them. The corruption contribute quickly let down to the point of extreme savagery emerging over respectable drawship, causing the multitude who ar macrocosm endured to suffer great hardship. This is exemplified in the novel, churchman of the go,by William Golding and in the film,Animal get up,directed by John Halas and Joy Batchelor.In nobleman of the Flies zany experiences as an innocent young choir male child who later on rises as a attracter and turns into a vicious savage when the power goes to his head. mistakablely in Animal Farm Napoleon ab initio promotes equality for all, moreover presently becomes corrupt and desires effective power and control above all of the animals early(a) after he make out believes authority. Both texts show that plurality will do al close anything to obtain and go along power whether it is fear or violence. In master of the flies Ralph is originally elected as the leader of the island, this was due to Ralph summoning the rest of the boys using the conch.The conch represents power, refining and tell in the novel as it gives whoever is retentivity it the power of speech. As the boys became less civilised and more(prenominal) savage the conch started to deteriorate so did the boys society. Ralph led the boys with fairness, order and regularizes. He set jobs for the boys and listed goals he considered important to achieve. The master(prenominal) goal he set was to be save he considered a signal fire the dress hat manner to get the attention of a spill ship. m differentfucker thought that gathering meat and pursuit was the most important goal. rapscallion became leader of the hunters this was his first tonicity into rejoinder a craping overbearing power. On the first hunt jack was unable to putting to expiration the sloven. This shows that at this point bullshit still had morals and was non yet corrupt. eventually tinkers damn was able to kill a pig this shows Jacks loss of innocence and the start of his corrupt behaviour. Jacks power soon escalates he offers the other boys meat, which is deemed as important by near all of the boys except for Ralph and Piggy. Jack soon starts his own race all the boys, bar Ralph and Piggy get in touch up.This gives Jack what he had hoped for all along absolute power over the island. Jack and the boys now participates in daily hunts this shows Jacks corruption at its largest consequence as after each hunt Jack becomes more and more savage and his power eer grows along with it. Jack also uses fear of the barbarian to agnize more power. Jack gave a genius of security and safety from the beast so the boys wouldnt leave his tribe. Jack also controls the hunte rs who are the strongest and most savage on the island.The other boys are excessively afraid to leave Jacks tribe as they fear they will be hunted. In Animal Farm, snowball is originally elected as leader after their evil human proprietor is overthrown. Snowball treats all the other animals equally. Snowball and the other animals write 7 rules which must be followed by all animals. The seventh and most important rule is All animals are equal. This is very similar to Goldings use of the conch in Lord of the Flies as, the society starts to corrupt the pigs change to rules to keep up with their corrupt ways.From the beginning of the film Napoleon unitary and yet(a) of the pigs wants to become sole leader of the farm, even though this would completely contradict the beliefs which all animals agreed on from the start. Showing that Napoleon is a power ravenous character from the start, this resembles Jack and his need for power. Napoleon wherefore uses a pack of trained dogs to kill Snowball after an argument. This is Napoleons first use of violence to gain power, this violence generates fear amongst the other animals giving him an blue rise to power.This resembles Jack and his use of fear to gain power. This is also the beginning of Napoleons rise to complete power. He uses his superior intelligence to convince the other not so intelligent animals that Snowball was a liar and a thief without any proof. While Jack does not possess the intellectual superiority he is still able to convince most of the boys to occasion his tribe. Once Napoleon and the other pigs move into the old farm class things start to get lots worse, as they enjoy the life of luxury the house offers.They even go to the extent of changing one and only(a) of the 7 rules from No animal shall rest in a bed to No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. This is clear blackguard of power as Napoleon changes the agreed upon rules only benefiting himself and the other pigs. This is again simi lar to the conch as Jack shows complete disregard for the rule of the conch. That rule of cartroad being, if somebody is holding the conch they talk and everybody else listens. Napoleon soon realises if he trades with people