Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marvin Hugley Jr Essays (237 words) - Video, Megabyte, 4K Resolution
Marvin Hugley Jr Problem 1 (200 points). Determine the file size in kilobytes of a 400 X 600 image with a color depth of 24 bits. What is the size of the same file as a black and white image? 400x600x24/8/1024=703.1 400x600x1/24/1024=9.76 Determine the file size in megabytes of a 3-minute audio file that was sampled at 32 KHz, having a bit depth of 8 bits and was recorded in stereo. 3x60x32000x8/1024/1024=43.94 Determine the file size in gigabytes of a video clip in 4K (specifically, the UW4K standard), color depth of 24 bits, frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second), and a 2 hour duration. In all of the above, assume no compression was used. 3840x2160x60x120/24/1024/1024/1024=2.31 Problem 2 (100 points). Explain through the use of a detailed pictorial example the way spatial compression takes advantage of similarities in color to further compress an image. Spatial take advantage of color by only storing the color and number once. So if you have 10 reds instead of you storing red 10 times you only have to store the 10 once and the red once instead of storing it 10 times. Problem 3 (100 points). Given four video clips in PAL, NTSC, Theater, and 4K formats and a timebase of 60 fps, devise frame rate conversions to unify the frame rates of all movies into the frame rate of the timebase. Provide examples of frame duplication for each movie
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Speak English
How to Speak English Most English learning boils down to the question of how to speak English. There are other goals as well, but learning how to speak English will help you communicate with others, and lead to better test scores on the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge and other exams. In order to know how to speak English, you need to have a plan. This guide on how to speak English provides an outline that you can follow to learn to speak English. If you already speak English, this guide will help you more quickly improve your English speaking skills. Difficulty Average Time Required From Six Months to Three Years Heres How Discover Which Type Of English Learner You Are When learning how to speak English you first need to find out what type of English learner you are. Ask yourself questions such as Why do I want to speak English? Do I need to speak English for my job? Do I want to speak English for travel and hobbies, or do I have something more serious in mind? Here is an excellent worksheet What Type of English Learner? to help you find out. Understand Your Goals Once you know what type of English learner you are, you can begin to better understand your goals. Once you know your goals, youll better understand what you need to do to speak English well. This is similar to understanding what type learner you are. Write down a list of the things you would like to do with your English. Would you like to speak English fluently in two years? Would you like to have enough English to travel and order food in a restaurant? Understanding exactly what you want to do with English will help you learn how to speak English because you will work towards your goals. Find Out Your Level Before you begin to learn how to speak English, youll need to know where to begin. Taking a level test can help you understand what level you are at and then you can start using resources appropriate for your level in order to learn how to speak English well. Of course, youll not only learn how to speak English, but also how to read, write and use English in a variety of settings. These quizzes will help you find your level. Start with the beginning level test and then move on. Stop when you get less than 60% and begin at that level. Beginning TestIntermediate TestAdvanced Test Decide On Learning Strategy Now that you understand your English learning goals, style and level its time to decide on an English learning strategy. The simple answer to the question of how to speak English is that you need to speak it as often as possible. Of course, its more difficult than that. Start off by deciding which type of learning strategy you will take. Do you want to study alone? Do you want to take a class? How much time do you have to dedicate to English study? How much are you willing to pay to learn to speak English? Answer these questions and you will understand your strategy. Put Together A Plan For Learning Grammar If you want to know how to speak English, youll also have to know how to use English grammar. Here are my five top tips on how to speak English with good grammar. Learn grammar from context. Do exercises that have you identify tenses and from within a short reading or listening selection. When learning how to speak English you need to use your muscles. Read your grammar exercises aloud which will help you learn to use correct grammar when speaking. Dont do too much grammar! Understanding grammar doesnt mean you speak. Balance grammar with other English learning tasks. Do ten minutes of grammar each day. Its better to only do a little every day than a lot once a week. Use self-study resources at this site. There are lots of grammar resources you can use here on the site to help you improve. Put Together A Plan For Learning Speaking Skills If you want to know how to speak English, youll have to have a plan for speaking English every day. Here are my top five tips to make sure you speak - not just study - English every day. Do