Monday, September 30, 2019
Human resources Research Proposal Essay
Proposed Research Topic: A situational analysis of the role of Human Resource Management programs in developing competency mapping tests, training and development, analyzing quality of work life, and overall employee attitudes. Purposes: In this project I will explore the holes that Human Resource Departments in all scopes of business overlook in determining the best fit for their companies. In particular, I will explore how competency mapping affects department efficiency, recruiting, retention rates, and general employee satisfaction. Such a study should give insight into the workings of Human Resource Departments and open doors to concepts that are too often overlooked or not used in conjunction with other practices. Also, the study will prove the necessity for more extensive candidate study in order to recruit and retain the right jobs for the right employees. Search Terms: * Competency Mapping * Training and Development * Quality of work life * Employee Attitude * Human Resources Management * Human Resources Development Articles: 1. Holland, P. – In Australia, a study group has found that HR departments at various firms are allocating resources towards some of the wrong areas within their employee structure and need to focus them more on recruitment and retention. Skill and labor shortages spurred the initiating of the studies and found that in order for these Australian organizations to compete both domestically and internationally they must allocate the right resources to the right areas. 2. Levi, A. S. – In a quantitative study, reactions of African Americans and Whites were noted to describe the results of Affirmative Action Programs (AAP) within the HR department. Attitudes of AA has been mixed of course, but application to four HR activities including hiring, promotions, training, and layoffs proved differing opinions exist when analyzing both advanced undergraduate and MBA participants reactions. AA has frequently made available controversy in the workplace as unfair to non-beneficiary groups, especially white males, who understandably may resist such practices. 3. Toh, S., Morgeson – In a quantitative study, researchers found that bundling HR practices rather than just individual HR practices made a large impact on effecting employee performance. Since employee performance is a multi-dimensional factor that includes ability and motivation, it only makes sense that aiming strategies at multiple angles would increase response in employees. Based on results found, individual organizations displayed stronger competence and positive results in their respected HR bundle chosen to focus on. 4. Naqvi, F. – Inside every business lays a Human Resource Department that is dedicated to hiring and retaining the most competent employees for any given job opening. The basic premise of competency mapping is finding the right person for the right job, but this is literally just the tip of the iceberg. Just because a candidate displays strong academic records and knowledge does not necessary elicit the best fit for said candidate. Also, personality testing cannot be the sole means of weeding out candidates, as they do not explore the multi-dimensional aspects that will be needed to efficiently and successfully fulfill job expectations and purposes.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Timeline of Education
Time Line of Education History of American Education Edu 324 Hernandez Karen Lane 4 March 2013 1647 The General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony decrees that every town of fifty families should have an elementary school and that every town of 100 families should have a Latin school. The goal is to ensure that Puritan children learn to read the Bible and receive basic information about their Calvinist religion. 1779 Thomas Jefferson proposes a two-track educational system, with different tracks in his words for â€Å"the laboring and the learned. Scholarship would allow a very few of the laboring class to advance, Jefferson says, by â€Å"raking a few geniuses from the rubbish. †1785 The Continental Congress passes a law calling for a survey of the â€Å"Northwest Territory†which included what was to become the state of Ohio. The law created â€Å"townships,†reserving a portion of each township for a local school. From these â€Å"land grants†even tually came the U. S. system of â€Å"land grant universities,†the state public universities that exist today. 1790Pennsylvania state constitution calls for free public education but only for poor children. It is expected that rich people will pay for their children's schooling. 1805 New York Public School Society formed by wealthy businessmen to provide education for poor children. Schools are run on the â€Å"Lancasterian†model, in which one â€Å"master†can teach hundreds of students in a single room. The master gives a rote lesson to the older students, who then pass it down to the younger students. These schools emphasize discipline and obedience qualities that factory owners want in their workers. 817 A petition presented in the Boston Town Meeting calls for establishing of a system of free public primary schools. Main support comes from local merchants, businessmen and wealthier artisans. Many wage earners oppose it, because they don't want to pay the taxes. 1820 First public high school in the U. S. , Boston English, opens. 1827 Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school open to all pupils free of charge. 1830s By this time, most southern states have laws forbidding teaching people in slavery to read.Even so, around 5 percent become literate at great personal risk. 1820-1860 3. 1 million immigrants arrive a number equal to one eighth of the entire U. S. population. Owners of industry needed a docile, obedient workforce and look to public schools to provide it. 1837 Horace Mann becomes head of the newly formed Massachusetts State Board of Education. Edmund Dwight, a major industrialist, thinks a state board of education was so important to factory owners that he offered to supplement the state salary with extra money of his own. 840s Over a million Irish immigrants arrive in the United States. Irish Catholics in New York City struggle for local neighborhood control of schools as a way of preventing their childr en from being force-fed a Protestant curriculum. 1848 Massachusetts Reform School at Westboro opens, where children who have refused to attend public schools are sent. This begins a long tradition of â€Å"reform schools,†which combine the education and juvenile justice systems. 1851 State of Massachusetts passes first its compulsory education law.The goal is to make sure that the children of poor immigrants get â€Å"civilized†and learn obedience and restraint, so they make good workers and don't contribute to social upheaval. 1865-1877 African Americans mobilize to bring public education to the South for the first time. After the Civil War, and with the legal end of slavery, African Americans in the South make alliances with white Republicans to push for many political changes, including for the first time rewriting state constitutions to guarantee free public education.In practice, white children benefit more than Black children. 1893-1913 Size of school boards in the country's 28 biggest cities is cut in half. Most local district (or â€Å"ward†) based positions are eliminated, in favor of city-wide elections. This means that local immigrant communities lose control of their local schools. Makeup of school boards changes from small local businessmen and some wage earners to professionals (like doctors and lawyers), big businessmen and other members of the richest classes. 1896 Plessy v.Ferguson decision. The U. S. Supreme Court rules that the state of Louisiana has the right to require â€Å"separate but equal†railroad cars for Blacks and whites. This decision means that the federal government officially recognizes segregation as legal. One result is that southern states pass laws requiring racial segregation in public schools. 1905 The U. S. Supreme Court requires California to extend public education to the children of Chinese immigrants. 1917 Smith-Hughes Act passes, providing federal funding for vocational education.Big m anufacturing corporations push this, because they want to remove job skill training from the apprenticeship programs of trade unions and bring it under their own control. 1924 An act of Congress makes Native Americans U. S. citizens for the first time. 1930-1950 The NAACP brings a series of suits over unequal teachers' pay for Blacks and whites in southern states. At the same time, southern states realize they are losing African American labor to the northern cities. These two sources of pressure resulted in some increase of spending on Black schools in the South. 1932A survey of 150 school districts reveals that three quarters of them are using so-called intelligence testing to place students in different academic tracks. 1945 At the end of World War 2, the G. I. Bill of Rights gives thousands of working class men college scholarships for the first time in U. S. history. 1948 Educational Testing Service is formed, merging the College Entrance Examination Board, the Cooperative Test Service, the Graduate Records Office, the National Committee on Teachers Examinations and others, with huge grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations.These testing services continued the work of eugenicists like Carl Brigham (originator of the SAT) who did research â€Å"proving†that immigrants were feeble-minded. 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The Supreme Court unanimously agrees that segregated schools are â€Å"inherently unequal†and must be abolished. Almost 45 years later in 1998, schools, especially in the north, are as segregated as ever. 1957 A federal court orders integration of Little Rock, Arkansas public schools. Governor Orval Faubus sends his National Guard to physically prevent nine African American students from enrolling at all-white Central High School.Reluctantly, President Eisenhower sends federal troops to enforce the court order not because he supports desegregation, but because he can't let a state governor use military power to defy the U. S. federal government. 1968 African American parents and white teachers clash in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville area of New York City, over the issue of community control of the schools. Teachers go on strike, and the community organizes freedom schools while the public schools are closed. 1974 Milliken v. Bradley. A Supreme Court made up of Richard Nixon‘s appointees rules that schools may not be desegregated across school districts.This effectively legally segregates students of color in inner-city districts from white students in wealthier white suburban districts. Late 1970s The so-called â€Å"taxpayers' revolt†leads to the passage of Proposition 13 in California, and copy-cat measures like Proposition 2-1/2 in Massachusetts. These propositions freeze property taxes, which are a major source of funding for public schools. As a result, in twenty years California drops from first in the nation in per-student spending in 1978 to number 43 in 1998. 1 980sThe federal Tribal Colleges Act establishes a community college on every Indian reservation, which allows young people to go to college without leaving their families. 1994 Proposition 187 passes in California, making it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend public school. Federal courts hold Proposition 187 unconstitutional, but anti-immigrant feeling spreads across the country. Resources: Applied Research Center 2012, Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US Retrieved from: http://www. arc. rg/content/view/100/217/ Gaither, M. 2011 History of American Education Chapters two through eight of book Retrieved from https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUHIS324. 11. 1/ Morgan A Time Rime, Influential Events in the History of American Education Retrieved from: http://timerime. com/en/event/1386863/Latin+Grammar+School/ Sass, Edmund @ College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University American Educational History: A Hypertext Timeline 2013 Retrieved from: ht tp://www. eds-resources. com/educationhistorytimeline. html
Saturday, September 28, 2019
REGIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
REGIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT - Essay Example The percentage of unemployed people in Scotland have been reducing due to the massive expansion of businesses in the region such as the oil and gas sector (Herald Scotland, 2015). This growth has brought about job creation thus the improvement of employment rates to a â€Å"record high†. The unemployment rates in North Ireland also match those in Scotland in being the lowest among the four due to an improving economic situation that as resulted in more job offerings in the public and private sector (Houston, 2014). In Wales, programs implanted by the government such as the Jobs Growth Wales have played a significant role in reducing the unemployment rates (, 2013). The government may use policies that create good economic conditions for businesses to thrive on such as encouraging the creation of new business. These conditions will enable businesses to grow that translates into the need for more workers in the particular. The authorities can also sponsor the youth and educate them on how to create successful enterprises so that they can also use their skills to earn a living and employ themselves such as through web design among others. Therefore, the unemployment rates are reduced in the process. The government can also undertake an analysis of the labor market in various regions to determine places inhabited mostly by unemployed individuals. They can reduce the tax levels for the business in the area so as to increase the level of unemployment. They can also create institutions that enabled the unemployed to learn skills that may help them to get jobs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2015]. Month - [Online] Available at:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Impact of DNA damage induced by anticancer drugs on both S phase and Essay
Impact of DNA damage induced by anticancer drugs on both S phase and mitosis phase of the cell cycle - Essay Example 2005). Cells in any living organism grow, divide, perform their functions and gradually enter apoptosis (programmed cell death) at the end of their life cycle. This process is progressed through a ‘cell cycle’ which mainly consist of four stages as G1 (gap 1), S (synthesis), G2 (gap 2) and M (mitosis). Cell cycle regulation and cancer are intersected fields and hence treating cancer is more or less done in targeting the cell cycle (Collins et al. 1997). During G1, the cells grow in size and prepare for chromosome replication by synthesizing enzymes for the next stage. In S phase, the genomic DNA chromosomes are duplicated to produce two identical chromosomes (replication) and the G2 phase prepares the cells for cell division and synthesis cellular components required for mitosis in the proceeding stage. In the M phase, the replicated chromosomes are divided through a series of processes as Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Subsequently the cell s plits into two identical daughter cells with cytokinensis (Lewin 1990). These cells then enter G0 (resting) stage where they carry on their respective functions or in actively dividing tissues, they once again enter G1 stage to be further divided. Each cell cycle has check points as G1/S and G2/M that is involved in correction mechanisms to prevent any error in this system. Transition through check points are signaled by cyclones and cycline-dependent kinases (CDKs). ATM (Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated) and ATR (Ataxia Telangiectasia and Rad-3-related) protein kinases are the leading controllers in DNA damage checkpoint signaling (Nishida et el. 2009). This mechanism ensures any error during DNA synthesis mechanism does not pass through the cell cycle. Cells with any mistake are either repaired before progressing or enter into apoptosis (programmed cell death) if the errors cannot be rectified. The G1/S check point ensures the cells have grown into the appropriate size and the DNA is not damaged while in the G2/M check point it is confirmed that the DNA is properly replicated during the S phase. Another check point in the M stage (metaphase check point), see that the chromosomes are properly aligned on the spindle at metaphase. Any mistake detected in any of these check points force the cells to repair or enter apoptosis. Chemotherapy is an efficient and a widely used method of treating cancer. Here the cancerous cells are treated with anticancer/antineoplastic drugs and apoptosis is induced (Muller et al. 1999). Usually a combination of two or more drugs is administered to the patient to increase efficiency. Chemotherapeutic treatments are targeted to destroy actively proliferating cells since cancerous cells are highly proliferating. This has the disadvantage of attacking rapidly dividing normal cells such as in the bone marrow, intestine and hair follicles and cause chemotherapy side effects as hair loss (alopecia) and inflammation in the digestive tract (mu cositis) since the anticancer drugs fails to identify cancerous and normal cells but simply destroys the fast proliferating cells. Chemotherapeutic agents or anticancer drugs are mainly aimed toward cell cycle at
Thursday, September 26, 2019
For Cullen and Gilbert 'rehabilitation should be the major goal of any Essay
For Cullen and Gilbert 'rehabilitation should be the major goal of any correctional system'. Critically discuss this proposition - Essay Example In addition, the strengths and weaknesses are also imparted to be able to portray the potential gain of the whole system and even the limitations. The main view of Cullen and Gilbert can be considered as positive theories to answer the problems of criminology. Rehabilitation is the main objective that can be projected in relation to the effect of application in the behaviour of the detainees. The positive view of the theory can be considered as a priority in contrary to that of the old theories of justice that involve deterrence and retribution. Through the course of modern justice system, it can be considered that the role of rehabilitation on the reform of the offenders had taken the main road and had produced influence. The said influence had developed on the turn of the 1900s wherein the development and changing of the characteristics and the attitudes of the criminals and offenders had been projected as the main solution for the decrease of the number of crimes (Cullen and Gendreau, 2000). Through the 70’s toward the end of the century, the effectiveness and the feasibility of the rehabilitation approach in the correctional systems had been criticized and questioned. Basically as the rehabilitation theory affirms that the crimes had been committed by the offenders on the basis of the problems in behaviour and inadequate decision making, critics believe that the process cannot help the society lessen criminals but there are dangers that rehabilitation cannot fully discipline the offenders. This can then pose danger to the welfare of the people (Wilson, 2005). In the presentation of the view of Cullen and Gilbert on the proper approach for correctional system, it is important to be able to present the different pros and cons. For that matter the criticisms of the rehabilitation theory is needed to be studied and scrutinized. The main scenario in the study undertaken by Cullen and Gilbert relates to the world in the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
People Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
People Resourcing - Essay Example The definition of people resourcing includes a number of activities. â€Å"People resourcing is concerned with ensuring that the organisation obtains and retains the human capital needs and employs them productively. It is also about those aspects of employment practices that are concerned with welcoming people to organisation and, if there is no alternative, releasing them†.This definition highlights important aspects relating to people resourcing. First, it primarily focuses on organisation’s human capital requirements and subsequently it requires the effective and productive use of employees. In this regard, it is pertinent to highlight that this part of definition looks ambiguous as it does not further describe the productivity of employees. Consequently, this situation leads to consequent unclear application of definition. In the next part of definition, the definition author has attempted to elucidate hiring and firing perspective as an inbuilt part of people res ourcing. However, it is still relevant to highlight that this definition points out the importance of human capital. For example, the definition author insists that human capital, such as natural talent, ability to satisfy job description and job role as expected by employer, remains a central focal point of the definition. At the same time, the definition also insists that after satiating the first two requirements of the definition, it is essential to work for the third requirement (productive utilisation) of the hired personnel.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Law of Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Law of Equity and Trusts - Essay Example The first determination of the presence of a trust is with regards to a written declaration of it. There is no written declaration for the purposes of s. 53(1)(b) of the Law of Property Act (LPA) 1925 with regards to the home. The only written declaration of the trust is Uncle David’s Will. Thus, if Lorraine has to establish an interest, it must be under the rules ofPettitt v Pettitt(1970) later affirmed by Lloyds Bank v Rosset(1991), by way of resulting or constructive trust. This would result in an equitable interest for Lorraine. Resulting trusts are formed when there is a contribution made to the purchase price, which, in this scenario is not the case.The facts do not say whether she actually contributed to the purchase price by way of outright sum or through mortgage payments, both of which are accepted ways of establishing an interest in the house, and thus, it is presumed that Jonathan was the sole proprietor of the house. Lorraine joined him as a young girlfriend, and for that reason, her interest has to be established by way of constructive trust, which is formed in the presence of an oral assurance on which reliance has been made by the claimant to her detriment (see Lloyds Bank). The promise made by Jonathan can be easily evidenced as it was in the presence of witnesses. In 2009, he declared, â€Å"all of my property including our lovely barge home is as much yours Lorraine as it is mine†. This takes the form of an oral promise, and judging from the fact that it was made on several occasions, Lorraine can establish that it amounts to an interest of some kind in the property (Ungarian v Lesnoff (1990) and Eves v Eves (1975)). Thus, the second step for Lorraine in order to establish her equitable interest in the property would be to prove that she relied upon the promise to her detriment. Lorraine spent a considerable amount on structural repairs and decoration, to the tune of 65000 pounds and contributed half of her salary to
Monday, September 23, 2019
SC2C67C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
SC2C67C - Essay Example , Middle and Far East for new workers, providing them with British citizenship and inviting them to take up jobs within the UK labour market (Kenny; Briner, 2006: 3). The UK workforce has steadily become more multi-ethnic in the past five decades (p.31). Gender: The number of women working away from home has increased several-fold, with the proportion of women in the workforce nearly equal to that of men, and steadily increasing. But, in terms of remuneration, choice projects or promotions, they are discriminated against. Age for retirement around the mid-fifties is considered too early in present times, with men and women perceiving themselves to be capable of several more years of employment. Employers’ preference for younger people is prevalent, with educational qualifications and energy counting more than experience which veterans may have. Ethnic and Racial Discrimination: In a study, among those who reported discrimination at the work place on the basis of ethnicity or race, 28 % reported being passed over for promotion, 21% reported being assigned undesirable tasks, and 16% reported hearing racist comments Dixon, et al, 2002 quoted in (Nelson; Nielsen, 2005: 18). Migration to the United Kingdom, and settlement patterns mean minority ethnic people now make up 8% of the UK population residing mainly in the larger cities like London and Birmingham. UK Government projections show that, because of their younger age profile, minority ethnic people account for 50 per cent of the growth in the UK working population between 1999 and 2009 (Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, 2003 as quoted in Kenny; Briner, 2006: p.3). Ethnic minorities like the Africans also are represented as a significant proportion of the population, many of them having their roots in Britain since several generations earlier. Ogbonna (1998) quoted in Kenny; Briner (2006: 14), states that a â€Å"vicious circle of unequal opportunities†commonly affects the motivation of unemployed minority