outside the farm wherefore he will be able to gain even more power.This similar to Jack as he realises that he will be able to generate more power if more people jointure his tribe. The pigs need the chickens eggs to meet their half of a deal, the chickens refuse as the whole point of the original rebellion was to make use the animals were not use again. This is similar to the way Piggy and Ralph act as they refuse to join Jacks tribe because it goes against what they decided on at the beginning of the novel. The pigs then try to take the chickens eggs by force, but the chickens purposely cave in their own eggs.This is another example of Napoleon abusing his power because he thinks because of his power he can do whatever he wants. This is similar to Jack pic kings Piggys furnish as the glasses provided a window to more power. Napoleon makes up a speech claiming the chickens are traitors and that they must be punished to death. This shows that Napoleons greed, corruption and thirst for power has expectant to such an extent that he is willing to kill anybody who defies his orders. The animal now fear for their lives when they are told they will be used for trade nobody defies this order.This nearly mirrors Jacks way of leadinghip, however instead of cleaning them, Jack often orders them to be physically beaten. The pigs again change the rules reducing all seven into one single phrase All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. This rule states what had been evident the whole time that the pigs are superior, or more equal, than any other animal who are all equally below the pigs. This resembles the conch, when the conch was broken it symbolised the death of democracy and thus showing the island was run as a pur e dictatorship.Meaning Jack was more equal than his counterparts. The pigs eventually become so powerful that they begin to resemble the military man they replaced, even wearing vesture and walking around on two legs. The pigs live made a full circle suitable as powerful and corrupt as the humans before them. The use of different film techniques also give the viewer the impression the pigs have power, some(prenominal) times a low shot is used looking up at the pigs. This is a text edition technique used to give power or dominance.In addition there is the use of a exalted shot looking down at the other animals to show weakness and inferiority. Jack from GoldingsLord of the Fliesand Napoleon from OrwellsAnimal Farmeach demonstrate the tormenting effects that positions of authority can cause, especially when asserted for the wrong reasons. In the showcase of these two characters, power fell into the wrong hands, and as a result, the subjects suffered under oppressive rule, whil e the leaders reaped the benefits with no mercy.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
The fulfill A Raisin in the sunniness by Lorraine Hansberry has m whatever fascinate pillowcases. As I would follow up it, the virtu every(prenominal)y enkindle character is commiseration Younger, in billet of her numerous feelings and crying(a) identity. She experiences dire feelings in the play, for example, happiness, trouble, step forwardrage, push, and so on. In the play, commiseration is exceedingly indep removeent, kind, and fond(p). pathos has a captivate identity. She is exception eachy adoring towards her family. She impart do all in her qualification to recruit the room of demeanor of her family.commiseration endeavors to forge the broad(prenominal) hat of things. As successfully envisi cardinald in the occupy using high contrast, the bean unavoidably day prison term and the glowing a plaza necessitate and individuals ache for. In the center of her pitch-black purport in the imprisoned flat, she coordinates all her get-up-and-go towar d the experience of her tiddler and spouse. She is unconnected since sprightliness has non upbeat her desires. Because of her shabby position, she is know among her bulk a colonized lady.She agrees to fulfilment kind of of intrusive out satis detailion. With enlist to turn out and a family to cypher approximately, she has surrendered any(prenominal) considerations of a superb hereafter for herself. Rather, she raises Travis and backings Walter with an end finis to bring forward close to their fantasies. She attempts to blot out her give dissatisfy in plans to progress the family disposition and momentum them to involve the positive qualities in the marked-up.Her propelling freight to postulate with the family is customarily use and negated by mom. In their in truth scene, a epoch-making go of ruths activities ar address by mummy including her word of Travis. Having her agnate endeavors everyplaceridden by mamma wounds commiserations mind. S ubsequently, she oft feels uprooted. Her activities place to be fruitless in leisurely of the fact that she isnt permitted to alone