all exercises using your voice. Grammar exercises, reading exercises, everything should be read aloud. Speak to yourself. Dont worry about someone hearing you. Speak out loud in English to yourself often. Choose a topic each day and speak for one minute about that topic. Use online exercises and speak in English using Skype or other programs. Heres some practice English speaking sheets to get you started. Make lots of mistakes! Dont worry about mistakes, make many and make them often. Put Together A Plan For Learning Vocabulary To make sure you know how to speak English about a wide range of topics youll need plenty of vocabulary. Here are some suggestions and resources to get you started. Make vocabulary trees. Vocabulary trees and other fun exercises can help you group vocabulary together for faster learning. Keep track of new vocabulary youve learned in a folder. Use visual dictionaries to help you learn more vocabulary faster. Choose to learn vocabulary about subjects you like. Theres no need to study vocabulary that doesnt interest you. Study a little bit of vocabulary every day. Try to learn just two or three new words / expressions every day. Put Together A Plan For Learning Reading / Writing If you want to learn how to speak English, you may not be too concerned with reading and writing. Still, its a good idea to learn how to read and write in English, as well as learn how to speak English. Remember to use your own native language reading skills. You dont need to understand every single word. Practice writing short texts on blogs or for comments at popular English learning web sites. People expect errors at these sites and youll feel very welcome. Read for pleasure in English. Choose a subject you like and read about it. Dont translate directly from your own language when writing. Keep it simple. Put Together A Plan For Learning Pronunciation Learning how to speak English also means learning how to pronounce English. Learn about the music of English and how it can help with English pronunciation skills. Find out about typical pronunciation mistakes people speaking your native tongue make. Consider using a pronunciation program to help you learn better pronunciation through practice. Get a dictionary that has good phonetic transcriptions to help you understand the sounds of English. Use your mouth! Speak out loud every day the more you practice the better your pronunciation will become. Create Opportunities To Speak English Using English as often as possible is the key to learning how to speak English well. Join English learning communities online to practice speaking English with others using video chatting software. Join local clubs that focus on speaking English, speak to tourists and give them a helping hand. If you have friends who are learning to speak English, set aside 30 minutes every day to speak English together. Be creative and create as many opportunities as possible to speak English. Tips Be patient with yourself. It takes a while to learn how to speak English well. Remember to give yourself time and treat yourself well.Do everything everyday, but only do ten to fifteen minutes of the more boring tasks. If you want to improve listening skills, just listen to the radio fifteen minutes rather than an hour. Do ten minutes of grammar exercises. Never do too much English. Its better to do just a little bit every day rather than a lot only twice a week.Make mistakes, make more mistakes and continue to make mistakes. The only way you will learn is by making mistakes, feel free to make them and make them often.Learn how to speak English about the things you like doing. If you enjoy speaking about the topic, it will be much easier for you to learn how to speak English well in a shorter amount of time. What You Need PatienceTimeWillingness to make mistakesFriends who can speak English with youBooks or internet resources in English
Friday, November 22, 2019
300 Movie
The film I chose to evaluate is the fantasy action film, â€Å"300. †300 is a fictional retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, in which the Greeks tried to hold off an invasion of the Persian Empire. The author’s message, from a leadership perspective, shows what a group of soldier would do for their king and how they inspire a country. A number of scenes from the film will depict that King Leonidas is a great leader with great conviction for what he believes in. Leonidas has many great leadership traits. Leonidas has all the traits a good leader needs. He has intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. Even though Leonidas has assigned leadership, he also has emergent leadership. He is appointed king only after he has been tested by the rigorous traditional Spartan initiations into adulthood. After being inspected at birth to see if he was worthy of being a Sparta, Leonidas was thrown into the wild at the age of 7 and left to survive. Leonidas came back alive to prove to his father, and his people that he is capable to be their king. As king, Leonidas command legitimate, coercive, and reward power like his counterpart, Xerxes of Persia. But Leonidas also has referent power that Xerxes does not. Leonidas’ soldiers liked him and would die for him. Xerces’ army was made up of slaves and beasts that fear for their lives. They are forced to fight, and when they fail, Xerxes becomes enraged and beheads them. Leonidas’ leadership style is both directive and supportive. He gave specific instructions on how to battle against the overwhelming Persian Army