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Electromagnetic Bomb Essay Example for Free
Electromagnetic Bomb Essay Have you ever been without electricity for more than an hour? One day? Three days? You never realize how much you value electricity until you are without it. As a society we depend on electricity to run everything from are refrigerator to our businesses to are motor vehicles. Technology is always progressing with new inventions; in the case of the electromagnetic bomb this is no different. The electromagnetic bomb or E-bomb is another form of a weapon of mass destruction. The E-bomb takes advantage of how we rely so heavily on electricity. It is designed to not just disable but destroy electronic devices by sending out an electromagnetic pulse or an EMP. An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic radiation from an explosion, the resulting electric and magnetic fields merge with electronic systems to produce catastrophic currents and voltage surges. An EMP is a form of electromagnetic induction as this is the production of voltage. If an E-bomb were to explode it alters the magnetic flux lines of the earth meaning the North won’t be as affected but the East, South and West will experience the eye of the blast if you will. This would mean thousands of volts of electromagnetic energy from the highest positives to the highest negative polarities transferred via air and power lines. This is an important weapon in have in a war as it can take out your opponent’s form of communication. This is a unique weapon of mass destruction because it does not directly take the lives of human beings, rather takes the things away that are essential for living. Even though the E-bomb is still considered to be in a research stage if it were to be paired with a relatively small nuclear warhead that exploded in the atmosphere it could send out enough power to wipe out power coast to coast in the United States. Like stated before even now this type of technology is still in a research phase but there is speculation that the USA used one during the 1991 Gulf War. In basic principles An E-bomb is as complex as a radio (which is not very). Electric current produces a magnetic field and changing a magnetic field can induce current. To give you an example a small radio transmission emits enough energy to send it to a receiver, what an E-bomb does is highly intensifies the current frying the semi conductor making it beyond repair. The E-bomb is considered a weapon of mass destruction, it does not kill humans directly but it causes drastic effects where it can destroy a society. An electromagnetic bomb acts in a finesse manner as other nuclear war heads bring the power. This technology is a dangerous power to have and needs to be exercised only in the most extreme circumstances, which there shouldn’t be as this world as a whole needs to strive for peace and leave the World Wars behind us. Let’s clear something up right now, this technology is simple by deadly and can destroy a countries foundation. Imagine if the USA had permanent power outage nationwide, what would that mean for the richest country in the world? What would that mean for the rest of the work that depends on trading the USA? When you take out a global player the United States it affects them in an enormous way but every other country and there are a lot of them are now affected in a social and economical manner. Many countries in the developing world depend on the aid that is provided to them by the United States. If such a disaster were to happen to the US they would not be in any position to provide this aid anymore. So many products are manufactured in the USA on a daily basis that is traded to so many other nations that depend on these products. It affects other countries that now have to provide aid to the United States for them to rebuild their nation. If this was to happen a stalk market crash will occur and here comes another ‘Great Depression’. Where ever an E-Bomb goes off it will completely wipe out the area’s economy as every electronic device would need to be replaced including all computer systems and motor vehicles. Think about how much data would be lost of a company like Microsoft or Apple was to completely lose their networks. It makes it very difficult to survive if there is no power to freeze and refrigerate and cook food or retrieve water. Think about how un-healthy it would be to have all the sewage back up and no where to put your garbage. The environment in the affected areas would take a drastic turn for the worse. Granted Nuclear warheads are deadly from the time they explode. An E-bomb will keep the buildings standing but no power to run them. An E-bomb is slow painful death rather then a quick blast you are dead.
Friday, September 20, 2019
MindTree: A Community Of Communities
MindTree: A Community Of Communities MindTree is a mid-sized 278 million Indian Information Technology firm known for its knowledge management practices, strong culture and values, and collaborative communities. Its strategy is to become a company that is consulting-led in the IT services business and intellectual property led in the RD-services business. Currently the CEO of the firm has set an ambitious goal of becoming a $1 billion company by 2014. This requires that employees innovate and create new businesses. How would you characterize the culture of MindTree? People-Centric: In an industry where all firms are assumed to possess homogenous skills, MindTree knew that, in order to succeed, it had to differentiate itself from its competitors. The company realized that culture and values were key elements that could be used as Soft Differentiators. Also, being a multicultural company, MindTree realized that it could not possibly manage all the different cultures efficiently. Instead, it decided to develop a common set of values which could be shared by people from across different cultures. The company has always strived to become an emotionally bonded organization. In this regard, the culture of MindTree can be characterized as a people-centric culture. Value-Driven: According to the MindTree senior management, Every MindTree mind is driven by CLASS Caring, Learning, Achieving, Sharing, and Social Responsibility. From this, it is evident that MindTree wanted to create a culture rich in innovation and creativity. MindTrees emphasis on aspects such as High achievement orientation and high caring further shows that MindTree aimed to promote a culture of high performance, stakeholder responsibility, cooperation and corporate citizenship. Transparent and Participative: Transparency and rich, frequent communication were cornerstones of the culture. Mindtree incorporated participative decision-making by promoting openness across organizational levels. This resulted in the companys 95-95-95 principle, which stated that 95% of the people should have 95% of the information 95% of the time. How has this culture been created and institutionalized? At MindTree, the managements belief that values drive behaviour and behaviour drives results was at the heart of all decision-making processes. Internalizing CLASS Values: Mindtree sought to internalize the CLASS values by integrating them into its recruitment, recognition, and reward systems. The process started right from hiring of a new employee, whereby the candidates were assessed on whether they would be a good fit in the organizations culture. New employees then participated in extensive sessions with the senior management, which emphasized the importance of these values in the companys culture. The process continued with performance appraisals, where each value had a clear metric and 40% weight was assigned to performance against these values. The success of MindTrees endeavours to internalize the CLASS values can be seen from the fact that 90% of the senior leaders voluntarily asked for 360o feedback on how well they were complying with the company values. Other initiatives like rechristening the HR dept. as the people function and giving stock options to its employees, have also helped MindTree in building and promoting its culture among its employees. Socialization Tactics: MindTree has also employed the use of several socialization tactics to foster and institutionalize its culture among its employees. When a new employee joins MindTree, she is given explicit information about the sequence in which she will perform new activities or occupy new roles (Sequential Role Orientation). As employees gain experience, they are allowed to pursue their interests by joining or initiating a community (Random Role Orientation). Senior employees at MindTree actively engage with new hires and act as role models (Serial Tactics). This not only helps MindTree imbibe its core values in the new employees, but also promotes the participative culture within the organization. Building Knowledge Communities: Knowledge management was another activity that supported and contributed to MindTrees culture and values. MindTree adopted a holistic, encompassing approach to KM, as it believed that KM could play an integral role in helping people perform their jobs better and develop themselves, which again reflected on its goal to be a High Achievement oriented and High Caring organization. To implement KM a work, MindTree encouraged its employees to self-organize and collaborate through communities of practice. MindTree also took a number of steps to build a supportive environment for cultivating KM. The development and contribution of the KM function has been discussed in detail later in this article. What role does culture play in MindTree Consulting? How does it contribute to strategy of the organisation? MindTree has always believed that its values are one of its core competencies and a key factor which differentiates it from its competitors. At MindTree, its values define its culture and are a cornerstone of decisions concerning future strategy. Competitive advantage: Core values such as Learning and Sharing have allowed MindTree to develop an extensive intellectual property base, which gives it a clear advantage over its competitors. MindTrees focus on building a people centric, emotionally bonded organization has allowed it to retain its employees, and has also led to higher job satisfaction levels among the employees. Together these factors have directly contributed to MindTrees success in delivering better service to its clients. Strategic Initiatives: 95-95-95 principle To ensure transparency and rich, frequent communication, two key elements of culture at MindTree, the management realized that it needed to make information available to its employees. Hence was born the 95-95-95 principle which aims at providing 95% information to 95% employees, at 95% of the time. The Gardener program As a part of this program, the leaders at MindTree actively engage with employees to develop them into future leaders of the company. The program stems directly from the companys goal to institutionalize its culture and ensure that the core values are carried forward by the next generation of leaders. The 5*50 program MindTrees participative culture and its integration with the companys strategy is best highlighted by this program. This initiative called on all MindTree Minds to offer innovative ideas for building new $50 million businesses from scratch. Knowledge Management (KM) would help in the ideation process and would provide critical IT systems support. The fact that MindTree entrusts its employees with resources and encourages them to build businesses, demonstrates the importance of culture in the companys growth strategy. What role have knowledge management practices played in developing and instilling culture at MindTree? Knowledge Management (KM) refers to the processes, activities and technologies that are specifically aimed at improving organizational performance, by acquiring, organizing, applying, sharing and renewing both the tacit and explicit knowledge of its employees. KMs role at MindTree, however, is not limited to helping employees perform their jobs better. KM plays a vital role in carrying forward the core values of the firm. KM enables knowledge creation, which leads to innovation KM enables the environment, which leads to knowledge sharing collaboration KM enables processes and practices, which helps build a knowledge culture KM directly enables changes and shifts in mind sets Knowledge Communities: MindTrees communities of practice reflect the companys socio-technical approach to KM, which emphasize social interactions as a means of enabling knowledge sharing and collaboration. A community could have members working in different departments. This ensures that the best practices and expertise of various departments go into creating the knowledge repository. It also ensures holistic development of employees who participate in the communities, through interaction with fellow members of varied expertise. Community Maturity Levels: The first level is a community of interest which is a collection of individuals who share an interest and enjoy talking about it. The main purpose here is sharing. The next level is competency building in which individuals learn from one another in face-to-face meetings. At the third level is capability building which enabled achieving better results in the company by improving existing processes, software and building relationships between communities and other organizational activities. At the highest level was capacity building in which communities would absorb knowledge from external experts and the focus would be on innovation.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