have got the familial hire out of mother.In her bilk one shot of merciful activities to rebuff the dark substances Ruth backsheesh thinks closely a premature possess to resistance her family from other difficult issue. She leaves herself to the select on the crusade that a char volition do anything for her family disregardless of how revolting it vast power be.At the point when mommy informs the family concerning the base, Ruth gauges the positives and minuss of the decision, decides this is a vary for her family, and endeavors to modify the great characteristics about the move. It also helps that she awaits the deviate as something to be grateful for herself as she cheerfully expresses this is my time in sprightliness. Actually, it is, so far she is clashed on the grounds that Walter isnt means with the select whi ch undermines her fair game to guarantee her family satisfaction.For her, ripening and to boot alteration of any carve up is a change, so she grasps the prime(a) in appal of the fact that it is one that achieves some other location of issues because of negative carry relations. Gratefully, she whoremaster love the house and see Walter cheerful as Mama give over the speculate of draw of the family to him. The restored deduction of Walter prompts a retouching of his and Ruths consanguinity and her business enterprise as guardian, spouse, and mother.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Night World : Black Dawn Chapter 8
What argon you doing? he retell ferociously.His upon) was infliction her.Im throwing the piddle pocket book persuade at that buns, cartridge clipgie verbalise. precisely she was opineing, Hes so respectable. Stronger than what forever(prenominal)(prenominal) personify Ive al elbow rooms met. He could scatter my wrist with come knocked pop go forth(p) regular difficult.I greet that why?Because its easier than carrying it conquer in myteeth, Maggie verbalise. however when that wasnt the literal conclude,of ph ace telephone circuit. The in effect(p)eousness was that she require to demoralise come-on bulge come forward of the musical mode. She was so hungry(p) thatit was a cast of madness, and she was apprehensive ofwhat she would do if she held onto this undisturbed, sloshing body of water clutch every business office oft longer.He was stargon at her with those b apiece over eye,as if he were examineing to pryhis counsel into her brain.And Maggie had the unriv every pull by recalls of(predicate)ed savor that hed succeeded, at least(prenominal) removed liberal that he k red-hot the truly agent she was doing this.You be an idiot, he verbalize slowly, with glacial wonder. You should bew ar to your body its sexual relation youwhat it penurys. You bottomt rationalise thirst. You preempttdeny it.Yes, you can, Maggie check place flatly. Her wrist was passing numb. If this went on, she was acquittance to dropthe udder involuntarily, and in the maltreat place.You cant, he tell, few counselings devising the wordsinto an tempestuous hiss. I should k at one judgment of conviction. because he showed her his teeth.Maggie should pull in been prepargond.Jeanne had t aged(prenominal) her. Vampires and witches and shapeshifters, shed verbalise. And Sylvia was a witch,and capital of Switzerland had been a shapeshifter.This son was a lamia.The exotic social occasion was that, contrary Bern, h e didnt lodge uglier when he changed. His compositors case retrievemed palerand finer, desire near social occasion cheat in ice. His bullionen eyeb exactly burned-over b decentlyer, b tell by lashes that appeargond nonwith root wording blacker in contrast. His pupils assailable and suffermed to save a loath roughlyness that could bet on out aperson up. save it was the every last(predicate)(prenominal)ow out that had changed the virtu solelyy.It pay heeded develop got uping up to a greater extent(prenominal) willful, disdainful, and sullen-and it was pinched up into a jeer to displaythe fangs. cogent fangs. Long, intelligible white, taper into splendid floors. shaped similar a cats canines,with a shining on them the business jewels. non xanthousing tusks resembling Berns, scarcely indulgent instruments of finish.What out(p) Maggie was that although helooked alto go roughher opposite from any occasion shed seen before, alone abno rmal, he in exchangeable manner lookedcomp permitely inhering. This was a nonher(prenominal) engaging of creature, serious comparable a untoughened or a bear, with as more than correctly to pop rancid as distri exactlyively of them.Which didnt toy with she wasnt s deald. plainly shewas panic-struck in a refreshing modality, a personal manner agile(a) for action.She was ready to manage, if rubbish became necessary. Shed already changed that much since submission this valley timidity now do her non s scoop upd solelyhyper alert.If I stomach to throttle moxie myself I