How to write a summary essay
Evaluation Research Paper Topics For College Students
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Carole Satymurtis
Carole Satymurtis Essay Carole Satyamurti , a writer and humanist astutely weaved the situation of customary ladies in I Shall Paint my Nails Red : ladies who are viewed as a unimportant foundation of the general public disregarded and lost in the unremarkable of her reality . While it is anything but difficult to observe that I Shall Paint my Nails is only the exhibiting of a womans vanity looking for consideration, a more critical glance at the sonnet would uncover a more profound and multi-layered investigation of ladies. Basically, Carole Satyamurtis I Shall Paint my Nails Red had the option to show the various jobs and translations of ladies of herself, to her little girl , to her darling , the general public and to life-that painting her nails red represents a takeoff from her standard job in to show an astute , fascinating and significant individual prepared to do far beyond her normal schedules . It is a revelation of a womans significance The shading red is deciphered in verse as a metaphor for energy , outrage and forceful feelings . In this light, Satyamurti utilized this shading to portray an apparently funny and unimportant sonnet into one that talks about a womans significance. In the primary line on the grounds that a touch of shading is an open assistance (line 1 Satyamurti leaves from the show that open help is about assistance , the economy and creation . Basically, the sonnet perceives that it isn't just men who are segments of creation and financial matters that can perform open help yet in addition ladies who give amusement as well as magnificence and sympathy . This is insisted in her second line when Satyamurti proclaimed that since I am glad for my hands (line 2 indicating that her hands that are utilized to do family unit errands are additionally significant . By painting it red , Satyamurti points out the job of ladies in the general public and in the family-that while they are not being paid for work they do each day of their lives , it ought not be ignored . Consequently, being pleased with one s hands and putting a red paint on it pronounces that the lady knows about her financial and sociological job and essentialness Then again , the third and fourth lines of the sonnet focuses to the subject of solidarity and strengthening in ladies . In the line since it will remind me I m a lady (line 3 and on the grounds that I will resemble a survivor the lady is announcing that being a lady implies being courageous and solid . Along these lines, by re-avowing her sex personality , the individual in the sonnet is likewise perceiving that ladies by and large have quality of characters . Besides , on the grounds that the shading red represents extreme feelings , it summons consideration in this manner , advising us that ladies are not standard Carole Satymurtis I Shall Paint my Nails Red is a magnificent sonnet which I ended up intently identifying with. I feel that in this sonnet she reflects numerous sides of a womans life. It might be comprehended to have two separate messages, the direct and the shrouded message. Satymurti does this through indicating both the intricacy of a womans life, and the effortlessness that likewise exists within. At first look, I Shall Paint My Nails Red gives a progressively clear and direct diverting message where she states various reasons why she would paint her nails red. Each line places the peruser in an alternate circumstance which may even be applied to our own every day lives. Satymurti does this by utilizing each day models and utilizing them to propose regularly ludicrous explanations behind her to paint her nails red, including a touch of satire all through the sonnet. Fundamental every thought, in any case, Satymurti suggests a more profound message about ladies and the numerou s jobs that they play in the public arena, and the way that they see themselves. Peruse: Modern reality play EssayThe first thought Satymurti proposes in the sonnet is, Because a touch of shading is open assistance. Here, she is suggesting that in painting her nails red she is in reality helping others out. This line makes me think about a lady stacking her food supplies onto the sales register before paying, flaunting her splendid red nails and inciting a grin on the clerks face. She appears to accept that anyplace she were to go with these red nails, the world would see them and welcome them. Hidden this principle thought in any case, I feel that Satymurti is attempting to depict the way that ladies are continually satisfying others needs. As moms, spouses, sweethearts, and in any event, working ladies in the public eye, ladies regularly feel that we should satisfy everybody around us. The accompanying line states, Because I am pleased with my hands. This thought proposes that she believes she is lovely and is glad to show that off. In any case, the line may likewise imply that she is extreme and is pleased with her own difficult work, as hands are frequently identified with physical work and work. In spite of the fact that not all that normal at the time the sonnet was composed, today this lady might be depicted as even a single parent (As she later discussions about a girl, and even a sweetheart, yet no spouse) making a decent attempt to deal with her family, attempting to raise them and accommodate them. Regardless of her difficult work, this lady is still lady and does not have the unpleasant hands of a man. She paints her nails like each other lady, and is pleased with her hands for all the work they have achieved her. The line that follows, Because it will remind me Im a lady alludes back to the line going before it. Here one may first just believe that by looking down at her hands and nails she will, once more, feel wonderful and believe and recall that she is a lady. Looking past that basic first look, this line returns to a womans difficult work and the errands that she should achieve each day with her obligations. In all the regular pressure, a lady frequently overlooks that she is likewise delightful and that she is a lady. In spite of all her difficult work, she is as yet sensitive and above all, she should even now deal with herself.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How bad leadership affects organization Essay