An Experiment with an Air Pump :: Shelagh Stephenson Science Technology Essays
An Experiment with an Air Pump Is it ethical or even helpful to try to impose order on a haphazard existence? Is it right to play God, to steal the limelight from the cosmos? Man used to ponder existence, but with the increasing possibilities of science, we now ponder our power over existence. In â€Å"An Experiment with an Air Pump,†Shelagh Stephenson uses symbolism associated with Isobel as a voice of foreboding in a society â€Å"enraptured by the possibilities of science†(3). Stephenson associates Isobel with a bird, a pile of bones, and a sheep to reveal the dark side of the â€Å"light,†the scientific revolution. The play commences in 1799 when Fenwick risks the life of Harriet’s bird in order to conduct an experiment with an air pump. Later in the play, Armstrong puts a different life on the line for the â€Å"intoxication of discovery†(3). This time the life is human. From the moment Armstrong sees Isobel he wants to â€Å"examine her beautiful back in all its delicious, twisted glory†(85). His infatuation with Isobel has nothing to do with matters of the heart, but he proceeds to woo her because of his sheer lust for science. Upon learning of Armstrong’s motive, Isobel attempts to hang herself. As Isobel lies helpless on the floor, fighting for one last breath, Stephenson illustrates that Isobel’s â€Å"heels flutter almost imperceptibly†(92). Later, everyone gathers around Isobel’s dead body much like they did around the fluttering bird in the first experiment. â€Å"But this time Isobel, in her coffin, has taken the place of the bird in the air pump†(96). The fact that now a dead Isobel symbolizes the bird implies that this time the experiment has gone dreadfully wrong. The fact that the second experiment fails harbors a much more solemn consequence than if the first had failed. If the bird in the first experiment had died, tears would have been shed only until the purchase of a new bird. Not only does Armstrong sacrifice a human life in the name of science, but he symbolically diminishes all that the bird and Isobel represent. Isobel’s death implies the demise of freedom, will, and humanity. Stephenson also associates Isobel with a sheep, to represent what can be lost in a future of â€Å"industry, science, wealth, and reason†(15). Harriet writes her own play within this play in which the future is exalted as â€Å"a new Jerusalem†(15).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Johnny Tremain :: essays research papers
The molten silver was bubbling in the cracked crucible. It started to spill all over its sides leaking down onto the floor. At first he felt nothing, then a great sudden pang. The pain was excruciating. His body collapsed on the floor with his hand following behind.      In the beginning of this book, a terrible accident befalls Johnny. One of his hands is badly burnt from an accident and he is scarred for life. He will never become a silversmith, a profession he aspires to be. With a shattered dream, he journeys out into the world of Boston to find himself another trade. There he meets Rab who is a sixteen-year old lad of few words. He is nevertheless calm, kind and caring. He is dedicated to his work at the Boston Observer. He helps Johnny find a job as a newspaper delivery boy for the Observer. He has a purpose in life and firmly believes in fighting against injustice brought on the American people by the British. He is a member of the â€Å"Sons of Liberty†. It is through this organization that Johnny’s life crisscrosses with some of the prominent members of the â€Å"Sons of Liberty†. First he runs errands for them and later he is actually involved with the activities of the organization. He helps by gath ering supporters and chopping up the tea at the Boston Tea Party. He loves the excitement and the adventures. He never doubts his physical courage till one day when he witnesses the shooting of a British deserter by the firing squad. The shooting badly unnerves him. He feels his own inadequacy. He begins to question if he really is a coward at heart. Johnny Tremain goes through a lot of change and growth throughout the book. In the beginning he is a smart, confident and hard-working teenager. He doesn’t have patience and despises his fellow apprentices whom he thinks are indolent and inferior. It is his pride of power that makes him rashly promise John Hancock that he can deliver the sugar basin. In an attempt to finish the basin on time he gets in an accident because of a cracked crucible passed to him by Dove. Dove wants to get even with Johnny for being treated badly by him. After the incident Johnny becomes very conscious of his disability. He realizes that he is not as valuable as before.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Career Passports and Career Portfolios Essay
Portfolios have long been used in some professions to showcase professional work and skill. In education, portfolios have also been used for assessment, including self-assessment (Lankes 1995; Pond et al. 1998). Both career portfolios and career passports reflect this dual focusâ€â€students assess themselves in the process of developing a product, and the resulting product showcases and documents their experiences and skills. A distinction is sometimes drawn between a portfolio as developmental and a passport as summative (Bridging the Gap 1993). With portfolios, more emphasis is put on the developmental process of self-assessment, planning, and goal-setting; with passports, more emphasis is put on the final product that sums up the results of the process and communicates them to others. In practice, however, both passports and portfolios represent a combination of developmental process and summative product. The value of the passport or portfolio is also twofold: students come to an awareness of their own skills and experience, and employers have richer, more detailed information for hiring decisions than is provided in transcripts and diplomas. As early as the mid-1980s, Charner and Bhaerman (1986) advocated a Career Passport as a way for secondary students to identify and document their work and nonwork experiences and to translate those experiences into statements of skills specifically related to work. The process was necessary for students to understand what they had to offer to employers; the resulting Career Passport provided employers with critical information to supplement the information in school transcripts or even resumes. The Ohio Individual Career Plan (ICP) and Career Passport. The Ohio Career Passport is the capstone of students’ career decision-making process, begun before the ninth grade (Gahris n. d. The planning and decision making involved in the ICP process lead to each student’s Career Passport, an individual credential housing an array of formal documents that students use in the next step after high school. Components include a letter of verification from the school; a student-developed resume; a student narrative identifying career goals and underlying rationale; a transcript (including attendance); diplomas, certificates, licenses, or other credentials; and a list of any specific vocational program competencies. The state recommends housing tho se components in a consistent, easily recognizable folder. Students develop ICPs through career interest and aptitude assessment, exploration experiences, preferably through job shadowing, and annual review and revision in high school. The ICP and Career Passport can be developed in any statewide curriculum area but most often this occurs in English or social studies, with assistance from the computer instructor and guidance counselor. Classroom support materials include elementary, middle, and high school Career Development Blueprints and sample activity packets (Classroom Support Materials n. d. ). All Ohio schools are required to provide students the opportunity to complete the ICP and Career Passport in a structured classroom setting and local school boards may make the Career Passport a graduation requirement for their district, although parents may choose not to have their child involved. The South Dakota Career and Life Planning Portfolio. The Career and Life Planning Portfolio is a collection of work that documents a student’s skills, abilities, and ambitions (Division of Workforce and Career Preparation 1999; â€Å"DWCP Wins National Award†2000). Usually organized in a standard jacket with color-coded folders, documentation can include both examples of work and information on career and education planning, skills employers want, projects/work samples, and assessment results. The Portfolio, which is not required, can be used for a variety of educational purposes, but its ultimate use is to house the projects and work samples that demonstrate to a prospective employer that the student has the skills and talents the employer needs. Based on a model developed by the Sioux Falls School District and tested at 25 state high schools, the Portfolio is accompanied by curriculum materials, activities, and resources for teachers. Career Certificates The Wisconsin Employability Skills Certificate. The Employability Skills Certificate Program is designed for students who do not participate in the Cooperative Education Skills Certificate Program and the Youth Apprenticeship Program (Lifework Education Team 2000). The Employability Skills Certificate, issued by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, recognizes students’ mastery of the employability skills identified by the U. S. Department of Labor’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS). To participate in the voluntary program, local districts must provide three required components: Instruction and assessment of SCANS skillsâ€â€Instruction can be provided in any curriculum area, and demonstration and assessment can occur either in the school or in the community. School-supervised work-based learning experienceâ€â€Considerable flexibility is allowed for local districts in providing work-based learning experiences, which can include existing cooperative education, work experience, internships, or service learning programs. A minimum of 180 total work hours is required; occupation-related instruction is not required. Career planningâ€â€Working with parents and school personnel, each student develops a written Individual Career Plan (ICP) to make appropriate career, educational, and occupational choices. The ICP identifies tentative career goals and concrete, specific steps after high school to realize those goals; schools manage the ICP process and provide objective data both for original development and periodic reevaluation. The Connecticut Career Certificate (CCC). Part of the continuing School-to-Career (STC) system, the CCC verifies that a student has mastered a set of employability, academic, and technical skills identified in a partnership between the state Departments