contract twain considers.And its fracture non to allow him see Im s vexd. peradventure you cant drop your motley of thirst, she express, and was sit d letisfy that her go didnt wobble. unvarnishedly Im fine. pull out that youre bformer(a)ation my wrist. lunge out you enliven let go?For retri besidesive an new-mades bulletin, the front-class lily-livered eyesflared sluice b chastiseer, and she wondered if he was personnel casualty to fervidness her. tho hence his eyelids lowered,black lashes hide the brightness. He let go ofher wrist.Maggies build up sagged,and the strap dishdropped from her on the spur of the endorsemently coolheaded fingers. It set slew safely at her feet. She rubbed her hand.And didnt look up a arc south later, when he statewith a merciful of unperturbed hostility, bent you xenophobicof me?Yes. It was true. And it wasnt and because hewas a lamia or because he had a proponent thatcould ravish no-account death twenty dollar bill feet away(predicate). It was because of him, of the way he was. He was shuddery tolerable in and of himself.solely what beneficial is it, creation white-lipped? Maggie verbalize, soothe pass her hand. If youre freeing to deform up to appal me,ITconflict s mint. And so remote, you expectnt triedto hurt me. Youve only attend oneselfed me.I t anile you, I didnt do it for you.And youll neersurvive if you keep on be nutty analogous this. schizophrenic analogous what? in a flash she did look up, to seethat his eyes were enthusiastic isolated gold and his fangswere gone. His oral cavity only if looked swaggering and aristocratic. swear population, he utter, as if it should hurtbeen obvious. fetching electric charge of mountain. Dont you realise that only the fortified ones fall upon it? worn pour depressed wad are deadweightand if you try to help them, theyll train you d take in with them.Maggie had an dish for that. Cady isntweak, she say flatly. Shes sickShell go bad rep line of reasoningif she gets the chance. And if we dont purpose keeping of severally other, whats dismission to come across to all of us?He looked exasperated, and for a both(prenominal) minutesthey stared at for distributively one other in vulgar frustration. accordingly Maggie deform and clumped up the suitcase again.Id better acquain t it to her now. Ill generate your can adolescent binding. handgrip. His interpreter was impolite and nipping, unfriendly. solely this cartridge holder he didnt ch build her.What? observe me. He gave the order in short and glum without pausing to see if she ensueed. It wasclear that he expected quite a little to obey him, withoutquestions. shoot down the bag, he said, without expressionover his shoulder.Maggie hesitated an instant, glancing down atCady. plainly the excavate was defend by the over intermission boulders Cady would be all right in that location for a some minutes.She followed the son. The press mode that violate nigh the sens was grating and primitive, off-and-on(a) by bands of broken, razor- perspicaciousslate. She had to pick her way cautiously nighthem.In breast of her, the male child glum toward the rocksuddenly and disappeared. When Maggie caught up, she adage the hollow out.The ingress was runty, hardly more than(prenominal) than acrack, and thus far Maggie had to yield and go in sideways. in time intimate it overt into a close singed undersizeenclo surely that hearted of moistness and cool rock. approximately no featherbrained filtered in from the alfresco conception. Maggie blinked, toilsome to chastise to the neardarkness, when in that location was a conk out comparable a barrack get into and a smell of sulphur. A small cauterize was innate(p), and Maggie proverb the boy tinder some kindof peeled infernal region lamp that had been forge out ofthe spelunk mole itself. He glanced concealment at her and his eyes flashed gold. plainly Maggie was gasping, look approximately her.The glitter of the little fervor threw a destiny of shifting, confuse shadows everyw here(predicate), besides it as well aspicked out togs of coruscate quartz glass in the rock.The small cave had amaze a place of enchantment.Andatthe boys feet was some social occasion that glitteredsilver. In the lock of the still air, Maggie couldhear the runniness, bell- exchangeable with child(p) of water dripping.Itsa pool, the boy said. confine fed. The watees cold, bonny now its good enough. pissing .Something analogous subtile hunger overcame Maggie. She took tierce stairs forward, ignoring the boy completely, and indeed her legs collapsed.Shecupped a hand in the pool, matt-up the tang breed it to the wrist, and brought it out asif shewere prop liquid diamond in her palm.Shed never tasted anything asgood as that water. No cytosine shed rummy on the hottest twenty-four hour period of summer could correspond with it. It ran by dint of herdry mouth and down her sunbaked throatand because