Jean Lipman-Blumen characterized awful initiative as, â€Å"A poisonous pioneer is one who takes part in various damaging practices and who shows certain useless individual qualities that incur some level of genuine mischief on either people or the association. †(Bad Leadership: Antecedents and Prescriptions) Where there is a terrible authority present in the association and working environment, this could prompt destructive results. For instance, mishaps, loss of efficiency, cost insufficiency, low nature of item, correspondence chatter, employees’ nonappearances, mechanical harm, and so forth. Be that as it may, purposes behind poor authority could occur from various reasons, for example, pioneers who have poor administration abilities. What's more, this could influence representatives, collaborators and of course, pioneers also. What's more, pioneers with inadequate abilities might be concerned with their own issues and may hinder any business action inside a singularity or gathering. An examination study has uncovered the way that deficient authority aptitude altogether influences on different associates and naiveté individual from the associations. As a result of poor administration aptitudes of a pioneer, an association may experience the ill effects of negative work sees, absence of vision towards the company’s future objective, deficiency of characteristics to persuade laborers, absence of social abilities, and absence of motivation. Clearly, pioneers are paid to take care of issues and not simply to hold them. In this manner, pioneers are paid to give great initiative which brings about the accomplishment of a company’s objectives. Kevin Dwyer, Poor Leadership; Poor Results 2006, said that, â€Å"Leaders must willingly volunteer to get â€Å"it†going. Rearranging off obligation regarding activity to advisory groups, subordinates, government divisions and everlastingly wailing over the absence of activity isn't sufficient. Pioneers are in the situation of having the option to both analyze the affliction and treat the infirmity of an association. In the event that they won’t do it, who will? †(Dwyer, n. d. ) Communication is viewed as the existence blood of each association. Subsequently, absence of correspondence prompts negative yields. Other than this, a pioneer who has poor correspondence and social abilities can be unsafe for an organization. On account of poor authority, correspondence regularly comes up short and this prompts a few work botches and undesirable operational expense. For fruitful business tasks, it is significant that pioneers ought to be outfitted with extraordinary relational abilities which can be applied in the association so as to accomplish a company’s wanted goals. As it were, Robert Hogan, Gordon Curphey, and Joyce Hogan wrote in American Psychologist that â€Å"abusive and clumsy administration make billions of dollars of lost profitability every year. †(Stanford Business Magazine May 2006). In excess of 290 experts were contemplated in a study led in the period from 2004 to 2005. This study uncovered what appeared to be a cloudy spot among best organizers and their own administration and initiative aptitudes. Planners invest the greater part of their work energy in arranging and summing up things for future. In the investigation, they found that in a large portion of the cases, poor initiative dumps a company’s generally speaking arranging. Or on the other hand some of the time far more atrocious, poor authority obstructs organizers for creating better approaches for critical thinking. What's more, Business Corporations only occasionally get achievement where pioneers don't have the foggiest idea how to take care of a specific issue. As indicated by one overview, â€Å"if an association pays a normal chief $80,000 per year, that pioneer ought to bring back at any rate that measure of significant worth to the association; in any case, the individual could be viewed as a losing speculation. In a perfect world, pioneers return more than what they are paid, along these lines delivering benefit. Past investigations have indicated that there is around a 40 percent deviation in execution for a given job. In this way, a normal chief may be worth $80,000, an incredible pioneer worth $112,000 (+ 40%), and a poor head worth $48,000 (- 40%)†. (Cost of Poor Leadership Calculator) Psychologically, laborers and representatives who see their pioneers injurious, experience mental misery, weariness, expanded work clashes, lower levels of duty towards the company’s objectives and destinations, despondency, lower creation yields, low degrees of occupation fulfillment, diminished individual working capacities, etc. What's more, subsequently, within the sight of these previously mentioned discoveries among workers, it appears to be hard to accomplish hierarchical objectives in a convenient way. As indicated by another examination led in the UK about retail banks, the normal high road bank could build deals by ? 65 million every year by improving representative fulfillment by only 10 percent and practically 50% of the 44,000 individuals reviewed said that poor authority was antagonistically influencing their organization’s execution. Steve Young, Project Director at ISR said that, â€Å"Leadership is a zone that is truly letting associations down with regards to worker responsibility, while a fourth of representatives accused either a terrible working atmosphere or low work empowering agents, a half accused poor authority. †(Poor administration pushes down financial benefits) In poor authority, employees’ resolve decays and they feel less dedicated towards the organization and its crucial. In this issue circumstance, ventures are finished gradually and quickly. What's more, when employees’ assurance is down, they experience weariness. A few Suggestions for Good Leadership In request to run the association in a powerful and serious manner, the executives makes a diagram about the initiative techniques. In addition, they ought not additionally watch poor authority yet in addition annihilate the underlying foundations of poor initiative. In such manner, coming up next are a few focuses that can be utilized by any administration to improve a leader’s characteristics. 1) Quietly subvert the pioneer 2) connect with others to go up against the pioneer 3) interface with others to topple the pioneer 4) Avoid capture by loved ones 5) bound the term of initiative 6) upgrade the choice procedure 7) Create great leave alternatives for pioneers 8) Hold executives in control make them act 9) make an arrangement of balanced governance 10) Protect informants. Notwithstanding every one of these realities, a poor chief ought to assess that person and decide his shortcoming and entanglements in every single regard of the initiative. What's more, after are rules for it 1) realize your capacity and how to utilize it 2) welcome the value of pioneers and treasure the help they cause 3) to perceive the enchantment and downside of the intensity of pioneers 4) Study terrible authority to gain from the errors of awful pioneers. End As I examined above and gave a few models about great and terrible authority, it makes understood that a company’s achievement and disappointment relies on the way that how heads can lead a group to accomplish an organization’s intentions. Generally, pioneers significantly affect the general business and gathering execution of an association. Other than this, great