of Labor, Education, and Higher Education and the Connecticut Business and Industry Association (Connecticut Department of Labor 2001; Stickney and Alamprese 2001). The CCC is awarded by state-approved local districts to students who achieve all required competencies in one of eight career clusters. Academic standards (reading, writing, communication skills, math, science, and computer knowledge) are based on state-determined levels of performance on one of four assessments: Connecticut Mastery Test, administered to all 8th-grade students; the Connecticut Academic Performance Test, administered to all 10th-grade students; the voluntary Scholastic Assessment Test; or the voluntary Comprehensive Adult Students Assessment System, Level C or D. Employability standards (attitudes and attributes, customer service, teamwork, and adaptability), which are integrated curriculum frameworks for all eight career clusters, are correlated with SCANS skills. Both academic and employability standards are common across all eight career clusters, whereas technical skills and standards vary by cluster. The number of CCCs awarded has increased from 101 statewide in 1997-98 to 569 in 2000-01. More substantial percentages of high school students participated in STC career development activitiesâ€â€for example, 72 percent in career counseling and 50 percent each in career interest surveys and portfolio development. The Oregon Certificates of Mastery. By the school year 2004-05, all Oregon high schools will be required to offer the Certificate of Advanced Mastery (CAM). Designed to prepare students for success in their next steps after high school, the CAM documents each student’s academic and career-related knowledge and skills (Oregon Department of Education 2001). In the 2001 CAM model, academic skills include state performance standards in English (reading, speaking, and writing) math, science, and social science; these are four of the seven standards required for the state’s Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM), which also include art, second language, and physical education. CAM candidates can meet the four required CIM performance standards either through CIM knowledge and skill tests or through CIM work samples. The six career-related learning standardsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ fundamental skills essential for success in employment, college, family and community life†(p. 2)â€â€include personal management, problem solving, communication, teamwork, employment foundations, and career development. To earn a CAM, each student must develop, review, and update an education plan for next steps after high school; develop an education profile to document progress and achievement; meet performance standards for applying academic and career-related knowledge and skills in new and complex situations; demonstrate career-related knowledge and skills; participate in planned career-related learning experiences; and satisfy the four CIM standards. Students can select specific areas of their education profile to document and communicate specific knowledge and skills to specific audiences, such as employers, and supplement that with a record of personal accomplishments, experiences, and skills. Other examples could be added to those presented here. Oklahoma’s 2001 Career Activity File: Career Portfolios K-12 (2001), Arizona’s Career Pathways: An Implementation and Resource Guide (1997), and Michigan’s proposed Content Standards and Working Draft Benchmarks for Career and Employability Skills (Using Employability Skills 1998) all address the same need for students to communicate knowledge and skills not captured well by traditional diplomas and transcripts. Whether an empty structure to fill or a carefully defined credential to earn, career passports, portfolios, and certificates provide a new means for students to document the whole range of knowledge and skillsâ€â€employability, academic, or technicalâ€â€they have to offer to employers. Effective practices in developing and using career portfolios and passports involve defining the roles of different actors, addressing issues of portfolio or passport design, and facilitating students’ developmental process (Wonacott 2001). Issues related to career passports, portfolios, and certificates that have not yet been addressed include student outcomes and success (e. g. , employment, starting salary), program coordination and cooperation across states, and the possible development of a national model.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mid Term Essay
Chapter 1 1. If software does not wear out, why does it deteriorate (1.4) 2. Is software engineering applicable when web applications are built? If so how it can be modified to accommodate unique characteristics of web apps. (1.7) 3. Develop a software failure scenario (Dooms Day) which could do great harm to humans. (1.8) 4. Describe a process framework in your own words. Is framework activities is applied to all projects regardless of size and complexity? (1.9) 5. Do Umbrella activities occur evenly across all processes or some concentrated in one or more frame work activities. (1.10) Chapter 2 1. Provide three examples of Software projects that would be amenable to the waterfall model. Be specific. 2. Is there ever a case when the generic activities of the software engineering process do not apply? If so, describe it. 3. Is it possible to combine process models? If so, provide an example. 4. Discuss the meaning of â€Å"crosscutting concerns†in your own words as the phrase applies to aspect-oriented programming (AOP). 5. What is the difference between a Unified Process (UP) phase and UP workflow? Chapter 3 1. Describe agility (for software projects) in your own words. 2. Try to come up with one more â€Å"agile principle†that would help a software team become even more maneuverable. 3. Describe the XP concepts of refactoring and pair programming in your own words. 4. Using the FDD feature template (from section 3.5.5), define a feature set for an E-Mail client. Now develop a set of features for the feature set. 5. What activities are addressed during each iteration of the agile unified process?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Criminal Profiling Questions Essay
1. Analyze inductive/deductive reasoning. Inductive criminal investigative assessments: The inductive approach to profiling is a based on the simple premise that â€Å"If certain crimes committed by different people are similar, then the offenders must also share some type of personality traits. (Holmes & Holmes, 2009)†Inductive reasoning seems to be the more â€Å"scientific†of the two as it is strictly based on criminals that have committed the same or same type of crime. It is much quicker as it is strictly based upon statistics and easily conducted (with the proper databases) searches based on the types of crimes. When you combine the simplicity and the speed at which it can be done, it would seem it would be a foregone conclusion that this is the technique to use. However, inductive assessments are not completely reliable due to no connection to the current crime and strictly relegated to using similar facts and types of crimes to aid in creating a profile. Deductive criminal investigative assessments: â€Å"From a thorough analysis of the crime scene and the evidence left at the crime scene, the profiler is able to construct a mental picture of the unknown offender. (Holmes & Holmes, 2009). Deductive profiling is based upon the artistic ability of putting together the available information and picturing the events that occurred and the offenders that committed these events. Deductive profiling is more complex and takes longer to conduct a thorough enough investigation to begin putting the pieces together to form the entire puzzle. Deductive profiling is much more reliable as it is based on information pertinent to the specific crime committed and not simply based upon similar types of crime that are typically not in any way related to the current crime being investigated. The most popular form of profiling is a combined inductive/deductive profiling. Using inductive profiling, you would compile statistics about similar crimes and use the similarities between the multiple offenders and begin to form the outline of your profile. Using the crime scene information, you would then begin to evaluate from a perspective that is specific to your crime scene and not based on similarities in crimes. Upon completion of using your criminal database to build you outline, you would then apply the specific data derived from the crime scene and begin to apply the details of the offender to complete your profile. Holmes, R. and Holmes, S. (2009). Profiling Violent Crimes, an Investigative Tool (4th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 2. Goals of criminal profiling 1. Provide the Criminal Justice system with a social and psychological assessment of the offender. Goal 1 is to provide a detailed assessment of the offender which should include specifics (i.e. race, gender, employment, age range, etc.) that narrows the possibilities in which law enforcement can focus their efforts and reduce the scope of the investigation. 2. Provide the Criminal Justice systems with a Psychological evaluation of belongings found in the possession of the offender. Goal 2 is specific to the physical evidence and relevant information in a case and how it relates to the specific offender’s psychological profile. This will help in the case by adding to the offender’s profile and by helping derive locations, times, etc.. 3. Provide interviewing suggestions and strategies. Goal 3 is to help investigators get to the ground truth, through different methods, during the interrogation process. Different types of people respond to different stimulus, therefore different strategies must be emplaced based upon multiple categories your offender falls into.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cultures and Practices Not Allowed in the Philippines Essay
Euthanasia Euthanasia is the legal term for a medically assisted mercy killing; however in most countries, euthanasia is illegal. The first form of euthanasia is the voluntary decision of a patient. This is when a patient asks a doctor to terminate the patient’s life if and when the patient suffers too much, the patient has no hope of recovery, the patient has no hope for a decent quality of life, or the patient wishes to relieve the financial or psychological burden on the patient’s family. The other form of euthanasia is an involuntary decision by friends or family of the patient to end the patient’s life. This is sometimes referred to as euthanasia without consent from the patient. Euthanasia is unethical. It is immoral. Even though a death of a person is given consent by himself, it is still murder, assisted suicide, or mercy killing, which is against the will of God. Abortion Abortion, though allowed in some other countries, is illegal in the Philippines. Under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, any person who shall intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer reclusion temporal, prision mayor, or prision correccional. The only time abortion is legal is when the pregnancy of the expectant mother is beyond saving like in the case of fetal death, fetal deformity caused sickness while in womb, pregnancy post high risk to mother’s life. In all other circumstances, there is no exception. Abortion is more illegal in the eyes of God, because it is a mortal sin. Divorce Divorce, under the Family Code, is not allowed in the Philippines. Christianity is the largest religion in the Philippines, being that the Christian religion is strongly against divorce. The reason is the influence of Christianity in the Philippine culture. Under its teachings, only death can separate what God has put together. So even if under the eyes of the law, the marital bonds have been validly severed, the Catholic Church will still not honor said decree. Couple this with the fact that there is a stigma attached to broken marriages. Said stigma often develops feelings of insecurities and in some cases, rebellion on the part of the concerned parties. Polygamy Polygamy is the status or institution of simultaneous marriage of more than one woman to one man, or of several women to several men. The two forms are polygyny and polyandry. In ordinary use, the term is restricted to polygyny, where one man is simultaneously married to more than one woman. Catholic tradition has consistently interpreted Christ’s teaching as absolutely forbidding polygamy, and the prohibition was defined by the Council of Trent, pronouncing that it is unlawful for Christians to have several wives at the same time, and that it is forbidden the divine law. Marriage is a covenant between two people. In the Philippines, polygamy is not allowed because of the Christian influence in the Philippine culture. The only exception is when you are a Muslim living in the Philippines. Same sex Marriage Same sex Marriage is not allowed in the Philippines. Two people of the same gender having a relationship is somehow socially accepted nowadays. But when they are to be married, it is unethical. Even though there are some instances that these marriages occur, the couple could not include seeking legal protection and benefits that flow from marriage. Marriage is defined as a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Adoptees Should Have the Right to View Their Adoption Records