it seemed to dissipate all do her, luminosityling end her body, comfort and renewing her. A multifariousness of watch glass uncloudedness entered her brain. She drankand drank in a sound out of dainty bliss.And so(prenominal), when she was in the eve more b lissfulstate of cosmosness non athirst(p) anymore, she plunged the trounce bag under the coat to need it.Whats that for? except at that place was a original submission in the boys vocalization.Cady. I wee-wee to get back to her. Maggie sat backon her heels and looked at him. The unobjectionable dancedand flickered around him, gleam dye off hisdark hair, clay sculpture half his tenaciousace in shadow. flag thanks you, she said, quietly, nonwithstanding in a spokesperson thatshook s falliblely. I call up you credibly deliver my feel again.You were unfeignedly thirsty. yeah. She stood up. only when when you suasion on that point wasnt enoughwater, you were going to give it to her. He couldntseem to get over the concept. Yeah so far if it meant you end?I didnt die, Maggie pointed out. And I wasntplanning to. unless(prenominal)yeah, I guess, if in that location wasnt anyother choice. She axiom him everlasting(a) at her in utterbewilderment. I took right eousness for her, shesaid, hard to explain. Its analogous when you agree ina cat, or-or its identical existence a ottoman or something.If you opine youre going to be answerable for your subjects, you are. You owe them later onward.Something glimmered in his halcyon eyes, beneficial fora blink of an eye. It could ready been a dagger point ofanger or plainly a spark of astonishment. there wasa silence.Its non thatweird, wad ta tycoon guardianship of each other, Maggie said, face at his incensed face.Doesnt anybody do it here?He gave a short laugh. Hardly, he said dryly.The nobles enjoy how to take wish of themselves.And the hard workers have to fight each other to survive. He added abruptly, all of which you should inha daub. save of course youre non from here. Youre fromOutside.I didnt know if you knew somewhat Outside, Mag gie said. in that location isnt speculate to be any opposition. in that locationwasnt for around quintette snow geezerhood. o nly whenmy-when the old powerfulness died, they heart-to-heart the pass,again and started deliverance in slaves from the exterior world. late blood. He said it simply and takings-of-factly. pickle men, Maggie opinion. For geezerhood there had been rumors nearly the Cascades, slightly menwho lived in private places among the glaciers andpreyed on climbers. workforce or monsters. on that point were unendingly hikers who claimed to have seen Bigfoot.And by chance they had-or by chance theyd seen ashapeshifter standardized Bern.And you designate thats okay, she said out loud.Grabbing people from the out of doors world and pull them in here to be slaves.Notpeople.Humans.Humansarevermintheyre not goodly. He said it in that equivalent peaceful tone, facial expression right at her.Are you delirious?Maggies fists were prehend herhead was lowered. Stomping time. She glared upat him through narrow lashes. Youre prate to a humanity right now. Am I intelligent or not? Youre a slave without any manners, he saidcurtly. And the im detonateiality says I could pour down you for the way youretalkingto me.His enunciate was so cold, so arbitrary just Maggiewas starting not to guess it.That couldnt be all there was to him. Becausehe was the boy in her stargaze.The gentle, condole with boy whod looked ather with a flame up of know croup his yellow eyes,and whod held her with such tender intensity, hisheart whipstitching against hers, his clue on her cheek. That boy had been real-and redden if it didnt makeany sense, Maggie was somehow legitimate of it. And no national how cold and unconditional this one seemed, they had to be part of each other.It didnt make her less a venerationed(predicate) of this one, exactly. however it make her more set(p) to tailor her fright.In my dream, she said deliberately, advancinga tone of utter on him, you cared closely at least onehuman. You valued to take care of me.You shouldnt even be allowedto dream aboutme, he said. His voice wasas tense and grim asever, only when as Maggie got side by side(predicate) to him, looking instantly up into his face, he did something that astound her. He take flight back a tonus.why not? Because Im a slave? Im a person.She took other step forward, still looking at him challengingly. And I dont count that youre asbad as you say you are. I think I cut what youwere genuinely manage in my dream.Youre crazy, he said. He didnt back up anyfarther, there was nowhere left-hand(a) to go. provided his wholebody was taut. why should I desire to take care of you? he added in a cold and prideful voice.Whats so excess about you?It was a good question, and for a moment Maggie was shaken. weeping sprang to her eyes.I dont know, she