pioneers can apply their boss administration aptitudes to improve things and to turn authoritative objectives the correct way. Unexpectedly, awful administration influences a company’s execution adversely regarding creation, employees’ confidence, morals, correspondence and numerous different things. In this way, it is the obligation of the administration and the executive to keep a beware of the leader’s job in the association for that organization’s achievement. Subsequently, a great chief has a critical effect in the fruitful activity of any association paying little mind to the extent of that association. In any case, we should not overlook that better administration isn't simply bound than the business segment. Successful pioneers are likewise essential for the tranquility of the entire world in each sense. References A decent pioneer offers rude awakening, expressions of gratitude †The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area: http://www. bizjournals. com/group of three/stories/2004/04/26/smallb3. html Accessed, April 9, 2007. Terrible Leadership: Antecedents and Prescriptions http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:nBXXeIOGawEJ:www. koreagsis. air conditioning. kr/bbs/pds/Bad%2520Leadership%2520Colloquium_1. ppt+bad+leadership+effects+organisation&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=20&gl=pk Accessed, April 9, 2007 Cost of Poor Leadership Calculator http://www. ddiworld. com/imex/greatleadervalue. asp Dana Hinders, (Published June 21 2005) Michael Useem’s Leading Up: Upward Leadership In Action How To Lead Your Boss So Your Both Win Journal Article Dwyer Kevin , Journal article Poor Leadership; Poor Results. Emcc †Transforming associations †the significance of authority and culture in overseeing change http://eurofound. europa. eu/emcc/content/source/eu04006a. html? p1=reports&p2=null Accessed, April 9, 2007 Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I Sutton, (2000), diary article, The Half-Truth of Leadership. Stanford Business Magazine May 2006 http://www. gsb. stanford. edu/news/bmag/sbsm0605/feature_leadership. html Accessed, April 9, 2007 McLean Cari, October 18, 2005, diary article, key authority: A prevalent perspective. Tsun-yan Hsieh and Sara Yik, Journal article, Leadership as the Starting Point of Strategy Poor authority pushes down financial benefits http://www. the board issues. com/2006/8/24/explore/poor-administration pushes-down-banking-benefits. asp Accessed, April 9, 2007 What is Leadership? http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:q_XTVWqb68QJ:www. drug. umich. edu/csp/Course%2520materials/Fall%25202005/Thorson_What%2520is%2520Leadership. ppt+definition:+leadership&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=pk. Gotten to, April 9, 2007.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
How to Develop a Code of Conduct for Your Company
How to Develop a Code of Conduct for Your Company WHAT IS A CODE OF CONDUCT AND WHY IS EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT IT?You probably heard about it…Serious companies nowadays cannot be imagined without their comprehensive codes of conduct.The surprising thing about these optimistic manifestos?Some of these happened to have quite massive practical influence!Google, Coca Cola, Ikea… Virtually all relevant companies have detailed and worked out codes of business conduct.And what’s even more important: They all try pretty hard to comply with principles stated in those seemingly irrelevant documents.What does this mean? Can this code of conduct be a legally binding document?No. This is not labor law or anything…The term refers to companies policy statements which define ethical standards for their business conduct.In other words, a code stipulates company’s values, missions and goals.For sure, the code may also touch upon more specific situations which may arise at the work place, hence, provide guidance on how to proceed (e.g. unethi cal behavior, mobbing, sexual harassment, thefts etc.).When it comes to big, influential companies, they DO pay attention to the principles stated in their codes. The main reason? Reputation and image.These companies are aware of their huge social and economic impact…Code of conduct serves to attest their ethical intentions. Failing to comply with such intentionsSuch failure can have a massive influence and sometimes even, fatally ruin a company’s image.Speaking of smaller companies, their code of conduct is NOT all that INFLUENTIAL.It is a useful tool, for sure, but it probably will not trigger such drastic results as within huge corporations.That be said…You may have been told you need a code of conduct or thought about it yourself but are not actually sure you want to invest time and/or money into its drafting.Do you really need it?A very general and rough estimate: you don’t really need it in this exact form if your company is very small, hence, employees less than 20 pe ople overall.Nevertheless, bear in mind that some ethical issues may have an even greater impact in smaller companies…To give an example: Think of romantic relationships at the work place. Imagine what a bad break up or even potential sexual harassment lawsuit could do to a small business… In a company with relatively small turnover and intimate working climate?The impact could prove much more significant than in big companies!Plus, you should definitely think of having a code if your company operates under strict liabilities policies or its operations have potentially high social/environmental influence.In such cases, companies size should not be the decisive factor.The thing is that all companies have some kind of policies and rules!A code of conduct is simple, rather general codification of the most important ones.Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how important policies are to be communicated within the company…A code may simply put more emphasis on those values you pra ise the most.And having decided you need a code of conduct… where do you start?STEP 1: INITIATE THE DRAFTOk, so you want it, you know you need it and your first question probably is:Who, in the god’s name should draft this thing?Let me answer some of FAQs here:Do I need a lawyer? Can I do it myself? Is this a whole team action, meaning all employees need to pitch in?IT DEPENDS!It depends on the company, on the impact you strive this conduct to have, how skilled you are with drafting of such documents, company regulations etc.Let’s start with a few general information:You do not need a lawyer.Consulting a lawyer could make sense if:you are a big company,your business has major influence of social or environmental kind, or you are a company bound by strict liability policies. (the list is not exclusive)In such cases, you may want to make sure your internal documents and guidelines are precise and work in your favor.In other cases, a lawyer should not be necessary since, as previ ously mentioned, code