Adoptees Should Have the Right to View Their Adoption Records Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Adoptees Should Have the Right to View Their Adoption Records â€Å"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hallow yearning; no matter what our attainments in life, there is the most disquieting loneliness†(Haley Roots qtd. in Freundlich 3). Sealed birth records are a generally new tradition in society. In fact, the idea did not exist before the 1950’s, and was not widespread until the 1960’s. Most records were sealed in two steps – first from the public, and then from those named in the records. â€Å"The constant closing of records arose from the upcoming idea that families formed through adoption should be indistinguishable from those formed by birth. In addition, society was changing its perception and treatment of adult adoptees and unmarried birthparents†(Hasegawa, Busharis 24). During the 1970’s, search and reuni on support groups formed throughout the country. Then, in 1978, the Department of Housing, Education, and Welfare assembled a pair of experts, including a birth parent and an adoptee, to draft model uniform adoption legislation. Proposed in 1980, the act recommended that adult adoptees have access to their original birth certificates, as well as court and agency records about their adoption. â€Å"Unfortunately, the proposed legislation energized groups that wanted adoption to remain a secret†(Hasegawa, Busharis 24). The act finally endorsed did not address adoption records, and a system of unequal treatment under law – where adoptees were denied the right to access birth information that everyone else had – continued to become more established. Throughout the 1980’s and into the early 1990’s, no state reversed its sealed records laws and some that had not until that time finally did. Only Kansas and Alaska continued to give adoptees access to the ir birth records. Most recently, many states created intermediary, or registry systems. â€Å"Registries, though, were a ‘compromise’ supported by closed records advocates, and were highly restrictive. Some systems required adoptees to obtain their adoptive parent’s permission, and at least one had a counseling requirement. Such restrictions, along with a lack of funding and popularity, kept registries from accomplishing much of anything†(Hasegawa, Busharis 24). The opposition has many arguments to support their cause. They believe that opening records violates promises to birthmothers; imposes unwanted relationships; increases abortions and decreases adoptions; undermines the integrity of the adoptive family and the institution of adoption; increases the foster care population; violates constitutional rights to familial and reproductive privacy; violates rights to avoid disclosure of confidential information and constitutional equal protection; and the p rivacy rights of adoptive parents. However, these arguments are not accurately based off of collected data and a correct analysis of the law. â€Å"To begin, state laws have never promised birth mothers complete confidentiality from their children, and adoption practitioners’ verbal promises of confidentiality are not – and cannot be – binding unless they are supported by law†(Freundlich 17). Courts have proven that such promises can exist only if the laws expressly state that the closure is both absolute and permanent. The statues and adoption records are neither. Furthermore, reviews of signed agreements have found no such â€Å"promises†in writing.
Information System Management Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Information System Management Assignment - Essay Example I will discuss about the basic needs for the outsourcing for some parts of our IT operation and system development. Then the second part of this report is aimed to discuss the implementation of the home working/ teleworking scheme within Chrichton. This section will concentrate on the teleworking implementation, its advantages and disadvantages and ways by which we can implemented within the organization. This section provides the brief introduction of the company. Crichton was established as a family business in 1964, increasing and selling plants in marketplaces throughout the Midlands and south of England. The corporation has developed a standing for high excellence at small price and by means of knowledgeable family members manning the marketplace stalls, the business raised quickly. Near the beginning of year 1968, Crichton opened their first permanent shop on a site near busy route just north of London. Through the 70s and 80s Crichtons sustained to develop, spreading into garden accessories like that the garden furniture, children’s play equipment and barbecues and garden planning/ design.1 (As provided in the case study) This section is about the basic establishment of the corporate information system that was implemented to augment the on the whole business. In 2006, the decision was taken by the Crichton family that they should move into internet based sales in addition to the accessible shops. After protracted negotiations, Crichton brought the diggitin web business, with Hanson becoming a member of the management board at Crichton. Astely was retained to manage the web operation and associated garden design applications. Gee, who was frustrated with an increasingly desk-based role at diggitin left to resume her gardening/landscape business. She remains active in the diggitin online forums, for which she is paid. By 2008 Crichtons permanent workforce had grown to nearly 400 and turnover
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ANALYSIS OF TWO OPPOSITE LEGAL OPINIONS (FATWAS) ON THE SAME ISSUE - Essay Example 15) presented to them for clarification by the faithful. Ali Khan (2006a, p. 202) refer to them as scholarly decrees which may have substantial explanations and reasoning behind them or be simply statements addressing the issue at hand (Cornell 2007, p. 154) as opinions. Cornell avers that such scholars extract their verdicts from the Quran, the Sunnah which is anything approved of by Prophet Mohammad, through creation of consensus among themselves or through the use of Ijtihad, which basically means personal, logical reasoning on the part of a scholar. Often times, different fatwas are issued on the same topic. The explanation for this may be that the each of the fatwas is offered with regard to different geographical or historical settings (Khan 2006b, p. 16). Christian Snouck (quoted in Petersen 1997, p. 11) asserts that another cause of the contradictions in fatwas is fictitious verdicts that are not requested by the laity addressing invented questions, mostly issued for rivalry purposes as illustrated abundance of various ideological standpoints in the twentieth century (Petersen 1997, p. 28). Notwithstanding the context, only one ruling can be right at a time (Khan 2006b, p. 17). In line with this argument, Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha (Different Fatwas, 2015), responding to a query on handling contradictory rulings, finds that differences are normal since scholars have differing methodology and principles. He notes that Islam does not compel following of Ijtihad, but that fatwas must be issued by qualified scholars. Muslims are allowed to choose opinions pertinent to them, with stronger foundations or exercise their own judgement. According to Dr. Moustapha, all verdicts are acceptable (Different Fatwas, 2015). Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid reiterates that only knowledgeable persons can give fatwas which should be based on a proper evidential foundation ( 2015). It is well established that some foods, for instance,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Collective culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Collective culture - Essay Example With this much understanding, there emerges in each of us a real heart towards the significance of a cultural heritage even beyond national boundaries as well as the history which took to account the many remarkable struggles which its beauty and prominence had been founded by. If each citizen of our nation is made to realize the essence of ancestral efforts in several aspects, building on trust, goodwill, and pride with shared humanity, it would be spontaneously possible to take responsibility of individual actions and possess the initiative to align one’s behavior with a sense of patriotism and selfless interest. This way, respect and the value of dignity are gradually established and a citizen in this position develops profound level of communication and confidence from which to radiate genuine concern to fellow countrymen. Interdependence results in the process instead of indifference so that this enables our culture to prosper to a considerable degree which extends to the aspect of economy and diplomatic relations abroad. It then creates a picture of effortlessly dealing with cross-cultural endeavors and supporting cultural heritage beyond this nation, eliminating conflicts that arise when negative motives are rather perceived in not understanding the meaning of origins in a continuum where potential unseen similarities may gather various cultures together to a point of empowering the stewardship intended for culture well-being (LeBaron, 2003). Besides the character which an academic institution aims for each learner to acquire in breaking unhealthy misconception regarding differences among cultures, one may further assume such role based on a chosen field or profession. For instance, Nova Scotians of Canada are found capable of determining businesspeople to pay special attention for the welfare of cultural heritage through financial contributions, rendering services to or adapting a
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
What is Federalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What is Federalism - Assignment Example The second type of federalism cooperative federalism (1945-1969).This federalism saw the national government become integrated with the local and state governments, making it hard to differentiate where one type of governance starts and the other one stops. The third example of federalism is known as New Federalism (1969-present) and since 1970s, political scholars and leaders of the New Federalism have made arguments regarding the national government becoming very influential and that control should be returned to the states(Ilka,2005). The three factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior include; political behavior which is an area of political action. This takes place outside the legal and formal organizations of government. Thus political behavior in this scenario is the behavior of groups and persons outside of the government who are struggling to take possession or influence the government. Following political behavior is political activity which is commonplace to all politics. Specific principles of political science may apply to both governmental organizations and political behavior. Finally the third factor that has allowed federalism concept to shape American political behavior is political culture, which is basically the pattern of orientation to political activity and finally sectionalism which is the ties that link together classes of contiguous states (Michael,
Monday, September 9, 2019