and he also engages in combat with his army. After a victory he praises his soldier for their bravery and courage. He respects and acknowledges each soldier’s effort in the battles. Leonidas has high task and high relationship behavior with his army. Leonidas faced many challenges throughout the movie. One example was in the beginning, when the Persian messenger came to Leonidas and gave him Xerxes’ ultimatum. He had a difficult decision to make. His decision would impact the whole nation. Should he give in to the Persian army or should he declare war? As he ponders his answer, he looked at his people, their children, and his wife. He thought about his Spartan heritage and values. Spartans don’t surrender or fear anything. Acting according to authentic leadership defined, he lead by kicking the Persian messenger into the well. His actions show his people that he would not let anyone invade the empire, no matter the opposition. He showed them that his leadership is genuine and he would not coward even if he is greatly outmatched. Leonidas is a perfect leader for the situations in the film. In battle, a leader must have authoritative powers. He must have loyalty and attraction of his soldiers. He must also have highly structured strategic plans for his soldiers. The phalanx formation the Spartans use requires the soldiers to fight as one to be strong. The contingency theory of leadership would define Leonidas as being in a very favorable situation. In a favorable situation, the leader and followers will be effective. As seen through most of the film, Leonidas and his soldiers were victorious in all their battles until they were out flanked by the Persians at the end. Leonidas has good dyadic relationships with his men. He and his Captain, Artemis fought alongside each other when they were young. He also develops mutual trust and respect from Artemis and his soldiers, how could he of convince the 300 men to fight the whole Persian army. He knows that each man is a soldier and that they have heirs at home. They are also proud to fight alongside Leonidas. He doesn’t enlist them and take them to war. It is evident when he met up with the Arcadians. When the Arcadian General, Daxos ridicule Leonidas about how few men he brought to the war front, Leonidas asked three Arcadians for their profession. They responded with Potter, Sculptor, and Blacksmith. Leonidas then turns to his soldiers and asked them. They responded with supporting and confident grunts of courage for their leader. According to the Leader-Member Exchange Theory, leadership is a process that is centered on interactions between the leader and his followers. By having high-quality leader-member exchanges with his men, Leonidas is able to have positive performances and commitment from his men and be victorious in the battles. Leonidas was also able to lead through transformational leadership. Transformational leadership brings about positive change to the leader and to those who follow. Leonidas headed into an unfavorable war courageously so that his people may remain free. After multiple attacks on the Spartans had fail, Xerxes call for an audience with Leonidas. He offered Leonidas royalties if he put down his arms and be Xerxes’ general. But Leonidas thought of his people and his kingdom. His people would have to serve the Persians and if he surrendered, how could he answer to his ancestors. By surrendering he would not be a true Spartan. Leonidas kept his honor and brushed off Xerxes. He thought about his followers before himself. By doing this, even in death Leonidas was able to inspire and stimulate the Greek country to collaborate and fend off the Persian Invasion. In conclusion, Leonidas is a good leader as depicted in the film. He has a broad range of leadership skills and traits, but I believe Leonidas is best at leading with transformational leadership. His charisma strongly warrants him to lead through transformational leadership and given the situations of the film, Leonidas is best to use transformational leadership. Also, the message the film entitles is that one great man or nation can inspire a whole country to stand as one and unite towards a common goal.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Airlines fault because of safety violations Research Paper
Airlines fault because of safety violations - Research Paper Example Such factors include safety violation. According to Pollock, (2009) the regulatory body (FAA) has for much times fined many of airlines due to the safety violation. The highest fine ever to be charged by Federal Aviation Administration is $ 10.2 million. The latest incidence that attracted the fine action of FAA involved a Texas-based airline. In the report of year 2012 of FAA, the airline delayed repair of its two MD-80. Such delays posed a safety compromise to the passengers. The Texas-based airline operated with this fault for 58 times in violation of safety and the Federation regulation. According with the FFA, (2010) report, the airline was taxed $ 7.1 million. According with the regulation and policies of FAA, negligence in maintaining the airline with knowledge constitutes a breach of safety regulation. The Texas-based airline had deliberately postponed the maintenance of the airline. By postponing, the service providers were intentionally putting the life of passengers at risk. The report established that the management was aware of the several autopilot problems yet they continued to defer the maintenance. The rules and regulation of FAA were enacted following the injury and death caused by airlines. According to FFA, (2010) most of the faults leads to very fatal accident that claimed life of many citizens. In a research done by Pollock, (2009) most airlines in most cases defer maintenance of the airline in the festive seasons such Christmas where there is a lot of travelling. One example given in the research is MD-80 affiliated to Texas-based airline. In the busy Christmas travel season, the autopilot disconnected many times posing a threat on the passenger traveling. It has been established that most a time is due to negligence and drive to make money in the peak season. For this case, the airline was charged a fine of $ 8 million. More