of conduct is not a legally binding document.You can do it (if you are up to the task).If you trust yourself with doing this, have some writing experience and perceive drafting of this code as a fun task rather than a real obligation, I don’t see a reason why you could not do it yourself.The thing is that it takes time and energy which are the exact things leadership is usually lacking.In the recent years, many companies transferred this obligation to the HR section, so this may be an idea…(If possible) the whole leadership should be on it.Why the WHOLE LEADERSHIP?Because this provides consistency, support for the document and most importantly, demonstrates unity among company’s leading people.And think about this… Aren’t these some of the very goals you wish to achieve by drafting the code?You don’t want someone from the leadership turning against the code and saying he/she hasn’t agreed to it from the very start…You especially do not want this scenario to happen the moment you wish to invoke the code and force someone to comply with it.Therefore, leadership, stakeholders, managing partners… the more relevant people you get to agree and sign the code, the better. As for the employees…Relax… drafting of the code should not be a team event.Nevertheless, it does make sense to get as many insights and pitches from the side of employees as possible…Why this, you may ask?Well, this code should serve as a guideline for everyone in the company, right?That be said, it should WORK IN PRACTICE, not only sound nice.And although you may think you know everything that is going on in the company… You could be wrong.You may fail to address some of employees major issues or struggles, due to simply not knowing about them.On another note, having a signature of employee’s representative may add up an extra impact and by letting employees in on the process, you may immediately strengthen their dedication to the code which is kind of the point.To sum up: The sole drafting process does not have to include lawyers, should lie upon the agreement of the whole leadership and should consider the standing of employees.Who puts it in words, you, HR or a third-party remains at the discretion of a specific company.And now that we have formalities settled…STEP 2: DECIDE ON COMPANY’S CORE VALUES.In the document itself, you start with the important stuff…The first question you should ask yourself is:Why do I need a code of conduct?Do you want people to know RULES? Good, transparency. People like knowing what they CAN and CANNOT DO. And even if they have been told something… they oftentimes really like to see it in writing too.You want to stress out some of COMPANIES GOALS (e.g. environmental goals, charities, fairness etc.)? Ok, goals give perspective and can guide the employees through some tough decisions they encounter in the everyday company setting.You strive to achieve friendly and productive WORKING CLIMAT E? Productivity equals profits and it is a fact: people are more productive when working in a friendly atmosphere where they feel comfortable and safe.All of these can be considered company’s values and all these KEY WORDS (among others) make the CORE OF THE CONDUCT.Basically, code of conduct demonstrates how employees, customers, partners, and suppliers can expect to be treated by a concrete company.And that is where you start! You start by elaborating on what your company stands for and the purpose of the conduct.An example:Company X strives to conduct business with honesty and integrity, and in compliance with the law. Code of Business Conduct provides guidance on the handling of ethical issues and the promotion of an ethical culture.(An example inspired by Coca Cola code of conduct)Think of this as an introduction, preamble…Make it clear and concise.It doesn’t have to be specific. Details will be communicated in the material part of the document.So since we got through the chit chat, let’s start with actual tips on how to draft the MATERIAL part of the code…STEP 3: WHAT TO INCLUDE IN THE ‘BODY’ OF THE CODE?Ok, before getting to all necessary and unnecessary details, my suggestion to you would be to take a look at some of the examples of successful codes of business conduct (you can find one of the examples below).When scouting for inspiration, it may make sense to focus on the companies operating in your field or with the size similar to the one of your company.I am stressing this because every company has its specifics, meaning that it values certain principles more than others.Every code is a document for itself, however, there seems to be a general agreement regarding points which should be included in it:ValuesValues govern the company’s functioning and its decision making on all levels.What we often hear nowadays are buzz words such as: fairness, transparency, responsibility, credibility, diligence, aspiration, commitment, etc.By menti oning these in a code, a company dedicates itself to adhere to these values regardless of the situation and outcome, on all levels and all locations of its business.Example:The values that guide our decision-making are spelled out in our Code of Conduct. Put simply, our Code of Conduct challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first. (Example inspired by JJ Credo)As you see, this part is, indeed, quite general but it serves the purpose of providing certain ultimate, unbreakable principles which remain binding for the company regardless of the situation.In an ideal case, a company should strive to provide some guidance on its INDIVIDUAL DEFINITION OF ITS VALUES.What is diligence, what is aspirational thinking etc…Explaining this in the code itself may not always be possible but in this case, a company should strive to provide guidance by developing practical tools, such as handbooks, case studies, best practices and/or organizing workshops.Guiding princip lesGuiding principles determine company’s modus operandi.Gender, social, religious equality; prohibition of all kinds of discrimination, opened and respectful treatment of employees throughout the whole supply chain, fairness and best quality for customers and partners etc.These principles are similar to values but are slightly more precise and concrete. They focus on specific ethical or practical issues of the modern business and demonstrate the position of a company in this regard.They can be more precise, e.g.:strict anti-bribery policy instead of a rather general statement, such as ‘adhering to the laws of the country’.It really is up to you how you phrase it…the idea remains the same:When in doubt on how to proceed in a potentially tricky situation, principles stated in the code should be able to provide guidance and help employees make best possible decision.A go to person or an officeThis person should be contact point for all questions, uncertainties or potential bre aches of obligation resulting from the code.Being a fairly general document, people will