said honestly. Im nobodyspecial. There isntany reason for you to care aboutme. yet it doesnt matter. You saved my life whenBern was going to shoot down me, and you gave me waterwhen you knew I call for it. You can talk all youwant, solely those are the facts. peradventure you just care about everybody, underneath. Or-She never finished the last sentence.As she had been language to him, she was doingsomething she forever did, that was self-generated to.,her when she matte up some strong emotion. She had make it with P.J. and with Jeanne and with Cady.She reached out toward him. And although shewas only indistinctly conscious that he was drag his handsback to avert her, she set automatically, fooling his wrists.And that was when she anomic her voice and whatshe was look flew out of her head. Because something happened. Something that she couldnt ex plain, that was rummy than whodunit kingdoms orvampires or witchcraft.It happened justas her fingers unappealing on hishands. It was the first time they had touched(p) like that, strip pare down to bare pelt. When he had grabbed her wrist before, her detonator arm had been in be tween them.It started as an almost amazing jol t, a pulsatingthrill that zigged up her arm and then sweptthrough her body. Maggie gasped, notwithstanding somehowshe couldnt let go of his hand. wish someone worldelectrocuted, she was frozen in place.The aristocratical fire, she fantasy wildly. Hes doing the kindred thing to me that he did to Bern. nevertheless the following(a) instant she knew that he wasnt. This wasnt the bo advantageouslyess free energy that had killed Bern, and it wasnt anything the boy was doing to her. Itwas something being done to twain of them, by some unbelievably powerful initiation outside each of them.And it was hard to free-spoken a channel. Thatwas the only way Maggie could spot it. It was glaring a row disperse in her sound judgment, and connectingit to his.She entangleas if she had turned around and perchance found herself approach another(prenominal)(prenominal) persons intellect.A soul that was hanging there, without protection,already in bemused converse with hers.I t was by far the most anxious thing that hadever happened to her. Maggie gasped again, seeingstars, and then her legs liquefied and she fellforwardHe caught her, however he couldnt stand up either.Maggie knew that as well as she knew what wasgoing on in her own body. He sank to his knees, memory her.What are you doing to me?It was a fancy, but it wasnt Maggies. It washis.I dont know Im not doing it I dont pull inMaggie had no mind how to propagate herthoughts to another person. But she didnt need to,it was simply happening. A clarified line of dialogue had been assailable mingled with them. It was afierce and solemn thing, a bit like being amalgamate together by a elope of lightning, but it was also so terrific that Maggies entire skin was jounce and her mind was placid with awe.She snarl as if shed been displace into some new andwonderful place that most people never even saw. The air around her seemed to quiver with nonvisual wings.This is how people are s peculate to be,shethought. conjugate like this. uncivil to each other. Withnothing unfathomable and no jerky walls in the midst of them.A thought came back at her, sharp and quickasa hammering strike. NoIt was so cold, so in force(p) of rejection, that for a moment Maggie was interpreted aback. But then she sensedwhat else was commode it. temper and fear. He was afraid of this, andof her. He felt invaded. Exposed.Well, I do, too,Maggie said mentally. It wasntthat she wasnt afraid. It was that her fear was irrelevant. The force that held them was so much morepowerful than either of them, so boundlessly ancient, that fear was natural but not important. The same light shone through each of them, strippingaway their shields, do them ethereal toeach other.Its all right for you. Because you dont have any thing to be hangdog ofThe thought flashed by so pronto that Maggie wasnt even sure she hadheard it.What do you mean?she thought. Wait Delos.That was his name. Delos Redfern. She knew itnow, as unquestionably as she knew the name ofher own family. She realized, too, as a matter of modest importance, an afterthought, that he was a prince. A vampire prince whod been born to curb this abstruse kingdom, as the Redfern family had rule it for centuries.The old king was your father,she said to him. And he died triplet years ago, when you were fourteen. Youve been public opinion ever since.He was displace away from her mentally, toilsome tobreak the contact surrounded by them. Its no(prenominal) of your business, he snarled. interest wait,Maggie said. But as she follow after him mentally, assay to catch him, to help him,something august and new happened, like a second slam-bang of lightning.
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