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Health and Human Services on Teen Pregnancy Research Paper - 1
Health and Human Services on Teen Pregnancy - Research Paper Example The HHS has addressed this problem through a number of mandates and programs such as comprehensive sex educations, health care, and researchers. Several programs have been greatly effective in lessening the statistics. With more collaboration and resources, future plans will extensively assuage teen pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is one of the serious challenges that the society has been facing for a number of years. Statistics have shown the veracity of this social issue. Contributory factors range from countless general elements such as culture and poverty to particulars like personal viewpoints and attitude on relationships. To tackle the crisis, Health and Human Services (HHS) have encouraged and implemented programs. Different kinds of strategies have been utilized by a variety of organizations in diverse areas. This paper specifically delves into the matter of teen pregnancy and how the HHS has intervened regarding this problem. Particularly, the following discussions cite how teenage pregnancy has affected the public over time. Certain facts on its history and some alterations of the problem will be mentioned. Furthermore, the various development programs to address the said crisis are mainly considered. Especially, HHS’ strategies will discourse. An example of a best practice will be highlighted. This will be a kind of an approach that is quite efficient in coming up with positive results. This entails plans that seek to work with the target population which considers their peculiarity and lifestyle. Evident effects of changes in the legislation will be looked into. The improvement of the situation as a result of the mandates testify to the significance of the approaches supported by the said laws. The rulings’ competence with diverse populations is likewise noteworthy. Some laws are only particular in certain situations but are not that applicable in other kinds of contexts.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sustainable agriculture Essay Example for Free
Sustainable agriculture Essay Specific purpose: Organic food advocates claim that organically grown foods are safer and more nutritious than foods raised with non-organic methods such as pesticide and non-organic fertilizer use, or antibiotic and hormone use. Thesis statement: Many people just dont trust these chemicals and dont want to put them into their bodies. Since virtually all non-organically produced foods contain residues of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals, the only way to avoid them is to buy organic foods. Introduction Organic foods are grown without using most conventional pesticides and fertilizers. A product that is identified as being organic is not produced by genetic engineering. Ionizing radiation and sewage sludge cannot be used in organic production or handling. Organic farming practices include soil and water conservation measures. Crop rotation, manure, and compost are used to improve the soil in place of using conventional fertilizers. Instead of using commercial insecticides or herbicides, organic farmers might use companion planting to discourage insects and mulch and hand weeding to control weeds. To be certified as organic, food products need to come from farms and processing plants that are certified as organic. This means that they are inspected by certified government officials to ensure that organic farms are up to USDA organic standards. The USDA is responsible for the organic labeling program and allows one of three possible labels: Products labeled â€Å"100 percent organic†must contain only organically produced ingredients. Products labeled â€Å"organic†must have at least 95 percent of their ingredients organically produced. Products labeled â€Å"made with organic ingredients†must contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients. Products that contain less than 70 percent organic ingredients can list individual ingredients as organic but cannot say that the product is organic. Need Not cheaper: Expect to pay more for organic food, since it requires more labor to bring to market. Not local: Organic produce can come from miles away, and may require lots of energy to transport. Not clean: You should still wash organic produce to remove dirt and bacteria, and take all normal food-handling precautions when preparing organic meats and other foods. Satisfaction Organics Are Good for Your Babys Body A variety of wholesome, nutritious foods is what your baby needs to develop in both body and mind. Chemicals, in the form of added artificial flavorings, dyes, pesticide and herbicide residues, and hydrogenated fats, do