have questions about it.They may want to clarify a potentially tricky situation, file a complaint or report a potential misconduct…In case this happens, they need to know whom to go to, right?Therefore, one of the essential steps of drafting a code of conduct (and making it actually come to life) is coming up with a person responsible and capable of dealing with these technical matters.Very important…100% confidentiality is a must!Apart from this, you may also want to come up with a frequently asked questions and answers, hence, make these accessible for everyone in the company.I know this can be an extremely boring task but trust me… You will save yourself a lot of time and efforts by coming up with this QA section.Penalties and consequencesFor cases of breaches of commitments resulting from the code… Because you’ll probably have this as well!Strictly prescribed penalties provide clar ity and motivate people to obey rules resulting from the code.Many people may decide to comply with it because it is a decent thing to do and because it simply makes sense but there is no guarantee everybody will.For this less obedient group, there is only one way to go.Furthermore, many may regard penalties section as a proof of documents importance.This section may also get employees to comply with the rules without objecting too much or simply get them to think twice when conducting their everyday business.Last but not least, if a penalty is, indeed, invoked, it is always better to have a written legal ground which entitles such measures.Internal measures or not, it is always better to be on the safe side, right?ChecklistTo sum up, I provide you with a general overview of certain points which ought to be mentioned and elaborated in the code:Integrity and business ethics (see the guiding principles section)confidentialityRespectful treatment and prevention of harassment/mobbingcon flict of interests policyprotection of the brandwhere to ask questions and get an advicepunitive measures in case of a breach of obligations from the codeTIP 1: BE GENERAL AS POSSIBLE BUT MENTION KEY POINTSAnd this is very important!You want to cover all relevant areas but do not want to kill the reader with too many details.Once again, this is not a legal document and one of the most important features of a good code of conduct must be its SIMPLICITY.Or imagine it this way…It should be drafted in a way, that an average employee, without any legal knowledge can understand and comply with it.Reader friendly, you know?You should include above mentioned key points but don’t go into too many details.Let me give an example:Bribery in all forms is strictly forbidden.This is ok. What you should not be writing is something like this:Bribery in any form will not be tolerated. A definition of bribery is… Behavior and actions which could be perceived as bribery include (extensive list of actions)…I think you get the picture…A code should not strive to cover all issues a regular employee may encounter on a daily basis.It may be wise to remember that you, in fact, cannot cover all issues or dilemmas which may arise which is exactly why you shouldn’t attempt this in the first place.In order to achieve this goal, it may make sense to assign a go to person or the whole office which would be able to deal with questions, troubles and complaints on a case by case basis.A code should literally serve as a benchmark to help people become more sensitive, notice potential misconducts and potentially, encourage them to report them.It is for this reason that many big companies put a kind of a disclaimer at the very beginning, owing up to the fact they’ll never be able to cover all major ethical or god forbid, practical issues which may arise.Still, this only means they give up the intention to anticipate everything, not the intention to fight potential misconducts as they come across them.One final note:Skip the legal terms. Don’t miss the point… This document should really be as accessible and understandable as possible.One of the most famous codes of conduct, the one of Google, gained its significance for one reason only:It has proved to be easily understandable for everyone.Therefore, while drafting your own code, make this your mission as well…For the people to the people.TIP 2: INCLUSION OF EMPLOYEESWe already mentioned this earlier but this is where this contribution becomes truly significant.Include your employees when you already have a preliminary draft (if not before) and ask for their opinion.Some of the FAQs you should ask:Do they understand it? How do they understand it? Are there some topics which are relevant for them but remained uncovered by the document?But please, don’t go from one employee to another asking these questions…You can assemble a few employees from different sectors or have just one employees representative commenting and then signing the code.Even if you don’t include each and every one of employees, this approach will have multiple benefits and will gain additional credibility to the code you are drafting.Employees may give you a helpful insight on stress out some of the issues you overlooked.They may also say the document is complicated. Or they may say it is perfectly fine…In any event, you should bear in mind that employees remain one of your target groups, being directly affected by the company’s code of conduct…That be said, hearing what they have to say about it does make sense, doesn’t it?Such inclusion equals less work for you, more support for the document.And now that you have your draft ready…MAKE IT WORK: BRIEFINGS, REMINDERS, CONFIDENTIALITYCongratulations!Your company has a code of conduct and this is great news.But what happens now?Again, this remains up to a specific company and how it goes about the existence of its code of business conduct.The thing is t hat for many companies these principles never become more than words on paper…Simply having them, even in writing, doesn’t suffice.Don’t let your efforts to be a waste of time! Make it work!The company must stress its guiding principles consistently, remind people of its values regularly and have actual, functioning instruments to deal with potential misconduct.What should you be doing in practice to ensure your code actually comes to life (and stays relevant)?Well, you can start by:Answering frequently asked questions regarding the code and making them accessible for everyone in the company.Provide a go to person to solve dilemmas and attend for potential whistle-blowers. Employees rarely feel comfortable coming up about their colleagues or even, superiors and they need to know their career will not be jeopardized in any case.There must be absolutely NO RETRIBUTION for people who decide to come clean about potential misconducts and potentially, make a mistake.Dealing with pot ential misconducts, conversations and investigations within the company should be as confidential as possible. Negative publicity could bring