Apple's Balance Sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Apple's Balance Sheet - Essay Example Assets From the provided financial information for Apple for the two six months operating periods taken in 2008 and 2009, it is clear that the company experienced an upward movement in different items regarding assets. Initial cash and its equivalents for the two specified periods represent a significant level of reduction from USD 11.875b in 2008 to USD 4.466b in 2009 (Apple, 2009). Whereas cash and similar cash items growth could not necessarily represent growth in view of liquidity practicality issues, it is appropriate to make the assumption that the materiality of the difference did not affect the overall reflection of business operations as cash flow values indicate. This argument is also supported by the observation of increased short-term marketable securities over the same period by double from USD 10.236b to USD 20.547b which could explain the reflected liquidity difference. Despite the fact that the accounts receivable after relevant reconciliation adjustments give a reduc tion in 2009, the difference does indicate a huge difference in terms of operations. Held inventories also indicate a reduction that would be explained by operations at a time when demand projections would be scaled downwards amidst financial crisis. However, overall liquid assets reflected a growth of USD 1.542b (from USD 32.311b to USD 33.853b), which gives a better reflection that the company grew its liquid assets. Investment in form of long-term securities gives detail of fixed assets and the increase from USD 2.379b to USD 3.865b (37 per cent) confirms the current assets trend as a growth trajectory (Apple, 2009). Other fixed assets elements such as buildings and properties owned increased from USD 2.546b to USD 2.455b, a reflection also reflected in the category of other assets that rose from USD 2.498b to USD 1.935b. To confirm this trend, the overall asset figure was a growth of 9.3 percent (USD 43.237b from USD 39.572b). In support of this information, perhaps the company can consult certain incidental information of cash flow nature to highlight the apparent growth in assets and operation level. The value of income and other operating activities indicate upward movements in net income (USD 2.81b from USD 2.626b) as was the reconciliation movements for income generating activities. Certain operating concepts such as depreciation and amortization illustrate a rise in the charged values, which translates in growth of the associated assets. An increase in the value of these operation costs for instance for depreciation from USD 222m in 2008 to USD 330m a year later reflects a huge hike of related asset base to support operations of the corporation. In other movements, increased stock-based compensations cost by 45 per cent (USD 242m to USD 351m) is an indication of growth in operations that occasion stock-based compensations, translated as growth by the company. It is evident that this information reflects a powerful suitability of Apple as an investmen t destination. Despite the fact that such increase in compensation could also indicate inefficiency in operations at the same operating capacity, the reduction of disposition losses from USD 10m in 2008 to USD 8m in 2009 as well
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Entrepreneurship.Excellent Leadership Qualities and Strong urge for Assignment
Entrepreneurship.Excellent Leadership Qualities and Strong urge for ethics and integrity - Assignment Example Clearly, this is a misconstrued notion that cannot be accepted in modern business management. Indeed, the modern day entrepreneur is expected to exhibit certain key characteristics, skills, and have certain background to the day to day management of his business, without which the business cannot be expected to grow. In this paper, some of the skills, characteristics and backgrounds that make successful entrepreneurs are discussed with real examples of how these features about some entrepreneurs have ensured success for them. There is specific emphasis and focus on emerging markets, but without any single emerging market in mind. The key characteristics that some entrepreneurs have exhibited over the years in various emerging markets, the aid of which has made them highly successful shall be discussed. Excellent Leadership Qualities The leadership of the company primarily refers to the management of visionary direction for the company. This responsibility is played by several people within the organization, and in some cases, some leaders becoming followers to other leaders (Coy et al, 2007). But as far as the entrepreneur is concerned, he is often seen as the last reporting leader within the organization. This is to say that the entrepreneur acts as the head of the organizational structure and is therefore the ultimate leader. In effect, the kind of leadership qualities that the entrepreneur displays will go a very long way to determine the visional direction that the entire organization will have. With the question as to what excellent leadership qualities are, Capelleras et al (2010) explained that it involves the ability of the leader to be identified with as many leadership styles as possible and learn to rightly apply each of them as and when they become necessary for an organizational scenario. In effect, a leader’s leadership must always be seen as appropriate in practice; and this is what constitutes an excellent leadership quality. Strong urge for ethics and integrity Show me a leader without ethics and integrity and I will show you a dying company and this is according to Benzing, Chu & Callanan (2005). Ethics and integrity constitute a personal and behavioral characteristic that is needed by the entrepreneur to make him trustworthy and credible in the area of business that he is involved in. with the advent of corporate image and corporate branding, stakeholders including customers, shareholders and suppliers are looking for corporate managers and leaders who represent not just a money making machine but an overall of credibility and trust when left with the finances and welfare of a larger group of people (Benzing, Chu & Callanan, 2005). Commonly, the way of thinking is that when entrepreneurs cannot on by themselves proof to be credible, they can easily use manipulative and unacceptable means of making their businesses grow. In an emerging market where most of the local customers are considered as vulnerable to market marketing mix strategies as lower prices, such entrepreneurs who are suspecting in their ethics and integrity can be tagged with dubious means of making their prices cheaper such as the invasion of taxes or use of unwholesome raw materials in manufacturing. Empowered Self Motivation Motivation comes in several forms, commonly intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In most cases, intrinsic motivation has been identified to be that type of motivation that keeps a person driving on when all other factors suggest that
Saturday, September 7, 2019
EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE - Assignment Example This paper discusses the strengths and the weakness of the evidence-based method. This paper also discusses the future and current state of clinical guidelines and the limitations of the guidelines as well. Evidence-based medicine is about solving clinical problems, it does this through a process of bringing together the best evidence of clinical experience and patient values. Clinical efficacy is a critical assessment of anything you do which is aimed at making a change in practice as a result of having a positive outcome. The main purpose is to improve patient and care experience. Clinical effectiveness measures outcomes on an individual patient level. Clinical effectiveness studies help healthcare professionals to understand how to design treatments based on patient variation rather than cost. Clinical effectiveness is about the right people, doing the right thing, the right way, in the right place, at the right time with the right result (Graham 1996). In the context of my practice as a podiatrist, the right person would primarily be well-trained and a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), with knowledge of the new advances in podiatry, such as local anaesthesia, nail surgery, diabetic feet and gait analysis. All the above specialities need extended training such as Continuing Professional Development. Clinical effectiveness doing the right thing is aimed at making clinical practice more accurately based on the use of investigations that have been proven to be effective relative to the specific patient needs (Graham 1996). To do things in the right way it is necessary to have a well-trained and competent work-force that has clear responsibilities and works together in this new era of podiatry to deliver the best value healthcare possible. The right result refers to the maximization of health effects,
Friday, September 6, 2019
University Entrance Examination Essay Example for Free
University Entrance Examination Essay An entrance examination is an exam that applicants must pass with great scores for access to an institution of higher education as universities. The entrance exam to enter a college must be mandatory for all people who are interested in pursuing a career and vocational training for several reasons. First of all, the exam helps to measure and evaluate the level of intelligence, ability and knowledge of every applicant for example, young people or graduates from various schools in the country. In fact, all applicants are able to perform this test. Second, the student who really wants to go to a specific college or wants to study a specific career should strive and work hard to achieve his/her purpose. However, entrance examinations differ depending on the university. Some universities only evaluate logical reasoning and reading skills and others evaluate the knowledge in physics, chemistry, mathematics, English and many other branches. Finally, schools prepare their students to be trained to develop the examination required by SENESCYT in Ecuador to achieve a quality higher education, that is a reason why the classes that students take in high school are essential such as the average grades as well as the entrance examinations results because they play an important role in the college admission process. To conclude, an entrance exam opens the doors to all kinds of students who are willing to overcome and it motives them to learn harder to fulfill their wish and achieve future success but depends on them whether they approve the exam or not. Number of words: 255
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Literature Review Breast Cancer Screening Health And Social Care Essay
Literature Review Breast Cancer Screening Health And Social Care Essay Journals and articles were searched from search engines like pubmed, scientific journals, Google, Google books, Google scholar, British libraries, Health educator recommendations, and science direct periodic journals from university library. The key words used in searching the documents were barriers of screening, ethnic minority women, breast cancer, promoting uptake of screening, promoting quality of breast cancer through health education, government policies. Demographic statistics, Census reports and population statistics are also included. A total of 39 papers were found through the search engines and the number of articles used in the project is narrowed down to 15 based upon relevance and importance. The methods used in the research articles include questionnaires, qualitative analysis, extensive literature search, cross sectional studies, observational studies, census reports, mortality reports, statistics, demographic reports and review papers. RESEARCH FINDINGS: All the fifteen articles were researched thoroughly to analyse the primary objectives, methods employed, results obtained and comments over the conclusions pertaining to subject of interest. All these are summarised in the table below: Author, Year, Location Title Method/Study Results Comments 1. AK Jain and J Serevitch 2004. The Nightingale Centre and Genesis Prevention Centre, UHSM NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester. Breast Cancer Screening- How do we communicate with women of South Asian origin? Questionnaires and structured letters listing the objectives of study were sent to office managers and directors of 99 breast screening units in UK requesting them the communication practice with south Asian women of Indian, Bangladeshi, srilankan and Pakistani origin. Communication was also requested with units of larger South Asian women population. 