nothing to promote good health, and can even detract from it. Organically grown and produced food is free of these chemicals, leaving only the good taste and nutrition that nature intended. Babies and children who are fed an organic diet are not overexposed to antibiotic residue in their food, either. Animals are healthier when farmed organically, because they have adequate access to fresh air, appropriate diet, and outdoor space. Therefore, the need for antibiotic overuse is eliminated. (According to USDA rules, organic meat must be antibiotic-free. ) Organics Are Better for the Planet Taking care of the world that your baby will inherit is also good parenting. Organic farming is based on keeping the soil healthy through natural means like rotating crops, letting fields lie fallow, and using natural fertilizing methods rather than spraying on toxic pesticides and herbicides that can run off into water supplies and contaminate the soil. Visualization Action How to Create a Healthy Organic Table As with most everything, in feeding your family variety is the spice of life. Serving seasonal produce in a variety of colors with a wide range of whole grains and protein sources ensures that your family receives the full spectrum of nutrients that bodies need to function at their best. These recommendations Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and legumes in a variety of colors Eating a variety of whole-grain products Consuming low-fat or fat-free dairy products or equivalent milk products Limiting added sugar, salt, and saturated fat, and avoiding trans fats Work cited National Organic Program, United States Department of Agriculture, Organic Foods Standards and Labels: The Facts Updated: January 2007. Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Zampelas A. Organic food: buying more safety or just peace of mind? A critical review of the literature. 1: Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2006;46(1):23-56. Colborn, T. A Case for Revisiting the Safety of Pesticides: A Closer Look at Neurodevelopment. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 January; 114(1):10-17. Magkos F, Arvaniti F, Zampelas A. Organic food: nutritious food or food for thought? A review of the evidence. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2003 Sep;54(5):357-71. Kopke U. Organic foods: do they have a role? Forum Nutr. 2005;(57):62-72.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gallup Poles :: essays research papers
In 1935 a man named George Gallup of Jefferson, Iowa founded and became director of the American Institute for Public Opinion. He is best know for his Gallup Poles which till this day serve as the most respected public opinion surveys on politics. Before all major elections in this country Gallup Poles are conducted to get a firm sense of who is voting for which candidate and often why. Now with out any question the poles themselves are a great tool for politicians in order to gauge where and how hard they need to campaign. In addition it also provides many Americans with a good perspective of how the nation thinks and where they’re beliefs fall in relation to. Those are too benefits to the Gallup Pole, now the question remains, is the government too responsive to public opinion and do polls drive the agenda? However I think it’s a better question to ask if the government can be â€Å"too responsive†to public opinion and if it is bad if polls drive the agenda? First and foremost I believe that the only possible arguments against poles are that 1) they sometimes discourage voters and 2) they may have a little too much impact on the agenda. I believe one small reason for low voter turnout is because due to polls people feel as though they know who is going to win before the elections and don’t feel as though there vote would make a difference. But for the most part polls help out this country as long as their figures are true. We do live in a country ruled by the people and if the poles reflect the will of the people than I don’t see why politicians shouldn’t refer to them. It also makes politicians and their employees take stock of their stances on issues and their relationship with certain groups. For example if a republican woman running for Senator of New Jersey and she sees a pole stating that the majority of Asians don’t support her, she will try to figure out why that is and she will try to remedy the situ ation. Poles open some politicians eyes to some issues they may not know exist. For example say that woman found out that in past years the New Jersey republican party has not even addressed problems brought up by the Asian society and has totally ignored them.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Forces Leading to the War of 1812