more harm than the actual misconducts, plus, it may scare of employees from ever coming clean about anything.Penalties should be proportional to the action that triggered them, meaning, you don’t sanction a person for accepting a chocolate from the client. Or you do… but in this case, your company may not have the best working climate and atmosphere.At least once per year, employees should be reminded of the code and what these principles stand for.At least once per year, leadership or whoever is in charge of the code should revise it and potentially, amend it, if there is a need for any changes due to recent developments in the company. Such changes should then be communicated within the company as soon as possible.Just to be sure all employees understand the code and its purpose, it may be useful to organize occasional briefings and exer cises, hence, let people in on best practices which can be used to deal with potentially tricky situations.It could be useful to include a mandatory briefing on this topic for all new hires joining the company. This way, they get the idea about its significance from the very start of their employment.Actually incorporate these principles into the everyday business, regardless of how insignificant individual actions may seem. That is how words come to life…And there you have it…It’s not as hard as it seems and having a functional code of conduct may actually improve company’s functioning in many ways.Final piece of advice: Make sure you believe it! The biggest issue with documents of this kind may be them sounding fake or artificial. The result?People will not buy it!Furthermore, they will have troubles understanding and complying with it.Copying another company’s code of conduct may be a lot easier but you will not get it to sound real. Not in a million years…For this reason, make sure you draft it as personal and true as possible. Focus on the spirit and actual values of your specific company!Consider it an actual contribution to the company’s functioning and live by it.That is the only way it makes sense…
Friday, May 22, 2020
Social Class, Education, And Race - 1416 Words
â€Å"If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.†Those words were the famous phrase spoke by Johnnie Cochran, one of the defense attorneys, in the case of â€Å"People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson.†This eminent motto marked a key turning point in what is known as the most publicized criminal trial in American history. This case brought about many social issues in the country and the American Criminal Justice system. Of the many social topics raised by the case, a few that are most imperative are social class, education, and race. Although the trial is well known to many, there are a few background factors to run over to understand the importance the social issues played in the case. O.J. Simpson was the ultimate football player. He played halfback for the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers, he won the Heisman trophy, he was a sports commentator for ABC Sports and ABC Monday Night Football, and he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame (CNN Library, 2015). He was married to Nicole Brown Simpson from 1985 to 1992. The pair had a rocky relationship, such as an abundance of domestic violence incidents on O.J.’s part. Denise Brown, Nicole’s sister testified during the trial as to accounts of the abusive relationship. According to CNN, â€Å"Denise Brown testified that her sister was an abused wife. In February 1995, she said Simpson grabbed Nicole s crotch one night in a bar in full view of friends and strangers and proclaimed, in part, This is mine. BrownShow MoreRelatedSocial Stratification And Its Effects On Physical And Mental Differences1216 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen social stratification. Social stratification is the separation of based on physical and mental differences. Every society exhibits a pattern of separation between its people. We will focus mainly on the United States and how they organize people based on the three main organizing principles, class, race, and gender. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cocept Analysis Adaptation Free Essays
The Concept of Adaptation Using Sis. Callista Roy’s Model of Adaptation A Concept Analysis St. Augustine’s College Exploring the Concept of Adaptation Adaptation has long been described as one of the mean tools of human and animal survival. We will write a custom essay sample on Cocept Analysis: Adaptation or any similar topic only for you Order Now A chameleon changes its color to hide from a predator, a child becomes withdrawn to deal with the death of a loved one or a soldier learns how to walk with a prosthetic limb after the traumatic amputation of a leg due to injury. All of these situations describe a form of adaptation on behalf of the individual in order to deal with a stressful situation. According to Sister Callista Roy (2009)†adaptation is the process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons as individuals or in groups use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration†(McEwen Wills, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of adaptation in the hope to bring clarification to the use of the term in nursing research and practice. This will be done in the form of a concept analysis. A concept analysis is the rigorous process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concepts used in science (McEwen Wills, 2011). The concept analysis process of Walker and Avant (2005) includes selection of a concept, determining the aims or purpose of the concept, identifying all the possible uses of the concept, determining the defining attributes, identification of model cases: identifying borderline, related, contrary, invented and illegitimate cases, identifying antecedents, consequences and lastly defining the empirical referents (McEwen Wills, 2011). The concept analysis process is important because most of nursing theory has been based on concepts adopted from other disciplines, so it is necessary to explore these concepts to discover their relevance to the nursing profession (McEwen Wills, 2011). Aim of the Analysis The aim of this concept analysis of adaptation is to discover what descriptors of this concept make it more relevant to nursing practice and research. As pointed out by Rodgers and Knafl (2000) the value of discussing concepts is to promote the clarification and refinement of an idea that is intended to contribute to the problem solving efforts of a discipline (Holden, 2005). Literature Review of the Theory Adaptation Taylor’s (1983) cognitive adaptation theory states that individuals use positive thought processes as a form of adapting to stressful circumstances. Engaging in mildly positive self-relevant distortions enables an individual to maintain an optimistic outlook, enhance self-esteem and encourage a sense of