67 of 69 questionnaires were returned to the office with particulars of initial Breast screening invitation procedures across the south Asian women, Mammographic, recall and breast assessment information and means of communication with the south Asian women in local languages like Bengali, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. The study reveals that many south Asian women dont get proper information on breast screening procedures and initiatives due to language and management barriers. Pictorial information and motivation in local languages is not given. Distribution of translated scriptures is poorly taken up. Conclusions of the research highlight the communication and financial barriers of the BSU. The recommendations of research include increased initiatives in local languages to the women who dont understand English and increase funding which enables them to improve patient facilities and screening uptake. 2. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 2005 , NHS Scotland. Management of breast cancer in women-A national clinical guideline Statistics and Doctor recommendations were collected to design a framework on managing breast cancer in women. SIGN was prescribed as a collection of guidelines for managing breast cancer patients and it includes surgery, therapy and care. Treatment procedures like radiotherapy, systemic therapy and physiological care were prescribed as techniques of improving care. Recommendations of care and surgery were include for information. Additional initiatives were mentioned to improve screening uptake among minority women. 3. Jo Freeman Douglas Eadie 2007. ISM Institute for Social Marketing. Breakthrough Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign: ISM Literature Review Six data bases, grey literature and small archives of data were researched on existing data on awareness programmes, current knowledge and perception of ethnic minority women. The research revealed that limited or inaccurate knowledge and awareness on screening programmes to be the main cause of poor screening uptake. Gender, cultural differences were influential in predicting attendance at screening centers. Perceiving importance of screening was major approach to be addresses. Research shed light on the problem areas and risk factors associated with breast cancer screening. Study focuses on multi-strategy interventions like educational packages, Inter-personal support, use of alternative community channels like community groups and ethnic media, Local publicity events like road shows to increase awareness of self examination and screening. 4. A Szczepura 2005. Ethnic review, Postgrad Med Journal. Access to health care for ethnic minority populations Extensive literature search is performed to identify the care process and quality in ethic minority people. Challenges for clinicians, managers and policy makers in ensuring quality care are discussed. Literature search revealed the primary factors influencing quality to be population diversity, linguistic competence, cultural disparities and lack of orientation and training programs suitable for special needs. The research focuses on the case study of breast cancer screening through NHS and identifies four reasons fro failure which are lack of knowledge on self examination and screening among ethnic communities, language and cultural barriers, inaccurate register of screening, lack of references and recommendations by health care professionals. The study concludes with highlighting improvement by interventions to increase awareness, improving risk perception and improve breast cancer screening for minority women. 5. P.T. Straughan and A. Seow 2000. Social Science Medicine. Attitudes as barriers in breast screening: a prospective study among Singapore women A multistage project was conducted to promote better understanding of Mammographic techniques in Singapore women. The methods included phase-I qualitative analysis, phase-II cross-sectional survey and phase-III prospective study. Items on FATALISM index, BARRIER index and early cancer DETECT index were studied as a result of the methods. Apart from the index results, the other important factors influencing screening uptake include social and cultural factors with perception. 6. Abdullahi et al 2009. Public Health. Cervical screening: Perceptions and barriers to uptake among Somali women in Camden Qualitative study was performed on seven focus groups and eight in depth interviews. The study revealed that there was lack of understanding of risk factors and fatalistic attitudes. Culturally specific barriers like embarrassing situation and past experiences accounted for poor screening uptake. Language barriers and cultural factors account for first stage poor screening. Improvement of language and communication in local language along with continuous support would improve screening uptake .Oral information with explanation about risk factors and advantages of treatment would improve health condition. 7. Ala Szczepura 2003. Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry. Ethnicity: UK Colorectal Cancer Screening Pilot Final Report Colorectal cancer screening pilot tests are performed using records of Faecal Occult blood testing. The results focus on the disparities of treatment of cancer patients among the ethnic minority people. The screening uptake studies show the variation in high class areas and the ethnic minority even after equal awareness due to lack of initiation and courage among the ethnic minority. 8. Teresa et al 2007. Journal Of the national medical association. Breast Self Examination: Knowledge Attitudes and Performance Among Black Women A questionnaire was distributed to 180 black women, 18 years Of age and older in metropolitan areas through the church council developed by the authors. Another group comprises participants above 41 years. The survey explained that the frequency of breast self examination is associated with knowledge of self examination. Most of the respondents indicated to have practiced BSE from couple of years. 50% indicated to practice regularly and less than half sample had no knowledge on the practice of BSE. The research revealed that knowledge and practice of BSE is more in the educated class and older people with high income when compared to uneducated lower class women. The study also focussed on attitudinal and demographic variables pertaining to BSE. It also gave a note on confidence and social approval for BSE. 9. Chee et al 2003. BMC Womens Health. Factors related to the practice of breast self examination (BSE) and Pap smear screening among Malaysian women workers in selected electronics factories A cross sectional survey was conducted among women production workers from ten electronics factories. Self administered questionnaire was collected from 1, 720 women workers. Later statistical analysis was performed by bivariate and multivariate tests like chi square test, odds ratio and binomial regression. BSE rates were recorded as 24.4% a month and 18.4% for pap smear testing in period of three years. Women over 30 years and older, women with upper secondary education and above, answered the questionnaire on BSE correctly. Proportion of pap smear tests were recorded to be high in older married people bearing kids or couples on contraceptive pills and answered the questionnaires on pap smear tests. In comparison with national rates, screening practices were recorded as low in the Malaysian women. Health care factors, socio-demographic factors and education were related as barriers for screening. Educational and promotional strategies were directed for better screening rates among Malaysian women. 10. Cannas et al 2005. Survey methodology for public health researchers, Health education Research. Factors associated with Mammographic decisions of Chinese-Australian women Study involved research over sample of population suffering with breast cancer. 20 Chinese-Australian women were recruited for studies from different Chinese organizations like churches, community centres and clubs. Some of the participants discontinued due to discomfort in talking about the disease. Demographic data and open ended questions were used as a part of research An average of 8 informants among 20 participants has undergone Mammographic testing. Among the eight informants, 3 had it more than twice and the remaining four decided not to have any more. Among other informants who did not have Mammographic testing, 8 informants rejected Mammographic testing while the other four never heard about the term despite publicity. The study reveals that there are numerous factors responsible for poor screening uptake which includes organizational factors and influence of significant family members. The barriers were accounted to be fear of stigmatisation, fear of mammography and modesty. 11. Robb et al 2010. . J Med Screen, Pub med central. Ethnic disparities in knowledge of cancer screening programmes in the UK Cross sectional study and questionnaires were conducted using data from National health interview in 1998. The study resulted in enumerating foreign birth place and lack of adjustment to new culture as primary factors for poor screening among ethnic minority. The study revealed that foreign birth place and socioeconomic factors responsible for poor screening uptake. The study also revealed that foreign blacks are better in screening uptake than the Asians and Chinese. 12. Mark R D Johnson, May 2001. Mary Seacole Research Centre, De Montfort University Palliative Care, Cancer and Minority Ethnic Communities Census reports, hospital episode statistics data (HES), Health of Londoners project analysis, Patient records in hospitals and care centres. Palliative care defers from region to region and factors influencing difference were accounted as language barriers and lack of access and knowledge of palliative centres across the communities. The paper defines palliative care in terms of all types of cancer and highlights the maximum usage of this by the local people rather than the ethnic minority people due to lack of access. The paper calls for equality in treatment and increased awareness in relation to this. 13. Jamesetta Newland, Editors memo, The Nurse Practitioner. Breast Cancer Awareness More Than a Monthly Reminder The study is based on the data available in relation to Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in developed countries to increase breast cancer awareness. The letter highlights the improvement of health care through awareness and availability of genetic testing protocol for breast cancer in ethnic minority populations. The study focuses on the attitude of breast cancer patients and the fear to reveal the disorder. Patient education and support of health care professionals is of concern in the modern day to eliminate barrier of fear. 14. Wild et al 2006, British Journal of Cancer. Mortality from all cancers and lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancer by country of birth in England and Wales, 2001-2003 The study is based on mortality data of cancer patients from 2001-2003 throughout the country with England and Wales as reference groups. The population data was collected from 2001 census to study rate of mortality. The number of deaths of women due to breast cancer were recorded as 33, 291. Mortality was recorded high in England and Wales and then women born in North and west Africa. Lower mortality rates were recorded in Eastern Europe and Asian countries. The data revealed the mortality rate of women due to breast cancer in England and Wales calling emergency actions and research to decrease the number of deaths due to breast cancer. 15. NCIN, 2010. National Cancer Intelligence Network, NHS, National Cancer action team. Evidence to March 2010 on cancer inequalities in England The Cancer registries are researched extensively for the data on all individuals Diagnosed with cancer. The information includes age, gender, postcode of residence and hospital of treatment. Survey of population samples are also studied simultaneously. Cancer treatment inequalities are analysed to be based on these factors: Incidence and mortality, prevalence and survival of the patients, Awareness of the patient on treatment procedure and stage of diagnosis of the patient, Screening and patient experience during end of life care. The study focuses on inequalities of treating cancer on the basis of religion, culture and race. Numerous case studies are analysed to draw series of conclusions. Activities against the inequalities of treatment could improve the health condition of patients.
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