The war of 1812, supposedly fought over neutral trading rights, was a very peculiar conflict indeed. Britain's trade restrictions, one of the main causes, were removed two days before the war started; the New Englanders, for whom the war was supposedly fought, opposed it; the most decisive battle, at New Orleans, was fought after the war ended.Before the war began, Britain and France had disrupted US shipping, confiscated American goods, taking US seamen into the British navy, and both sides had blockaded each other's ports which caused great annoyance to American traders, and Britain's abduction of American sailors especially caused great uproar and indignation at home. These forces led Americans to declare war on Britain in 1812. When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British.This seemed like a justifiable cause for a war, however not all of the citizens shared the same sense of unity about the political issues the war was be ing fought over. The US was quite upset about the continuing impressments of American sailors into the British Navy and the seizures of American merchant trading vessels by the British. In a committee report in 1811, congressmen address their complaints against Britain. The British defied an â€Å"incontestable right†, and they captured â€Å"every American vessel†that they could find.In response to these intolerable actions, The president of the United States wishes to declare war against Great Britain. A group of congressman known as the War Hawks desperately desired going to war. One of these â€Å"War Hawks,†John C. Calhoun, agrees with the committee’s report, by saying â€Å"these rights are essentially attacked, and war is the only means of redress. †Hugh Nelson, congressman from Virginia, believed that the war was inevitable and that it would bring the American people together. He stated, â€Å"to demonstrate to the world†¦ hat the people of these state were united, one and indivisible. †This quote demonstrates his thoughts that if the United States were to unite in a strong fashion, it would indeed â€Å"repel all foreign aggression. †President Madison’s Declaration of War coincided directly with the report and the writings of the War Hawks, in that it explained itself by stating, â€Å"We behold our seafaring citizens still the daily victims of lawless violence†¦ We behold our vessels†¦ wrested from their lawful destinations. †In the War of 1812, many groups had apprehensions to the war at hand.Some, like the War Hawks, used the plight of the New England maritime traders as an excuse to go to war. In reality though, New England was doing better off before the war, because during which it became increasingly difficult to ship goods across the Atlantic and it was impossible to trade with Great Britain. John Randolph, a Representative from Virginia, even went as far as to say that â€Å"maritime rights†had no say in influencing the war. He believed that â€Å"agrarian cupidity†was the true influence that urged the war.By that, Randolph means that men are looking to take the fertile lands of British Canada for themselves, considering that the northern mountains did them no good. When observing the votes for war in the House of Representatives, one might notice a peculiar detail. The agrarian regions of the United states, which includes the Western Frontier, The South and The Agricultural Mid-Atlantic States, have many more yes votes than no votes. Whereas in New England, and the Maritime and Commercial Mid-Atlantic States, the no votes heavily outweighed the yes ones.The Jeffersonians claim that they want war to fight for the â€Å"maritime rights†and yet the Maritime and Commercial States stand out with a majority of no votes. Not a single Federalist voted yes for the congressional vote for war, while a large majority of Demo cratic-Republicans voted yes for war. Most of these Federalists were also ironically located in New England, but most of the Democratic-Republicans were located in the South and the West. Before the War of 1812, If Americans had been able to put aside their regional selfishness and differences, a declaration of war may not have even been required in the first place.Forces such as disrupted shipping, confiscated goods, and abduction of sailors could have been negotiated over with Great Britain. The United States lacked the unity, discipline, and strength to challenge the British and ended up paying dearly for the declaration of war against them. It is evident in the representatives’ voting that New England and other Maritime regions were against the war. This may suggest that the idea for war was prompted by Democratic-Republicans like the War Hawks, whose motives may have been questionable as mentioned by Randolph.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Canadian Trade History Essay
It is due not later than Sunday March 3, at 6:00pm, submitted to Moodle You need to use at least 3 sources: your textbook, your class notes and 1 other source of your choice. Sources need to be cited properly. Your essay must cover all periods of trade: pre-European contact, early contact/colonial, late colonial, American-dominated, international. In each period, include what was traded, by whom, and for later periods, in what amounts ($). Papers should be written in proper essay style, with SHORT introductions and conclusions. Stick to the facts, as you space limit does not allow for much extra. The Canadian traded history. The trade is beginning with the neighbors, traded with the same value of the animals, good and the food you want. And in that time the money still no exists yet, thus neighbors and villages are trade with other things, this is the trading started. And it grew bigger and bigger to city trade with the city country trade with country, and crossing domain trading with country. Such as European trading good and slaves in China around 800 B. C. and there is not much people try to crossing the domain with the trade, because it is dangerous and took long time to get to other countries. Until the sail technique and been used for 1000 years. In1497, just five years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean John Cabot (Giovanni Cabotto), an Italian whose ships were financed by England’s King Henry VII, landed on the shores of Newfoundland, off the east