mastery when facing a threatening event (Henselmans et al. 2009). Taylor proposes that these positive thoughts give an individual a sense of control which will then force the individual to take constructive action when dealing with a stressful situation. Schkade and Schultz (1992) in their occupational adaptation theory proposed that there is a normal process that individuals go through as they strive for compet ency on their jobs. There is an interaction with the environment that drives the individual to attain mastery over work related challenges. In this process the individual evaluates their responses to the challenges based on an internal sense of effectiveness or satisfaction. The self-assessment phase is the only means of evaluating the level of adaptation in this theory. Charmaz (1995) proposed that adaptation for most people is a gradual process of evolution where an altered individual changes to accommodate bodily and functional loss (Livneh Parker, 2005). The changes in the individuals result from a recognition of a loss of their former self -image and the adaptation only comes about after that realization. Yoshida (1993) believes that adaptation through identity reconstruction only comes about after the individual struggles between their identity as a disabled person and their identity as their former self (Livneh Parker, 2011). There is a constant internal struggle to which the outcome cannot be predicted. Lewin speaks of a reciprocal, interactive process of adaptation that involves the individual and the environment (Livneh Parker, 2011). The environment consists of internal and external factors that influence the adaptation process. The internal factors can include type and severity of illness and/or the individual’s concept of self. The external factors include variables such as physical, social and vocational aspects of the external environment. The level of adaptation will depend on the interaction between the individual and these environmental factors. Uses of the Concept Adaptation as defined by Merriam-Webster (2013) is the adjustment to environmental conditions, adjustment of a sense organ to the intensity or quality of stimulation. Synonyms for adaptation: acclimation, accommodation, acclimatization, adjustment and conformation. Charles Darwin theory of natural selection states that organisms adapt to their environment to become better fitted to survive and that they pass these genes on to the next generation ( ). According to Natural Resources Canada (NRC) adaptation includes activities that are taken before impacts are observed (anticipatory) and after impacts have been felt (reactive). Both anticipatory and reactive adaptation can be planned as a result of deliberate policy decisions and reactive adaptation can also occur spontaneously (NRC, 2008). Defining Attributes Two defining attributes of adaptation are interaction and environment. A common theme that emerged during the review of information researched for this topic was that adaptation occurs after interaction between the individual and the environment. The Roy adaptation model (Roy Andrews, 1999) viewed the individual as a holistic adaptive system who responds to different stimuli in the environment, he/she processes changes in the environment through emotional channels that involve perception, learning, judgment and emotion (Cunningham, 2002). Model Cases Walker Avant (2010) state that a model case illustrates or exemplifies the concept and includes demonstrations of all defining ttributes (CCN, 2012). A model case of adaptation could be a previously withdrawn 45 year old female patient with a new colostomy. The patient Mrs. X shied away from learning how to care for her colostomy, refusing even to look at the colostomy during colostomy care. Subsequently Mrs. X now asks appropriate questions, has become more involved even to the point of changing her colo stomy appliance. During this process the nurse encourages the patient by asking open ended questions about her feelings, the nurse also assures the patient that when she is ready to talk or learn someone will be available to answer her questions. Mr. L is a 35 year old newly diagnosed diabetic, who is open and receptive to diet and lifestyle changes that has become necessary to control his blood glucose levels. The adaptation can be seen by the patient taking part in the discussion with his nutritionist, asking appropriate questions and requesting information about resources that will be available to him should he need more support in adjusting to his new lifestyle changes. A contrary case is an example that does not display the attributes of the concept. Ms. B a 25 year old that received a right lower limb amputation due to a car accident refuses to take part in physiotherapy. In fact, she is somewhat hostile to the healthcare team and does not take part in any discussion about her plan of care and her rehabilitation. Attempts by the nurses to build a therapeutic relationship by asking open ended questions and sitting with the patient to offer comfort and support are not acknowledged. Related cases, according to Walker Avant (2010), include most but not all of the attributes that relate to adaptation (CCN, 2012). Safety in many cases can be related to adaptation. Nurses find that they will have to step in and modify a patient’s environment to aid in the adjustment to an ongoing ailment. This may include dimming the lights, providing a quiet atmosphere and limiting visitors for a patient that has a dissecting aortic aneurysm. The nurse understands that it is important for this individual to have a calm quiet environment he/she also knows the importance of administering antihypertensive medication and sedative as needed to achieve an internal environment that is conducive to this person’s health. Providing safety may also come in the form of providing a clutter free environment for all patients. This includes ensuring that the bed is in the lowest position, all electrical cords are secured properly and the patient’s belongings and the call light are within the patient’s reach. These little changes go a long way in helping people adjust to the strange environment of a hospital room and by performing these tasks the nurse is fulfilling his/her role of promoting adaptation according to Roy’s Adaptation Model. Antecedents and Consequences According to Walker and Avant (1995), antecedents are the events or incidents that happen before the concept (Cheng, Foster Huang, 2003). An antecedent to adaptation is stress, stress which can affect the body as a result of an accident, infection or an illness. The onset of a physical trauma or the diagnosis of a life threatening illness can set into motion a chain of psychosocial experiences, reaction or responses (Livneh Parker, 2005). The goal of nursing at this point would be to promote adaptation (McEwen Wills, 2011). The needs of the patient will be assessed and the plan for an