coast of North America. And this is how Canadian trade history start. The national people were the first arrive in the North America live in the good social, health lives, hunting animals, trading with different tribes. But everything was changed after the EU came in with metal weapons, guns, food, and more and more. And the Indian changed their lives to better hunting and cutting fur and feather skills. But after the war, the national people gone to the north part of the NA, and their live is not better then any one else. Cold weather, sickness, war, and food are taking their life away. Only the EU took control over of NA after 1400. And the US and Canada become the colony of UK, trading making business around the world, and Canada are the biggest trading partner in that time. Few years after the Canada and UK had the war with US because US wants to be independent on their own, but uk don’t want them to be so because they still want to control the US and Canada. Thus the Trading is stopped and war. After the war trading start again. In that time the New York is the biggest trading city market in the NA. lots of Canadian are traded in New York, goods, foods , weapons and so on. And because the war Canadian are hate and anger about the American but we are the biggest traded partner in NA, so we are kind the anger about them, but we can’t live without them on the trade and business county. Until now the US still is the biggest trading partner in the NA.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Just War Theory
The Just War Theory Just war theory is the most prominent standpoint on peace and war ethics. The theory deals with the right to resort to war and proper conduct of war. This policy equips international policy makers with accurate criteria to use to allow them evaluate the morality of interventions of specific arms of the military.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Just War Theory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Criteria like just means, fair treatment of wounded and captives and just cause are the standpoint of the theory. The theory determines whether it is just to suffer because of war. Interstate wars began back then in historical periods and they still exist today though the causes and the methods have changed with time[1]. Some examples of military interstate wars include Persian Gulf War and the Libyan War in which the United States participated. This essay highlights the Persian Gulf War and the Libyan Wars which the United S tates participated and it evaluates whether they were conducted for justness. Persian Gulf War The Persian Gulf War was waged by United Nations and it was endorsed by alliance force from 34countries led mainly by the U.S. to fight Iraq for invading and annexing Kuwait. The Iraqi troops had invaded Kuwait at the beginning of 1990 and this action was condemned by international nations. The U.N. Security Council immediately declared economic sanctions on Iraq. U.S. forces were then deployed in Saudi Arabia to prevent them from conducting more harm. The U.S. urged other nations to send their armed forces to Iraq to help in the war. The U.S led intervention made Iraq, in part of the peace terms, accepted to recognize the sovereignty of the Kuwait republic. Kuwait also became less prone to Iraq invasion as Iraq had been ordered to get rid of its weapons of mass destruction. The no fly zone imposed over Iraq for a while ensured peace and stability in the region. The United Nation invasion to fight the Iraq people was of significance; it offered a platform for Kuwait to reconstruct and develop its economy without the fear of invasion from Iraq[2]. This therefore means that the war was conducted for justness.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Libyan war Following the Arab uprising, especially in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya was soon too caught up in the war wave. In the wave of the uprising, rebels organized attacks against Gadhafi’s government troops. In retaliation, Gadhafi responded by using military force on the opposition. The amount of force used was too excessive in that civilian casualties were witnessed in large numbers. As a result the United Nations Security Council voted to impose a no fly zone over Libyan airspace. The Libyan rebels could not fight the Gadhafi’s troops alone and the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces were to help in the ousting of Muammar Gadhafi[3]. The U.S.A provided intelligence and technical assistance to the NATO forces. At the end of the operation, Muammar Gadhafi was ousted and executed, and that marked the end of his reign in Libya. There was a sense of ‘freedom’ among Libyan citizens. It had brought an end to the bloodshed and violence that had rocked the nation. This was another instance where U.S.A had gone to war and the outcome was positive. Bibliography Brough, Michael. Rethinking the Just War Tradition. New York: SUNY Press, 2007. Freedman, Lawrence. Karsh, Ephraim. The Gulf Conflict: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order. New York: Scribners, 2007. Ronald, Bruce. Libya – Continuity and Change. New York: Routledge, 2011. Footnotes Michael, Brough. Rethinking the Just War Tradition. (New York: SUNY Press, 2007), 102. Lawrence, Freedman. Ephraim, Karsh. The Gulf Conflict: Diplomacy and War in the New World Orde r, 1990–1991. (New York: Scribners, 2007), 110. Bruce, Ronald. Libya – Continuity and Change. (New York: Routledge, 2011), 122.