appropriate intervention should be formulated. Control over the situation maybe beyond the scope of nursing practice however, the goal is for the patient to try to achieve integration with the environment, external or internal. Consequences are the events or incidents that happen as a result of the concept. A consequence of adaptation is that a change has taken place, a change in mindset or behavior. A patient that was not able to ambulate without assistance may now be able to walk around their home using crutches or a cane. The newly diagnosed breast cancer patient is no longer fearful because she has developed a positive outlook about her disease. She has started to look for support groups and researching natural intervention to help battle her illness. Taylor (1983) proposed that self -generated control perceptions prevent helplessness and promotes constructive thought and action (Henselmans et al. , 2009). Empirical Referents Walker and Avant (2010) define an empirical referent as a measurement tool or mechanism for the demonstration of the existence of the defining attributes of a concept (CCN, 2012). Cognitive adaptation is measured by the individual’s feelings of control or mastery over the illness as well as the individual’s positive outlook relating to their illness. One of the tools used to measure optimism is the Life Oriented Test (LOT). It consists of eight items and yields a total score between 0 and 32. An example of a question is: ‘I always look on the bright side of life’. The participants are asked to rate this statement on a 5 point scale, ranging from 0 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The Pearlin and Schooler’s Mastery Scale is used to assess feelings of control over events. Seven items are used to assess global beliefs of perceived control rather than events being controlled by fate. Five items are phrased in a positive way and two items in a negative way. An example of a statement is ‘I have little control over the things that happen to me’. A five point scale is used here also 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Higher points on both scales, indicates a higher level of perceived control or optimism which points to positive adaptation. Conclusion Adaptation is an innate basic function that all humans and organisms must have to overcome different stressors in life. How one adapts is closely related to our coping strategies. Adaptation can be positive which results in human and environmental integration (McEwen Wills, 2011). The nurse’s role in this process is to adapt to the patient’s needs by performing a thorough assessment to be able to provide the tools needed for the individual to positively adjust to complications that they are experiencing. References Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2012). NR 501 Theoretical basis for advanced nursing practice. Concept Analysis: Directions with Scoring Rubric. St Louis, MO: Author Chen, S. F. , Foster, R. L. , Huang, C. Y. (2003). Concept analysis of pain. Tzu Chi Nursing Journal 2:3 Cunningham, D. A. (2005). Adaptation of Roy’s adaptation model when caring for a group of women coping with menopause. Journal of Community Health Nursing 19(1), 49-60 Henselmans, I. , Sanderman, R. , Helgeson, S. V. , de Vries, J. , Smink, A. , Ranchor, A. V. (2010). Personal control over the cure of breast cancer: Adaptiveness, underlying beliefs and correlates. Psycho-Oncology 19: 525-534 Holden, L. M. (2005). Complex adaptive systems: Concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 (6) 651-657 Honoch, L. , Randall, M. P. (2005). Psychological adaptation to disability: Perspectives from chaos and complexity theory. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 17-28 Lorre, G. A. , Schkade, J. K. , Ishee, J. H. (2004). Content validity of the relative mastery measurement scale: A measure of occupational adaptation. Occupational, Participation and Health 24 (3) McEwen, M. , Wills, E. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (3rd ed. . Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health. Merriam-Webster. com. (2013). Adaptation. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/adaptation Stiegelis, H. E. , Hagedoorn, M. , Sanderman, R. , Van der Zee, K. I. , Buunk, B. P. , Van den Bergh, A. C. M. (2003). Cognitive adaptation: A comparison of cancer patients and healthy references. British Journal of Health Psychology 8 303-318 What is Adaptation? (2008) Natu ral Resources Canada. Retrieved from: www. nrcan. gc. ca How to cite Cocept Analysis: Adaptation, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
My Experience with Smoking Essay Example
My Experience with Smoking Essay Can you imagine how life been without smoking Beautiful have not it But you can not appreciate it, until you had been an Ex-smoker. Unfortunately I was smoke Addicted six years and I can not imagine my life is now without smoking. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast my life when I was smoking and after I quit it. When I was been smoking I faced three main problems: First: health problems and it was the worst! I was always sick tired and lazy, so that led me to lose my focus in studying because of the pressure that cigarette made to me and I tend to forget many things when I was a smoker. In addition I faced another problem, it was a social problem a lot of people that they were adoring me; their treatment was changed with me like my parents, cousins and friends who do not smoke. They were always angry of my acting, so that made me so worried and aggressive. Furthermore, money problem; I used to be broke because I spent a lot of money on cigarette. How my life changed after smoking, I cant imagine that I got my freedom back and I am not any longer captive to nicotine, my health now is better than before one hundred percent I can do my exercises regularly without any exhausted, my studying is going to be better and I do not have any problems with my family, they love me and I do too. Right now I am proud of my self and my family is proud of me; they can count on me in many things. We will write a custom essay sample on My Experience with Smoking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My Experience with Smoking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My Experience with Smoking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Am happy now, I smell good fresh air, I spend my money in the right way and I do not spend it any more at silly things like cigarette. In conclusion I am going to tell all nonsmokers never try to smoke, it will coos you a lot of problems. Because with all this evident that I have wrote, there is not any benefit of smoking and for the others who still smoking, you have to quit, its not impossible because when you did not quit it will be show up in your health and your appearance so please you should quit before it is late. .
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