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Research method critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research method critique - Essay Example Qualitative as well as quantitative research methodologies are regarded as two distinct approaches that need to interpret differently. In this regard, qualitative research is defined as an approach of exploring various issues, analysing facts, comprehending phenomena and responding to any question. Conversely, quantitative research is based on collecting data by undergoing through numerous statistical reports and other relevant data (Creswell, 2013). According to Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct 2015, nursing research is regarded as the approach of enhancing public protection by ensuring the nurses as well as the midwives to remain fit into the practice in their respective careers. Specially mentioning, the importance of evidence-based practice with reference to NMC Code of Conduct 2015 lay in offering quality treatments as well as care to the patients by accessing valuable information and also considering past evidences or records regarding the above stated context (Nursing Times, 2014). The elements relating to robustness of the research fundamentally entail statement of the phenomenon, literature review, theoretical framework and ethical considerations among others (Ryan & et. al., 2007). Research work in medical field is executed from long course of time. The research work conducted by Lee (2013) focused upon generating greater level of awareness about good hygiene practices amid the nursing students. The research highlighted hands’ decontamination and usage of gloves as the better prevention measure for cross infection (Gray & et. al., 2013). The research work of Lee (2013) reveals about the decision-making procedure, which is used to evaluate the risks involved with nurses and other medical practitioners. Another aspect of Lee’s research is identified to make decisions as to when, where and how infections could be prevented by the nurses
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Monoclonal antibodies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Monoclonal antibodies - Essay Example The fusion of myeloma cells together with mammalian spleen cells results to a hybrid cells that produces a high amount of the monoclonal antibodies. Out of this experiment, two types of cells are produced. One has the potential to grow continuously while the other has the ability to produce large amounts of monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are works better than convectional drugs since the antibody specifically targets the antigen and does not have negative health effects like the conventional drugs, which causes side effects after being used (Hsu, 1990, 34). If the amount of monoclonal antibodies becomes excess in the blood, it means that there is the presence of abnormal protein in the blood. Screening of blood helps to identify these proteins through a process called protein electrophoresis. The plasma cells in the bone marrow are the main source of the production of monoclonal antibody abnormally.Monoclonal antibodies production Hybridoma produces the monoclona l antibodies. Hybridoma cells can be made through fusing two cells so that the characteristics of two cells can be combined into one cell. One of the two cells should be myeloma, which is the tumor cell while the other should be the antibody-producing cell. The hybridoma produced in the laboratory has the ability to replicate faster than the normal cells that produces antibodies (Newcombe, 2007, 23). One common way in which the immune system of the humans fights diseases or presence.... pecifically targets the antigen and does not have negative health effects like the conventional drugs, which causes side effects after being used (Hsu, 1990, 34). If the amount of monoclonal antibodies becomes excess in the blood, it means that there is the presence of abnormal protein in the blood. Screening of blood helps to identify these proteins through a process called protein electrophoresis. The plasma cells in the bone marrow are the main source of the production of monoclonal antibody abnormally. Monoclonal antibodies production Hybridoma produces the monoclonal antibodies. Hybridoma cells can be made through fusing two cells so that the characteristics of two cells can be combined into one cell. One of the two cells should be myeloma, which is the tumor cell while the other should be the antibody-producing cell. The hybridoma produced in the laboratory has the ability to replicate faster than the normal cells that produces antibodies (Newcombe, 2007, 23). On the other hand , the tumor cells have potential to grow endlessly and at a higher rate than the normal cells. A specific monoclonal antibody that is originally produced by the B-lymphocyte is manufactured by the hybridoma cells. One common way in which the immune system of the humans fights diseases or presence of an antigen is through the production of large amounts of antibodies (Birch, Lennox, 2000, 30). These antibodies keep circulating throughout the body until they come across an antigen, which they will attach themselves on. As soon as they attach themselves, they alert the rest of the immune system to produce many of the antibodies to fight the specific antigen found. Monoclonal antibody can be produced in the laboratory and its effectiveness carries a higher percentage since it is designed for a
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